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Homework #1 Solution

Question 1:

Convert the following numbers to their decimal representation:

100110112 =

11011012 =

3A816 =

22145 =

Question 2:

Convert the following numbers to their binary representation:

6910 =


6D1A16 =

Question 3:

Write a program that asks for the user’s name and prints a personalized welcome message for him.

For example, an execution could look like:

Please enter you name:


Hi Mike, Welcome to CS-­‐UY 1114

Question 4:

Textbook P.80, Q4:

The U.S. Cencus provides information on its web page ( about the current U.S. population as well as approximate rates of change. Three rates of change are provided:

-­‐ There is a birth every 7 seconds.

-­‐ There is a death every 13 seconds.

-­‐ There is a new immigrant every 35 seconds.

These are obviously approximations of birth, death, and immigration rates, but they can assist in providing population estimates in the near term.

Write a program that takes years as input (as a integer) and prints out an estimated population (as an integer). Assume that the current population is 307,357,870, and assume that there are exactly 365 days in a year. Hint: Note that the rate units are in seconds.

Submission instructions:

You should submit your homework in the NYU Classes system.

For this assignment you should turn in 3 files:

A ‘.pdf‘ file with the base conversions (For questions 1 and 2). Make sure to include the conversion calculations, not just the final answer.

Two ‘.py’ files, one containing a script for question 3 and the other for question4. Name your files ‘’ and ‘’ respectively.

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