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Lab 4: Shift Registers Solution


Review sequential circuits.

Review shift registers.


Fundamentals of logic gates.

Clocking concepts

Logic modeling in Verilog HDL.



Cascade eight DFFs together as a shift register. Connect the output of the last DFF to the input of the first DFF as a ringer counter. Let the initial value of DFF output after reset be 01010101. Construct the Verilog RTL representation for the logics with verification.


Implement pre-lab1.

Construct a ring counter similar to that of pre-lab1 but the initial value of the DFFs can be set randomly.

Use the idea from pre-lab1. We can do something on the seven-segment display. Assume we have the pattern of E, H, N, T, U for seven-segment display as shown below. Try to implement the scrolling pre-stored pattern NTHUEE with the four seven-segment displays.

(Bonus) Display 1010 in the seven-segment display. Use the DIP switch (one bit to indicate left/right shift, three bits with one hot to display the kind of shift operation) as the control input to implement the functional/arithmetic/barrel shifter. Use one push button to control the display of the number before/after the shift operation.


© Ma, Hsi-Pin, Lab for Reliable Computing (LaRC), EE, NTHU. Spring, 2018

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