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Data Structures Assignment 2: Bags Solution

Problem 1 (30 points): Bag Client: Write a client class ConsonantsFilter that filters out all consonants from a bag containing letters. To accomplish this:

Create three bags that hold strings. One bag is named letters and contains several one-letter strings. Another bag is named vowels and contain five strings, one for each vowel. The third bag is empty and is named consonants.

One at a time

Remove a string from the bag letters.

Check whether the string is in the bag vowels. Hint: look for an appropriate method in BagInterface that you can use.

If it is not, place it into the bag consonants.

After you have checked all of the strings in the bag letters, report the number of consonants in the bag.

Problem 2 (30 points): Bag Implementation: In mathematics, the concepts of bags and sets are closely related. The difference is that bags allow duplicate items, while a set does not. An operation that removes the duplicates from a bag would be helpful if one wished to implement a set. Write a method in the ArrayBag class that removes the dublicates of all items in a bag:

public void removeDuplicates() {...}

Write also a client class TestArrayBag to test the removeDublicates() method.

Hints for possible solutions of Problem 2:

Variant 1:

In order to remove the duplicates from the bag you can use a pair of nested loops. Both loops scan the bag array (an instance variable in the ArrayBag class):

Write an outer loop to visit the position of each item in the array bag.

The inner loop shall remove the duplicates that come after the currently considered element. You can use a while loop to scan over the remaining items in the array: if the index of the current element is ‘i’, remove the duplicates from position ‘i+1’ to the last element saved in the array.

To remove an item, use the same technique we used for the modification of the remove() method:

Copy the last item over the item to be removed.

Replace the last item with null.
Variant 2:

Use a second array (e.g. bag2), where you copy only the elements from the bag array that do not appear already there.

Here is a scheleton of the method:

public void removeAllDuplicates() {


T[] bag2 = (T[]) new Object[numberOfEntries];

int sizeBag2 = 0;

// unchecked cast

// number of elements in bag2

First loop: visit each element of the array bag

Inner loop: check if the current item from bag is already in the second array, bag2,
and if not, store it in bag2


Save back the elements of bag2 in the original array (instance variable) bag


What to turn in: The classes,, and

Important Note: Differently from the labs, the assignments are strictly individual. You are not allowed to use somebody’s code, or to present code found on the Web. The assignments which do not comply with these constraints will get zero points (both sides).

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