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HOMEWORK 8 Solution

1. Spatial Hashing. In class, we discussed how to speed up the identification of particle-particle interac- tions like collision by discretizing the entire domain into a series of rectangular bins. In this problem, you’ll construct your own approach to mapping particle data onto a 2D grid. The linear-indexing and spatial conventions we’ll use are illustrated in Figure 1.



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Figure 1: The location of each particle (blue dot) and bin-average location (red x) as calculated on a

4 × 4 grid, with xmax = ymax = 1 and h = 0.25. The following calculations assume bin numbering starts in the upper-left corner, proceeds first by column, and that the lower-left corner of the grid corresponds to (0, 0)


(a) Begin by defining two [1xN] vectors with uniformly distributed random values to represent the x and y position of each particle. Set the size of your grid with variables xmax and ymax . You’re free to scale and/or shift the particles to fall in any region of your domain, but you must choose your limit variables such that 0 < xk  < xmax and 0 < yk < ymax for k = 1, 2, . . . , N .

(b) Next, begin partitioning the grid. Specify the minimum cell dimension, h, that will be used along with xmax and ymax to generate the integer number of bins in both the x- and y-directions, NX and NY , respectively. Depending on your choice of h, the actual bin dimensions, ∆x and ∆y, may be larger than requested (remember, the value h controls the minimum width and height).

(c) Construct a vector with the same size as x and y to hold the bin number of each particle. For every particle k with x-position xk  and y-position yk , the linearly-indexed bin number can be calculated



binNumk =


∆x  − 1



NY  +


  ymax − yk  




for k = 1, 2, ..., N          (1)


where d...e indicates rounding the bracketed quantity up to the nearest integer.  Using the bin numbers to classify points, calculate the average (x, y) position of the particles in each bin for bins 1, 2, ..., NX  × NY .

(d) Construct a single plot that displays both the location of each particle and the location of each bin average as unconnected markers.   You can plot the bin dividing lines as a visual check of your algorithm by first calling grid on  and then changing the interval spacing (e.g., xticks(0:dx:xMax)).   Finally, display the particle ID’s contained within each bin to the command window using exactly the formatting shown below (obtained using N  = 50 and rng('default')):


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Bin 16:   4  10   18   19   24


where we interpret the output as particle 11, described by x(11) and y(11), falls into Bin 1, and so on. Test your code by generating results for both a relatively sparse data set, e.g., N = 20, and dense data set, e.g., N  = 200.  In cases where a bin holds no particles, no average point should appear on the plot and '[]' should be printed as part of the command window output.

(e) How does your code classify a point xk  = 0, yk = ymax ? What bin should this particle logically be assigned to, and (in words or pseudocode only) how could you modify your algorithm to catch cases like these?  Suppose each of these particles has a maximum interaction radius of h (i.e., each particle only cares about other particles if their separation distance is ≤ h).  How many bins filled with particles do you need to check to identify all particles within distance h of a particle located in Bin 1?


Note:  Although you’re encouraged to adjust the partitioning values and data set to get a feel for how spatial hashing works, please submit your code with N  = 20, h = 0.25, and values uniformly distributed on a xmax = ymax = 1 grid.


2. Newton’s Method. A zero-finding method of great interest is Newton’s method. It uses both the value of the function and its derivative at each step. Suppose f and its derivative are defined at xc, where “c” denotes current. The tangent line to f at xc  has a zero at x+ = xc − f (xc)/f 0(xc) assuming that f 0(xc) = 0. Newton’s method for finding a zero of the function f is based on the repeated use of this formula. Complete the following function so that it performs as specified.


function [xc, fEvals] =  Newton(f, x0, delta, fEvalMax)

%   f is a HANDLE  to a continuous function,  f(x),  of a single variable.

%   x0   is  an initial guess to a root of f.

%   delta is a positive real number.

%   fEvalsMax is  a positive integer =  2  that indicates the maximum

%   number  of f-evaluations  allowed.


%   Newton's  method  is  repeatedly applied until  the current iterate,  xc,

%   has the property that  |f(xc)|  <=  delta.  If  that is  not the case

%   after fEvalsMax function evaluations,  then xc is  the current iterate.


%   This routine  computes the derivative of f at each iterate xc  by

%   using a central  difference  approximation with small perturbation  size.


%   fEvals is the  number of f-evaluations required to obtain xc.


Instead of evaluating the derivative of the function, f , analytically, you should use a central difference approximation


df f 0(x) =


f (x + h)  − f (x − h)

'   2h




where the perturbation size, h, is 10−6.  Verify that your routine works by finding and reporting the zeros of


f (x) = 816x3 − 3835x2 + 6000x − 3125                                         (3) Write a script to call your function with different values of x0  in the range 1.43 ≤ x0   ≤ 1.71 in

increments of 0.01. Generate command window output by printing results for each x0  iteration using exactly the formatting shown below (values for illustration only).


x0   =  1.43, evals =    5,  xc =  1.471234 x0   =  1.44, evals =    6,  xc =  1.471234



x0   =  1.71, evals =    5,  xc =  1.661234


You may find it helpful to plot the behavior of this function in the range 1.43 ≤ x0  ≤ 1.71 before getting started. Discuss the effect of delta on the zeros returned by your function and the number of evaluations required. Using what you know about how Newton’s method finds roots, explain the behavior of the values printed in your table when x0  is in the range 1.61 ≤ x0  ≤ 1.62.

Using the naming convention presented in the syllabus, submit two separate files to the CCLE course web- site: (1) a .pdf of your written report and (2) a .zip file containing all of the MAT L A B files written for the assignment.  Remember to use good coding practices by keeping your code organized, choosing suitable variable names, and commenting where applicable. Any of your MAT L A B  .m files should contain a few comment lines at the top to provide the name of the script, a brief description of the function of the script, and your name and UID.