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Exercise #8 Solution

More recursion examples... YAY!!!

In a le called, complete the following functions. All functions must be recursive, and only the Easy version of each function will be marked. (The Hard versions are just for fun).

edit distance(s1, s2):

The edit distance of two strings is de ned as: The minimum number of single character changes that would be needed to turn s1 into s2.

Easy: assume that s1 and s2 are the same length, and the only character changes available are replacing one character with another.

Hard: assume s1 and s2 may be di erent lengths, and we can also add and delete characters.

subsequence(s1, s2):

s1 is a subsequence of s2 i s2 can be made equal to s1 by removing 0 or more of its characters. Example:

subsequence('dog','XYZdABCo123g!!!') should return True.

Easy: Return True i s1 is a subsequence of s2.

Hard: Return a list of integers representing the characters of s2 that must be deleted to turn it into s1.


Easy: Given a string s, return a set of all possible permutations of the letters in s.

Hard: Assuming that s is a string of 0s and 1s, return a list of the permutations ordered such that they form a Gray Code (a sequence of binary numbers such that each successive pair of numbers di er by exactly 1 bit).


Submit your le containing all three functions to MarkUs. Remember that Only the Easy versions will be marked. If you wish to submit the Harder versions, ensure that they have di erent function names (or else the auto-marker will mark them as incorrect).


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