The goal of this assignment is write predicate functions. A predicate is a function which returns True or False. You will also be asked to practice writing testing functions. You should work
individually on this assignment.
Getting Started
You should start by creating a folder specically for this assignment. Create a README.txt le including three things: your name, the course name, and the name of this assignment. You should also use it answer any questions that may be asked in this assignment along with including any comments that you want the grader to consider when grading your assignment. You should not
include any code in your README.txt le.
Predicate Functions
Following the same process as we did in previous assignments, you will design, implement, and test the following functions. You should start by downloading the provided 2019spring-cs5001-homework03-StarterFiles.sip archive provided on Bottlenose and extract the predicateFunctions.py and predicateFunctionsTest.py les into the folder that you cre-ated specically for this assignment. You should modifying these les.
Testing predicate functions is di
erent than the way we have been writing tests thus far in our assignments in two ways:
The number of possible outcomes for a predicate function is exactly 2 values: True or False. You should write tests for both possibilities.
Test cases usually forgo using the expected value. Instead it uses assertTrue and assertFalse
. assertTrue(expr, msg = None) tests that expr is true, If false, test fails and print msg. Similarly, assertFalse(expr, msg = None) test that expr is false. If true, test fails and print msg.
2.1 Function: xor
In this rst function, we will implement and test a function that implements exclusive or as it was dened in Lab 3. Your function should take two arguments representing the values of x and y in the de
nition, and return True or False appropriately. To thoroughly test this predicate function, you will want to test as many of the possible combinations from the truth table. Hint: to do this, use the boolean expression that was the solution to the last question from Lab 3.
2.2 Function: isNegative
Design, implement, and test a function called
and returns True if the argument is this using a relational operator.2.3 Function: isLeapYear
Design, implement, and test a function called isLeapYear that takes a year as an argument and returns True if the year is a leap year and False otherwise. In order to determine whether the year is a leap year, write a boolean expression that evaluates the year using the following rules:
year is a multiple of 4, but not a multiple of 100, or
year is a multiple of 400
When testing this function, consider using the following: 2000, 2012, 2018, and 2100
Hint: to determine whether x is a multiple of y, use the module (remainder) operator. If x is a multiple of y, then when x is divided by y the remainder is 0.
Submit Files to Bottlenose
Before submitting, be sure that you have added a comment at the top of your source les that
includes your name and the current date. Then create an archive of the folder that you created
for this assignment containing all of the les that you have created and upload this archive to
Bottlenose for grading. When you upload, be sure to check whether there are any auto-graders
that evaluated your code and x any issues pointed out by the auto-graders. Homework 3 Review
will be available immediate after the deadline for this assignment has passed. You will not be
able to resubmit after completing the review