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Homework #3: Binary Classification Solution

1.  [15  points] Binary  Classifiers


(a)  In order  to use a linear  regression  model for binary  classification,  how do we map  the regression output w x to the class labels y ∈ {−1, 1}?

Your answer:










(b)  In logistic regression, the activation function  g(a) =     1       is called sigmoid.  Then  how do we map the sigmoid output g(w x) to binary  class labels y ∈ {−1, 1}?

Your answer:










(c)  Is it possible to write the derivative  of the sigmoid function g w.r.t a, i.e.   ∂g , as a simple

function  of itself g? If so, how?

Your answer:










(d)  Assume quadratic loss is used in the logistic regression together  with the sigmoid func- tion.  Then  the program  becomes:


min f (w) :=


1 X  



yi − g(w xi )



where y ∈ {0, 1}. To solve it by gradient descent, what would be the w update  equation?

Your answer:










(e)  Assume y ∈ {−1, 1}. Consider  the following program  for logistic regression:

min f (w) := X log   1 + exp(   y(i)wT φ(x(i)))   .




The above program  for binary  classification  makes an assumption on the samples/data points.  What  is the assumption?

Your answer:















































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