You need to have the Ply lexer/parser generator installed for
your Python. translate.py will not run without it.
Representations for formulas in the predicate logic
This contains the parser and the translation from English
to the predicate logic.
It reads a file with English sentences, and does the translation,
and outputs the formulas to the display as well as to a file
in the TPTP format.
If the file contains a line ==============, then what is output
to the TPTP formatted file is for a logical consequence test
of the formula after that line from the formulas before
the line.
For this logical consequence test translate.py includes
a collection of formulas about family relations,
defining concepts such as mother, father, grandparent,
and expressing relations between these concepts.
These are necessary for many of the inferences in the
sample files given.
translate.py implements a couple of grammar rules that were
not given in the lecture material, e.g. adjectives and
the genitives "mother of John" and "John's mother".
Read and understand these rules. Their implementation,
including the semantics, is similar to the other rules.
If you are interested, you can find lots of predicate logic
example at https://www.tptp.org/, including all kind of
mathematical problems, puzzles, et cetera.
This is a Linux binary for the GKC automated theorem prover
for the predicate logic. It has been downloaded from
If you want to run gkc under Windows or Mac, you can find
the binaries at
One option is to log in to the Aalto Linux computers and
run gkc there if difficulties with Windows or Mac binaries
This is a Perl script that calls ./gkc and only outputs
the most interesting information, namely, whether the formulas
are unsatisfiable / whether logical consequence holds, and
what is the runtime.
English sentences to test the translation
You can try these by writing something like
python3.8 translate.py TEXT1
The output will show the translations of all the English
sentences in TEXT1 in the predicate logic. Notice that
the implication connective -> has been reduced to NOT and OR,
by the equivalence (A -> B) = (NOT A) V B, so some formulas
might not look exactly what you would expect.
Inferences to be performed from given premises to a conclusion,
expressed in sentences in English.
You can try these by first writing something like
python3.8 translate.py CONSEQUENCE1 CONS1.TPTP
and then feeding CONS1.TPTP to GKC:
./gkc CONS1.TPTP
See instructions below to understand the TPTP syntax
and the output from GKC.
The four files INFERENCE{1,2,3,4}.template contain inferences
that are not valid in the sense that the conclusion does not
logically follow from the assumptions. Your task is to come
up with an additional assumption.
Look at the variable 'familyrelations' in translate.py for
the background theory on concepts related to family relations.
These are always included in the inferences (see the TPTP output
produced by translate.py).
Specific type of things that are NOT automatically assumed include
- whether two different names refer to two different persons,
- whether somebody is male or female (e.g. we do not know if
somebody called "John" is female or male.)
As a simple example, the inference
John is Jane's parent.
John is Jane's father.
is not logically correct because we do not know if John is male.
In this case you could add the assumption "John is a male."
The resulting inference
John is Jane's parent.
John is a male.
John is Jane's father.
is correct, and gkc would confirm the logical consequence holds.
Note that the following ARE NOT solutions to the exercise:
1. Adding the conclusion as an assumption above the line.
2. Adding something that makes the assumptions inconsistent.
Both of these make the logical consequence hold, but obviously
would not be a genuine solution to the problem.
1. Read and understand translate.py to get an idea what is going
on. Try the examples CONSEQUENCE{1,2,3,...} by translating
them to predicate logic formulas in the TPTP syntax, and
solve them with gkc/GKC.
python3 translate.py CONSEQUENCE1 CONSEQ1.TPTP
1. Copy each INFERENCE{1,2,3,4}.template to INFERENCE{1,2,3,4}.
2. Find the missing assumptions to INFERENCE{1,2,3,4} and
test with GKC that the logical consequence now holds.
3. Copy the added assumptions to the file ADDITIONAL. The format
of this file is
1,"John is a male."
2,"John is a male."
3,"John is a male."
4,"John is a male."
Be careful with the syntax. Sentences must end in a full stop,
and the sentences must conform to the English grammar given
in translate.py. See examples in CONSEQUENCES{1,2,3,...}.
4. Submit your solution in A+.
A file in the TPTP format consists formulas such as
fof(formula25,axiom, (? [X] : (mother(X,john) & sleeps(X)))).
fof(formula26,axiom, (? [X] : (mother(X,john) & sees(X,john)))).
fof(formula29,axiom, (~ (john = jack))).
In the first of these three,
"formula25" is the name of the formula,
"axiom" means that the formula is taken as is, and
? [X] : (mother(X,john) & sleeps(X)) is the formula itself.
The syntax for connectives and quantifiers in TPTP is as follows:
"? [X] :" denotes existential quantification of the variable X
"! [X] :" denotes universal quantification of the variable X
& denotes conjunction
| denotes disjunction
~ denotes negation
Identifiers in lower case are constant, function and predicate
Identifiers in upper case are variables.
Instead of "axiom", a formula can be a "conjecture", which means
that will be negated, and the satisfiability test the theorem prover
performs is a logical consequence test of axioms |= conjecture.
If a proof is found, then the logical consequence holds.
If the set is satisfiable, then the logical consequence does not hold.
If the result is inconclusive, then we don't know.
DOWNLOAD GKC: https://github.com/tammet/gkc/releases
GKC takes the name of a TPTP formatted file in the command line.
translate.py produces such files (by default called OUTPUT.TPTP).
If the formula is satisfiable (or logical consequence does not hold)
GKC either runs for a long time (or forever) or says "proof not found".
Otherwise the program says "proof found" and outputs a resolution refutation
(which is usually long and not really readable unless you are an expert in
predicate logic theorem proving.)
With the given examples, GKC determines logical consequence (unsatisfiability)
very quickly, usually in a second. If you experiment with other sets of
formulas that are satisfiable, the runs may take long, several minutes
or more. This is a symptom of the semi-decidability of the predicate
logic: there is no general effective termination condition for
predicate logic theorem-proving. Under some rather strict restrictions
on the types and nesting of quantification and the use of function
symbols, the predicate logic is decidable (termination of the inference
algorithms is guaranteed), but it is still not nearly as well
scalable as the propositional logic (in applications in which either
could be used.)