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Programming Assignment#7 Solution

Write a menu-driven application to create and manipulate two bank accounts, checking and savings.
Modify the attached Account class as needed and save as Account7. This class should serve both checking and savings accounts.
You may apply the techniques used in MySkeletonPatterns6 and TestMyPatterns6.
Prompt user to enter account owner, number, initial balance, rate, and withdrawal charge in order to create an account.
Make copies of the classes and Name the first file and name the second
A possible menu might be:

**** Checking Account ****
1 Create a Checking Account
2 Deposit into Checking Account
3 Withdraw from Checking Account

4 Add Interest to Checking Account
5 Display Information of Checking Account

**** Saving Account ****
6 Create a Savings Account
7 Deposit into Savings Account
8 Withdraw from Savings Account
9 Add Interest to Savings Account
10 Display Information of Savings Account

**** All Accounts ****

11 Display totals of original balances, deposits, withdraws, fees, interests, and balances.

0 Quit

One submission per team and one report per team member.

Zip all files of the project and attach via BlazeView. Individual report can be attached individually.

Hints: Use static variables to hold the totals for both accounts

You may store back accounts in an ArrayList

Bonus points for an option to select an account and then manipulate that account without using two separate menus for checking and savings.

Sample output

1 Create a Checking Account

2 Deposit into Checking Account

3 Withdraw from Checking Account

4 Add Interest (if any) to Checking Account

5 Display Checking Account Information

6 Create a Savings Account

7 Deposit into Savings Account

8 Withdraw from Savings Account

9 Add Interest (if any) to Savings Account

10 Display Savings Account Information

11 Display Totals for both accounts

12 Display Menu

0 Quit

Enter your selection: 1

Enter Account's Owner: Smith

Enter Account's Number (long: Digits only): 12345

Enter Account's Rate: 0

Enter Account's withdrawal's fees: 0

Enter Account's initial Balance: 1000

Enter your selection: 2

Enter an amount to deposit into Checking: 20

Enter your selection: 3

Enter an amount to withdraw from Checking: 30


Enter your selection: 4


Enter your selection: 5

Checking Account Summary

Account Owner: Smith

Account Number: 12345

Account RATE: 0%

Account Interest: $0.00

Account Fees: $0.00

Account Balance: $990.00

1 Create a Checking Account

2 Deposit into Checking Account

3 Withdraw from Checking Account

4 Add Interest (if any) to Checking Account

5 Display Checking Account Information

6 Create a Savings Account

7 Deposit into Savings Account

8 Withdraw from Savings Account

9 Add Interest (if any) to Savings Account

10 Display Savings Account Information

11 Display Totals for both accounts

12 Display Menu

0 Quit

Enter your selection: 6

Enter Account's Owner: Jones

Enter Account's Number (long: Digits only): 54321

Enter Account's Rate: 0.04

Enter Account's withdrawal's fees: 2.75

Enter Account's initial Balance: 2000


Enter your selection: 7

Enter an amount to deposit into savings: 70


Enter your selection: 8

Enter an amount to withdraw from savings: 80


Enter your sel6ection: 9

Enter your selection: 10

Savings Account Summary

Account Owner: Jones

Account Number: 54321

Account RATE: 4%

Account Interest: $79.49

Account Fees: $2.75

Account Balance: $2,066.74

Enter your selection: 11

Summary of all Accounts: 3000.00

Total Deposits: 90.00

Total Withdrawals: 110.00

Total Fees 2.75

Total Interests: 79.49

Total Current Balances: 3056.74

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