Starting from:


Final Project Solution

There are two final project presentations, and you and your group should plan to attend exactly one of them.  The first is December 4th from 2-5pm.  The second is December

14th from 2-4pm.  We highly recommend  attending  the first.  As your project  writeup is due on December 5th, you will not be graded on any work done after this date.  The first date  will include colleagues from across the university  who will discuss your work with you. Please invite your department to this first session. Both will be in Gross Hall

3rd floor (Winter  Garden).



1    Pro ject poster



If you are presenting  your poster at the main poster session (highly recommended)  on

December 4th, 2018 from 2-5pm in Gross Hall 3rd floor (Winter  Garden):


• The poster template  should be 36 × 42 (It does not matter which orientation  they are, as long as one side is 36 inches and the other is 42)


–  See, 42” high templates for a Pow- erPoint template

–  See for Beamer LATEXtemplates

(ensure they are 36 × 42)


• Name your poster  <netid poster.pdf for the member of your group that  will act as contact  if there are problems with the PDF


• At the top of your poster,  clearly put  the title  of the project  and the names and

NetIDs of every member of your group


• Your poster  should minimally have a motivation  panel, a data  panel, a methods panel, and a results panel (the largest of the panels by far)


• Images and figures play a big role in explaining approaches  and results.  Both in the poster and paper, think carefully about what figures will guide your discussion


• Convert this poster  to a PDF  and carefully look over the PDF  to ensure that  it has all of your images and equations  on it


• Upload a single PDF  poster per group to the dropbox on Sakai on Monday 12/2 before 5pm (the  earlier the better). There is a limit on the size of files that  can be uploaded to Sakai, so pay attention to this when you are uploading.


• Send us an email ( when you have uploaded your poster and you are ready to have it printed.  Include in the email the name of the poster.


• If the PDF  of the poster goes up to Sakai later than 5pm on Monday 12/2,  it will be your responsibility (both logistically and financially) to get it printed

Some departments and groups (e.g., CBB) have in-house free poster printing.  If you have the ability to do this, see if you can plan for this (and you might be able to get it printed  later than  the class deadline)


At the poster session on Wednesday,  Dec 4th from 2-5pm:


• We will set up your poster for you


• You should show up at 2pm and expect to stay until 5pm, as a group


• If you or any member of your group cannot be there the whole time (this is fine), please send us an email so we can make sure we have an opportunity to talk with everyone (


• Bring along at least five 8.5 × 11 (normal  paper sized) miniature-sized  printouts of your poster (they don’t need to be color) – the TAs and the professor will pick these up to remember the work and the presentation


• You will not be graded  on your poster;  however, your grade will depend  on the ability of each member of the group to explain parts of the project to the professor and TAs



2    Pro ject write-up



• The project  write-up  should be in the format described by the template  on the course website


• All write ups are due on Thursday,  Dec 5th by 5pm on Sakai, regardless of when you are  presenting  at the poster  session.  There  are no late days for the project write ups


• The write up should be four pages long, not counting bibliography


• Please  write  the  name,  department, and  NetIDs  of each of the  group members clearly on the top of the writeup


• The write up should consist minimally of the following sections


–  Abstract

–  Introduction/Motivation (may include related  work section)

–  Models and Methods

–  Results (including comparisons and validation)

–  Conclusions

–  Bibliography (not included in four page limit, so cite often)


3    Final exam (CS students  taking this course for

AI/ML credit only)



• Please show up to one of the two poster sessions (ideally the first one)


• We will administer  the final exam during the first hour or so of the poster session


• For the remaining  time in the poster  session, you can stand  by your poster  and talk to people about  your project work


• The TAs and professor are aware you are taking the final, so they will make sure they come and talk to you about  your poster and project after you have finished with the final

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