Starting from:


Homework #1 Solution


In this assignment, you will write a command line utility to perform certain

Transformations on audio files encoded in Sun audio (`.au`) format.

The goal of this homework is to familiarize yourself with C programming,

with a focus on input/output, strings in C, bitwise manipulations,

and the use of pointers.

You **MUST** write your helper functions in a file separate from `main.c`. The

`main.c` file **MUST ONLY** contain `#include`s, local `#define`s and the `main`

function. This is the only requirement for project structure. Beyond this, you

may have as many or as few additional `.c` files in the `src` directory as you

wish. Also, you may declare as many or as few headers as you wish. In this

document, we use `hw1.c` as our example file containing helper functions.

:scream: Array indexing (**'A[]'**) is not allowed in this assignment. You

**MUST USE** pointer arithmetic instead. All necessary arrays are declared in

the `const.h` header file. You **MUST USE** these arrays. **DO NOT** create

your own arrays. We **WILL** check for this.

# Getting Started

Fetch base code for `hw1` as described in `hw0`. You can find it at this link:


Both repos will probably have a file named `.gitlab-ci.yml` with different contents.

Simply merging these files will cause a merge conflict. To avoid this, we will

merge the repos using a flag so that the `.gitlab-ci.yml` found in the `hw1`

repo will be the file that is preserved.

To merge, use this command:


git merge -m "Merging HW1_CODE" HW1_CODE/master --strategy-option=theirs


Here is the structure of the base code:



├── include

│   ├── audio.h

│   ├── const.h

│   ├── debug.h

│   ├── hw1.h

│   └── myrand.h

├── Makefile

├── rsrc

│   ├──

│   ├──

│   ├──

│   ├──

│   ├──

│   └──

├── src

│   ├── hw1.c

│   ├── main.c

│   └── myrand.c

└── tests

└── hw1_tests.c


:nerd: Reference for pointers: [](

:nerd: Reference for command line arguments: [](

**Note**: All commands from here on are assumed to be run from the `hw1` directory.

## A Note about Program Output

What a program does and does not print is VERY important.

In the UNIX world stringing together programs with piping and scripting is

commonplace. Although combining programs in this way is extremely powerful, it

means that each program must not print extraneous output. For example, you would

expect `ls` to output a list of files in a directory and nothing else.

Similarly, your program must follow the specifications for normal operation.

One part of our grading of this assignment will be to check whether your program

produces EXACTLY the specified output. If your program produces output that deviates

from the specifications, even in a minor way, or if it produces extraneous output

that was not part of the specifications, it will adversely impact your grade

in a significant way, so pay close attention.

**Use the debug macro `debug` (described in the 320 reference document in the

Piazza resources section) for any other program output or messages you many need

while coding (e.g. debugging output).**

# Part 1: Program Operation and Argument Validation

In this part, you will write a function to validate the arguments passed to your

program via the command line. Your program will support the following flags:

- If no flags are provided, you will display the usage and return with an

`EXIT_FAILURE` return code

- If the `-h` flag is provided, you will display the usage for the program and

exit with an `EXIT_SUCCESS` return code.

- If the `-u` flag is provided, you will perform "speed-up" conversion

(aka "downsampling" or "decimation"); reading audio data from `stdin`

and writing audio data to `stdout`.

- If the `-d` flag is provided, you will perform "slow_down" conversion

(aka "upsampling" or "interpolation"); reading audio data from `stdin`

and writing audio data to `stdout`.

- If the `-c` flag is provided, you will perform "crypt" conversion;

reading audio data from `stdin` and writing audio data to `stdout`.

If the `-h` flag is *not* specified, then exactly one of `-u`, `-d`, or `-c`

must be specified.

:nerd: `EXIT_SUCCESS` and `EXIT_FAILURE` are macros defined in `<stdlib.h` which

represent success and failure return codes respectively.

:nerd: `stdin`, `stdout`, and `stderr` are special files that are opened upon

execution for all programs and do not need to be reopened.

Some of these operations will also need other command line arguments which are

described in each part of the assignment. The three usages for this program are:


Usage: bin/audible -h [any other number or type of arguments]

-h Help: displays this help menu

Usage: bin/audible -u|-d [-f FACTOR] [-p]

-u Speed Up: increase playback speed by deleting samples

-d Slow Down: decreate playback speed by inserting interpolated samples

Optional additional parameters:

-f FACTOR is an integer factor for speed up or slow down

-p Preserve input annotation without modification.

Usage: bin/audible -c [-k KEY] [-p]

-c "(En/De)Crypt" the audio samples, using secret key KEY

Required additional parameter:

-k KEY is a secret key

Optional additional parameter:

-p Preserve input annotation without modification.


A valid invocation of the program implies that the following hold about

the command-line arguments:

- All positional arguments (`-h|-u|-d|-c`) come before any optional

arguments (`-f`, `-k`, and `-p`). The optional arguments may come in any order

after the positional ones.

- If the `-h` flag is provided, it is the first positional argument after

the program name.

- If an option requires a parameter, the corresponding parameter must be provided

(e.g. `-f` must always be followed by a FACTOR specification).

- If `-f` is given, the FACTOR argument will be given as a decimal integer in

the range [1, 1024].

- If `-k` is given, the KEY argument must be a hexadecimal integer with at most 8

digits. Either upper-case letters (`'A'`-`'F'`) or lower-case letters (`'a'`-`'f'`)

for the digits beyond 9.

:scream: You may use only "raw" `argc` and `argv` for argument parsing and

validation. Using any libraries that parse command line arguments (e.g.

`getopt`) is prohibited.

:scream: Any libraries that help you parse strings are prohibited as well

(`string.h`, `ctype.h`, etc). *This is intentional and will help you

practice parsing strings and manipulate pointers.*

:scream: You **MAY NOT** use dynamic memory allocation in this assignment

(i.e. `malloc`, `realloc`, `calloc`, `mmap`, etc)

For example, the following are a subset of the possible valid argument


- `$ bin/audible -h ...`

- `$ bin/audible -u -f 2`

- `$ bin/audible -c -k DeadBeef`

Some examples of invalid combinations would be:

- `$ bin/audible -u -d -f 3`

- `$ bin/audible -f 3 -u`

- `$ bin/audible -c -k DeadBeef -f 3`

:scream: The `...` means that all arguments, if any, are to be ignored; e.g.

the usage `bin/audible -h -x -y D00D000 -z` is equivalent to `bin/audible -h`

**NOTE:** The `make` command compiles the `audible` executable into the `bin` folder.

Assume all commands in this doc are run from from the `hw1` directory of your


### **Required** Validate Arguments Function

In `const.h`, you will find the following function prototype (function

declaration) already declared for you. You **MUST** implement this function

as part of the assignment.



* @brief Validates command line arguments passed to the program.

* @details This function will validate all the arguments passed to the

* program, returning 1 if validation succeeds and 0 if validation fails.

* Upon successful return, the selected program options will be set in the

* global variable "global_options", where they will be accessible

* elsewhere in the program.


* @param argc The number of arguments passed to the program from the CLI.

* @param argv The argument strings passed to the program from the CLI.

* @return 1 if validation succeeds and 0 if validation fails.

* Refer to the homework document for the effects of this function on

* global variables.

* @modifies global variable "global_options" to contain a bitmap representing

* the selected options.


int validargs(int argc, char **argv);


:scream: This function must be implemented as specified as it will be tested

and graded independently. **It should always return -- the USAGE macro should

never be called from validargs.**

The `validargs` function should return 0 if there is any form of failure.

This includes, but is not limited to:

- Invalid number of arguments (too few or too many)

- Invalid ordering of arguments

- A missing parameter to an option that requires one (e.g. `-c` with no

KEY specification).

- Invalid `FACTOR` (if one is specified). A `FACTOR` is invalid if it

contains characters other than the digits ('0'-'9), or if it denotes a

value not in the range [1, 1024].

- Invalid `KEY` (if one is specified). A `KEY` is invalid if it is more than

eight characters long or if it contains characters other than digits in

the range '0' - '9', lower-case letters in the range `a` - `f`, or upper-case

letters in the range `A` - `F`

The `global_options` variable of type `unsigned long` is used to record the mode

of operation (i.e. speed up/slow down/crypt) of the program, as well as any

selected factor and secret key. This is done as follows:

- If the `-h` flag is specified, the most significant bit (bit 63) is 1.

- The second-most-significant bit (bit 62) is 1 if `-u` is passed

(i.e. the user wants speed-up mode).

- The third-most-significant bit (bit 61) is 1 if `-d` is passed

(i.e. the user wants slow-down mode).

- The fourth-most-significant bit (bit 60) is 1 if `-c` is passed

(i.e. the user wants crypt mode).

- The fifth-most-significant bit (bit 59) is 1 if `-p` is passed

(i.e. the user wants annotations left unmodified).

- If the `-f` option was specified, then the factor (minus one) is recorded

in the seventh- through sixteenth-most-significant bits (bits 57 - 48)

If the `-f` option was not specified, then these bits of `global_options`

should all be zero (i.e. the default factor is 1).

- If the `-k` option was specified, then the secret key is recorded in the

thirty-two least-significant bits (bits 31 - 0).

If the `-k` option was not specified, then these bits of `global_options`

should all be zero.

If `validargs` returns 0 indicating failure, your program must call

`USAGE(program_name, return_code)` and return `EXIT_FAILURE`.

**Once again, `validargs` must always return, and therefore it must not

call the `USAGE(program_name, return_code)` macro itself.

That should be done in `main`.**

If `validargs` sets the most-significant bit of `global_options` to 1

(i.e. the `-h` flag was passed), your program must call `USAGE(program_name,

return_code)` and return `EXIT_SUCCESS`.

:nerd: The `USAGE(program_name, return_code)` macro is already defined for you

in `const.h`.

If validargs returns 1, then your program must read audio data from `stdin`,

transforming it as specified by the value of `global_options`, and writing the

result to `stdout`. Upon successful completion, your program should exit

with exit status `EXIT_SUCCESS`; otherwise, in case of an error it should

exit with exit status `EXIT_FAILURE`.

If `-f` is provided, you must check to confirm that the specified factor

is valid.

If `-k` is provided, you must check that the specified key is valid.

:nerd: Remember `EXIT_SUCCESS` and `EXIT_FAILURE` are defined in `<stdlib.h`.

Also note, `EXIT_SUCCESS` is 0 and `EXIT_FAILURE` is 1.

:nerd: We suggest that you create functions for each of the operations defined

in this document. Writing modular code will help you isolate and fix


### Sample validargs Execution

The following are examples of `global_options` settings for given inputs.

Each input is a bash command that can be used to run the program.

In the examples, all don't care bits (bits 3-11, where the least significant

bit is numbered 0 and the most significant bit is numbered 31) have been set to 0.

- Input: `bin/audible -h`. Setting: 0x8000000000000000 (`help` bit is set.

All other bits are don't cares.)

- Input: `bin/audible -u`. Setting: 0x4000000000000000 (`speed up` bit is set;

`factor` bits are zero, representing `factor=1`).

- Input: `bin/audible -d -f 2`. Setting: 0x2001000000000000 (`slow down` bit is set;

`factor` bits are 0x001, representing `factor=2`).

- Input: `bin/audible -c -k 5b5b5b5b`. Setting: 0x100000005B5B5B5B (`crypt` bit is set;

`key` bits are 0x5b5b5b5b).

- Input: `bin/audible -k 0 -c`. Setting: 0x0. This is an error

case because the specified argument ordering is invalid (`-k` is before `-c`).

In this case `validargs` returns 0, leaving `global_options` unset.

# Part 2: Digital Audio and the Sun Audio File Format

## Digital Audio

To understand the Sun audio file format and the transformations you

are to implement, you need to have some basic knowledge of how audio

is represented in digital form. An analog audio signal is a continuous

*waveform*; *i.e.* a continuous function that maps

each point in an interval of real time to an instantaneous

*amplitude* which is a real number. In order to represent

such a signal digitally, the interval of time is replaced by

a equally spaced sequence of *sampling points*,

and the audio signal is approximated by giving a *sample* of

its amplitude at each of the sampling points. The original real

amplitude itself is digitized, and gets replaced by a value that can be

represented in a finite number of bits.

This sampling scheme is called *pulse-code modulation*, or PCM.

Typically, digital audio data will have multiple *channels*;

*e.g.* audio intended for stereo system will have two channels:

one for each speaker. As the channels are independent, each channel

requires its own individual sample at each sampling point.

The collection of all the samples, one for each channel, at a particular

sampling point, is called a *frame*. The number of frames per unit

time is called the *frame rate*. For example, CD-quality audio signals

have a frame rate of 44,100 frames per second (44.1KHz).

Each sample is represented by 16 bits, and there are two samples per frame,

representing the amplitude of the left and right channels of a stereo signal.

Thus, each frame in a CD-quality audio signal consists of a total

of four bytes (32 bits) of data (only the amplitudes need be

represented explicitly, because the time interval between the samples

is always the same). It would thus require (10)(44,100)(4) = 1,764,000 bytes

to represent a 10-second clip of such a signal.

When digital audio signals are played, either on the computer or

on a stereo system, the digital data is read from the storage medium

and fed on demand to the audio output device. At regularly spaced

intervals corresponding to the frame rate of the signal, the audio

output device takes each frame and presents the samples to

*digital-to-analog converters*, one for each output channel,

which convert the digital amplitude samples into voltage levels

on output wires. These voltage levels are then amplified and used

to drive speakers. Since each sample determines the output voltage

on one channel over an entire sampling interval whose duration is

the reciprocal of the sampling rate (1/44,100Hz = 22.68 microseconds

for CD audio), if you were to look closely, say, using an oscilloscope,

at the shape of the final waveform coming out of a digital audio

system, you would see that it is not smooth but has a "step" shape

(see figure below, which shows two cycles of a sine wave that has

been sampled at a rate of 10 samples per cycle).

However, these steps occur rapidly enough that your ear cannot

tell the difference between this signal and a smoothly varying one.

<img src="sampled_sine_wave.png"

In the digital representation of audio signals, there are several

parameters that can be changed according to the intended application

and details of the computer system on which the signals will be

processed. The most basic parameter is the frame rate.

A higher frame rate yields a higher-quality representation of the

audio signal, but requires a larger number of bytes to represent

the signal. In general, the highest frequency that can be represented

by a digital audio signal is equal to one-half the frame rate

(this is called the <emNyquist frequency</em).

For example, CD audio with a frame rate of 44,100Hz can represent

audio frequencies up to 22,050Hz. This is a higher frequency than

your ear can detect, so when played back the original sound is

accurately reproduced as far as your ear is concerned.

On the other hand, for other applications like telephony for which

high-fidelity reproduction is not as important, lower frame rates

are used. For example, 8000Hz is a common choice for voice signals,

because the Nyquist frequency of 4000Hz is high enough to cover

the voice frequencies that are necessary for speech understanding.

Another important parameter in the representation of digital

audio signals is the number of bits per sample.

Once again, there is a tradeoff between the fidelity of the

representation and the amount of data required.

As mentioned above, CD-quality audio uses 16 bits (or two bytes)

per sample. These 16 bits are used to represent

(using two's complement encoding) a signed amplitude in the

range [-32768, 32767]. This is enough that

it is generally hard for your ear to detect the fact that the

signal does not have a smoothly varying amplitude but rather

"jumps" from one discrete value to the next.

For applications that are not as demanding, 8-bit (one byte)

samples are sometimes used.

For multi-byte samples, a choice exists as to the order in

which the individual bytes in a sample appear in the data stream.

If the bytes of a sample occur starting with the the least significant

byte and ending with the most significant byte the representation is

said to be *little-endian*.

The opposite ordering is said to be *big-endian*.

These two choices do not affect the fidelity of the represented

signal -- they are more or less arbitrary variations that have to do

with the way the designers of a particular computer system chose

to store multi-byte quantities in memory.

One other variation in the way audio signals are represented digitally

is the way in which samples are encoded in a fixed number of bits.

The particular encoding scheme used in CD audio is called

*linear* encoding, or more precisely, *signed linear* encoding.

In *unsigned linear* encoding, the bits in a sample

are used to represent an *unsigned* amplitude, rather than a

signed amplitude. In this case, a 16-bit sample would represent an

amplitude in the range [0, 65535] instead of [-32768, 32767].

Although the choice between signed and unsigned encoding affects

the details of signal processing algorithms, it does not affect

the fidelity of the signal that is ultimately played back, because

the "DC level" of a signal is inaudible and is generally filtered

out by the amplifier and speakers.

A disadvantage of linear encoding is the limited dynamic range

(the range of "loudness") that can be represented.

Other encodings exist that map the amplitudes logarithmically,

rather than linearly, to the sample bits.

To summarize the above, the representation scheme used to encode

data on audio CDs is described as

*44.1KHz, 16-bit, two-channel (i.e. stereo), signed linear PCM encoding*.

It may be *little-endian* or *big-endian*, depending on the

computer system.

## The `.au` audio file format

The `.au` audio file format was originally introduced by Sun Microsystems.

It is a relatively simple format that is commonly supported on many systems,

especially on Unix and Linux systems.

The overall structure of a `.au` can be depicted as follows:


+------------------+--------------------------+-------+ +-------+

+ Header (24 bytes)| Annotation (optional) \0 | Frame | ... | Frame |

+------------------+--------------------------+-------+ +-------+


<----------- data offset --------------------(8-byte boundary)


The file begins with a 24-byte *header* consisting of six unsigned 32-bit

words. These are presented in *big-endian* format, as is all other

multibyte data in a `.au` file. The meanings of the header fields are

as follows:

- The first field in the header is the "magic number", which is always

equal to 0x2e736e64. This value represents the four ASCII characters


- The second field in the header is the "data offset", which is the

number of bytes from the beginning of the file that the audio sample

data begins. This value must be divisible by 8. The minimum value

is 24 (if there is no annotation field). The minimum value if an

annotation field exists is 32.

- The third field in the header is the "data size", which is the number

of bytes of audio sample data. The value 0xffffffff indicates that

the size is unknown (this could occur, for example, if the format was

used to transmit an audio stream of indefinite duration).

- The fourth field in the header specifies the encoding used for the

audio samples. We will only support the following values, which

have the meanings shown.

- 2 (specifies 8-bit linear PCM encoding)

- 3 (specifies 16-bit linear PCM encoding)

- 4 (specifies 24-bit linear PCM encoding)

- 5 (specifies 32-bit linear PCM encoding)

- The fifth field in the header specifies the "sample rate", which is the

number of frames per second.

- The sixth field in the header specifies the number of audio channels.

We will only support 1 (*i.e.* mono) and 2 (*i.e.* stereo).

The header format can be defined by the following C code:


#define AUDIO_MAGIC (0x2e736e64)

#define PCM8_ENCODING (2)

#define PCM16_ENCODING (3)

#define PCM24_ENCODING (4)

#define PCM32_ENCODING (5)

typedef struct audio_header {

unsigned int magic_number;

unsigned int data_offset;

unsigned int data_size;

unsigned int encoding;

unsigned int sample_rate;

unsigned int channels;



Following the header is an optional "annotation field", which can be used

to store additional information (metadata) in the audio file.

The length of this field must be a multiple of eight bytes and it must be

terminated with at least one null ('\0') byte, but its format is otherwise

undefined. We will impose a maximum size `ANNOTATION_MAX` on the annotation

field. When reading an audio file, if the size of the annotation

(i.e. `input_header.data_offset - sizeof(AUDIO_HEADER)`) exceeds this maximum,

you should treat it as an error. Similarly, if you would be required to write

an annotation area that exceeds the maximum size, then this should also be

treated as an error.

Audio data begins on an eight-byte boundary immediately following the

annotation field (or immediately following the header, if there is no

annotation field). The audio data occurs as a sequence of *frames*,

where each frame contains data for one sample on each of the audio channels.

The size of a frame therefore depends both on the sample encoding and on

the number of channels. For example, if the sample encoding is 16-bit PCM

(i.e. two bytes per sample) and the number of channels is two, then the number

of bytes in a frame will be 2 * 2 = 4. If the sample encoding is 32-bit PCM

(i.e. four bytes per sample) and the number of channels is two, then the number

of bytes in a frame will be 2 * 4 = 8. We will consider a partial frame at

the end of the file to be an error. If the header specifies the data size,

then this size must be a multiple of the frame size, and there must be at least

that many bytes of audio data in the file; if not, we consider it as an error.

Extra data beyond the specified data size is not regarded as an error,

but any such data is to be ignored as if it were not present.

Within a frame, the sample data for each channel occurs in sequence.

For example, in case of 16-bit PCM encoded stereo, the first two bytes of each

frame represents a single sample for channel 0 and the second two bytes

represents a single sample for channel 1. Samples are signed values encoded

in two's-complement and are presented in big-endian (most significant byte first)

byte order.



| Sample 0 MSB | ... | Sample 0 LSB | Sample 1 MSB | ... | Sample 1 LSB |



# Part 3: **Required** Functions

In order to provide some additional structure for you, as well as to make it

possible for us to perform additional unit tests on your program,

you are required to implement the following functions as part of your program.

The prototypes for these functions are given in `const.h`.

Once again, you **MUST** implement these functions as part of the assignment,

as we will be testing them separately.



* @brief Recodes a Sun audio (.au) format audio stream, reading the stream

* from standard input and writing the recoded stream to standard output.

* @details This function reads a sequence of bytes from the standard

* input and interprets it as digital audio according to the Sun audio

* (.au) format. A selected transformation (determined by the global variable

* "global_options") is applied to the audio stream and the transformed stream

* is written to the standard output, again according to Sun audio format.

* Besides the transformation applied to the audio sample data, unless the -p

* option was specified, the annotation data is transformed by prepending a

* representation of the command-line arguments given to "audible".

* If the transformed annotation would be longer than ANNOTATION_MAX,

* it shall be considered an error and this function shall return 0 without

* producing any output. If the -p option was specified, then no transformation

* is performed on the annotation, and the output annotation is identical to

* the input annotation.


* @param argv Command-line arguments, for constructing modified annotation.

* @return 1 if the recoding completed successfully, 0 otherwise.


int recode(char **argv);


The annotation for the output file is constructed by prepending to the

input annotation a representation of the command-line arguments given

to "audible". This representation is produced by concatenating the

strings from the "argv" array, separating successive arguments by a

single space (' ') character, and terminating the result with a single

newline ('\n') character. If the input audio file had no annotation field,

then the output file will have an annotation that consists only of the

audible command line, followed by at least one null ('\0') byte.

If the input file did have a nonempty annotation field, then the annotation

field of the output file will consist of the ('\n'-terminated) audible

command line, immediately followed by the original annotation from the

input file, without any intervening null byte. In all cases, the output

annotation shall conform to the Sun audio file format specifications.



* @brief Read the header of a Sun audio file and check it for validity.

* @details This function reads 24 bytes of data from the standard input and

* interprets it as the header of a Sun audio file. The data is decoded into

* six unsigned int values, assuming big-endian byte order. The decoded values

* are stored into the AUDIO_HEADER structure pointed at by hp.

* The header is then checked for validity, which means: no error occurred

* while reading the header data, the magic number is valid, the data offset

* is a multiple of 8, the value of encoding field is one of {2, 3, 4, 5},

* and the value of the channels field is one of {1, 2}.


* @param hp A pointer to the AUDIO_HEADER structure that is to receive

* the data.

* @return 1 if a valid header was read, otherwise 0.


int read_header(AUDIO_HEADER *hp);




* @brief Write the header of a Sun audio file to the standard output.

* @details This function takes the pointer to the AUDIO_HEADER structure passed

* as an argument, encodes this header into 24 bytes of data according to the Sun

* audio file format specifications, and writes this data to the standard output.


* @param hp A pointer to the AUDIO_HEADER structure that is to be output.

* @return 1 if the function is successful at writing the data; otherwise 0.


int write_header(AUDIO_HEADER *hp);




* @brief Read annotation data for a Sun audio file from the standard input,

* storing the contents in a specified buffer.

* @details This function takes a pointer 'ap' to a buffer capable of holding at

* least 'size' characters, and it reads 'size' characters from the standard input,

* storing the characters read in the specified buffer. It is checked that the

* data read is terminated by at least one null ('\0') byte.


* @param ap A pointer to the buffer that is to receive the annotation data.

* @param size The number of bytes of data to be read.

* @return 1 if 'size' bytes of valid annotation data were successfully read;

* otherwise 0.


int read_annotation(char *ap, unsigned int size);




* @brief Write annotation data for a Sun audio file to the standard output.

* @details This function takes a pointer 'ap' to a buffer containing 'size'

* characters, and it writes 'size' characters from that buffer to the standard

* output.


* @param ap A pointer to the buffer containing the annotation data to be

* written.

* @param size The number of bytes of data to be written.

* @return 1 if 'size' bytes of data were successfully written; otherwise 0.


int write_annotation(char *ap, unsigned int size);




* @brief Read, from the standard input, a single frame of audio data having

* a specified number of channels and bytes per sample.

* @details This function takes a pointer 'fp' to a buffer having sufficient

* space to hold 'channels' values of type 'int', it reads

* 'channels * bytes_per_sample' data bytes from the standard input,

* interpreting each successive set of 'bytes_per_sample' data bytes as

* the big-endian representation of a signed integer sample value, and it

* stores the decoded sample values into the specified buffer.


* @param fp A pointer to the buffer that is to receive the decoded sample

* values.

* @param channels The number of channels.

* @param bytes_per_sample The number of bytes per sample.

* @return 1 if a complete frame was read without error; otherwise 0.


int read_frame(int *fp, int channels, int bytes_per_sample);




* @brief Write, to the standard output, a single frame of audio data having

* a specified number of channels and bytes per sample.

* @details This function takes a pointer 'fp' to a buffer that contains

* 'channels' values of type 'int', and it writes these data values to the

* standard output using big-endian byte order, resulting in a total of

* 'channels * bytes_per_sample' data bytes written.


* @param fp A pointer to the buffer that contains the sample values to

* be written.

* @param channels The number of channels.

* @param bytes_per_sample The number of bytes per sample.

* @return 1 if the complete frame was written without error; otherwise 0.


int write_frame(int *fp, int channels, int bytes_per_sample);


# Part 4: Transformations on the Audio Data

## "Speed Up" (Decimation)

If the "speed-up" transformation is selected (option `-u`), with a `FACTOR` equal

to `N`, then the output audio data is obtained from the input audio data simply

by retaining only every `N`th frame. Specifically, if the input frames are numbered

0, 1, 2, ..., then the frames numbered 0, N, 2N, ... are passed through to the

output and the intervening frames are discarded. This is a lossy transformation,

as it discards information from the original file.

## "Slow Down" (Interpolation)

If the "slow-down" transformation is selected (option `-d`), with a `FACTOR` equal

to `N`, then the output audio data is obtained from the input audio data by

using linear interpolation to insert `N-1` additional frames between each two

frames of the input. Specifically, if the input frames are numbered 0, 1, 2, ...,

then these frames will occur in the output as frames 0, N, 2N, ..., and

for `i` equal to 0, 1, 2, ..., the frames `i*N+1`, `i*N+2`, ..., `i*N+(N-1)`

have sample values intermediate between the sample values in the frame `i*N`

and those in the frame `(i+1)*N`, in the sense that if S and T are

the sample values for channel C in frames `i*N` and `(i+1)*N`, then the

sample value for channel C in frame `i*N+k` is given by the formula

`S + (T - S)*k/N`. This amounts to drawing a straight line between two sample

value in the original input and inserting `N-1` new sample values at evenly

spaced intervals along this line.

Note that in the "slow down" transformation, new frames are only interpolated

between frames that exist in the original input; in particular, the first frame

and the last frame of the output will always be frames that existed in the input.

## "Crypt" (Encryption/Decryption)

If the "crypt" transformation is selected (option `-c`), with a `KEY` equal

to the 32-bit value `K`, then samples in the output audio data are obtained

by performing a bitwise exclusive-OR (XOR) of each sample value in

the input audio data with successive 32-bit values obtained from a pseudorandom

number generator (PRNG) that has been initialized with `K` as its seed.

This transformation obfuscates the original audio so that if the result is

played through the computer speakers, it will sound like "white noise".

Due to the properties of the exclusive-OR operation, if the obfuscated data

is subjected again to the same transformation, using the same PRNG

initialized with the same seed, the original audio data will be

recovered exactly. Note that we are only applying the XOR operator to the

audio sample data; the contents of the header and any annotation field are

left unencrypted.

To ensure that audio data encrypted on one system can be decrypted on another

system, we need to build the PRNG into our program, rather than relying on a

library version. The file `myrand.c` provided with the base code contains the

PRNG you are to use. It provides two functions: `mysrand()`, which is used

to set the seed, and `myrand32()` which when called returns the next 32-bit value

from the pseudorandom sequence. The `myrand32()` should be called exactly once

for each successive sample value in the input data.

# Part 5: Running the Completed Program

In any of its operating modes, the `audible` program reads from `stdin` and writes

to `stdout`. As the input and output of the program is binary data, it will not

be useful to enter input directly from the terminal or display output directly to

the terminal. Instead, the program can be run using *input and output redirection*

as in the following example:


$ bin/audible -u -f 2 < rsrc/

$ echo $?



This will cause the input to the program to be redirected from the file

`rsrc/` and the output from the program to be redirected to the file


:nerd: The `` symbol tells the shell to perform "output redirection":

the file `hw1.out` is created (or truncated if it already existed -- be careful!)

and the output produced by the program is sent to that file instead

of to the terminal.

:nerd: `$?` is an environment variable in bash which holds the return code of

the previous program run. In the above, the `echo` command is used to display

the value of this variable.

For debugging purposes, the contents of `` can be viewed using the

`od` ("octal dump") command:


$ od -t x1

0000000 2e 73 6e 64 00 00 00 30 00 01 12 f4 00 00 00 03

0000020 00 00 1f 40 00 00 00 02 62 69 6e 2f 61 75 64 69

0000040 62 6c 65 20 2d 75 20 2d 66 20 32 0a 00 00 00 00

0000060 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


0000720 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 01 00 01 00

0000740 02 00 02 00 fc 00 fc 00 00 00 00 00 f9 00 f9 00



In this case, you can see that the file data starts with the sequence

`2e`, `73`, `6e`, `64`, which is the magic number `0x2e736e64` in big-endian form.

The values in the first column indicate the offsets from the beginning of the file,

specified as 7-digit octal (base 8) numbers.

:nerd: The `-t x1` flag instructs `od` to interpret the file as a sequence of

individual bytes (that is the meaning of the "`1`" in "`x1`"), which are printed as

hexadecimal values (that is the meaning of the "`x`" in "`x1`"). The `od` program has

many options for setting the output format; another useful version is `od -bc`,

which shows individual bytes of data as both ASCII characters and their octal codes.

Refer to the "man" page for `od` for other possiblities.

Actually, if you were to try the above command with `` produced

as shown, there would be so much output that the first few lines would be

lost off of the top of the screen. To avoid this, you can *pipe* the output to

a program called `less`:


$ od -t x1 | less


This will display only the first screenful of the output and give you the

ability to scan forward and backward to see different parts of the output.

Type `h` at the `less` prompt to get help information on what you can do

with it. Type `q` at the prompt to exit `less`.

Alternatively, the output of the program can be redirected via a pipe to

the `od` command, without using any output file:


$ bin/audible -u -f 2 < rsrc/ | od -t x1 | less


You can also arrange for a valid Sun audio file to be played through

the computer speakers using (among other choices) the `paplay` command:


$ paplay rsrc/


Once your program starts producing valid output files, you can play

them to find out quickly whether the results are as you would expect

them to be. This can also be done using pipes; for example:


$ bin/audible -u -f 2 < rsrc/ | paplay


Finally, pipes can be used to compose a sequence of transformations performed

by `audible`. For example, the following command will play the sample audio

at a speed 1.5x faster than the original:


$ cat rsrc/ | bin/audible -d -f 2 | bin/audible -u -f 3 | paplay


:nerd: Note that here we have performed the information-preserving "slow down"

(interpolation) transformation first, followed by the lossy "speed up" (decimation)

transformation. This results in minimal loss of audio quality.

If you perform the transformations in the opposite order, you still get

a speed up by a factor of 1.5, but there is a very noticable loss of audio quality.

## Testing Your Program

In testing your program, it is useful to be able to compare two files

to see if they have the same content. The `diff` command (use `man diff`

to read the manual page) is useful for comparison of text files, but not particularly

useful for comparing binary files such as audio files.

However the `cmp` command can be used to perform a byte-by-byte comparison of two files,

regardless of their content:


$ cmp file1 file2


If the files have identical content, `cmp` exits silently.

If one file is shorter than the other, but the content is otherwise identical,

`cmp` will report that it has reached `EOF` on the shorter file.

Finally, if the files disagree at some point, `cmp` will report the

offset of the first byte at which the files disagree.

If the `-l` flag is given, `cmp` will report all disagreements between the

two files.

We can take this a step further and run an entire test without using any files:


$ cmp -l <(cat rsrc/ <(cat rsrc/ | bin/audible -d -f 2 -p | bin/audible -u -f 2 -p)

$ echo $?



This compares the original file `` with the result of taking that

file and first performing a slow-down transformation with a factor of 2 and

then a speed-up transformation, also with a factor of 2.

:nerd: `<(...)` is known as process substitution. It is allows the output of the

program(s) inside the parentheses to appear as a file for the outer program.

:nerd: `cat` is a command that outputs a file to `stdout`.

Because both files are identical, `cmp` outputs nothing.

(Note that had we not specified the `-p` flag, the files would have differed

in their annotation fields.)

## Unit Testing

Unit testing is a part of the development process in which small testable

sections of a program (units) are tested individually to ensure that they are

all functioning properly. This is a very common practice in industry and is

often a requested skill by companies hiring graduates.

:nerd: Some developers consider testing to be so important that they use a

work flow called test driven development. In TDD, requirements are turned into

failing unit tests. The goal is then to write code to make these tests pass.

This semester, we will be using a C unit testing framework called

[Criterion](, which will give you some

exposure to unit testing. We have provided a basic set of test cases for this


The provided tests are in the `tests/hw1_tests.c` file. These tests do the


- `validargs_help_test` ensures that `validargs` sets the help bit

correctly when the `-h` flag is passed in.

- `validargs_speedup_test` ensures that `validargs` sets the speed-up bit

correctly when the `-u` flag is passed in.

- `help_system_test` uses the `system` syscall to execute your program through

Bash and checks to see that your program returns with `EXIT_SUCCESS`.

### Compiling and Running Tests

When you compile your program with `make`, an `audible_tests` executable will be

created in your `bin` directory alongside the `audible` executable. Running this

executable from the `hw1` directory with the command `bin/audible_tests` will run

the unit tests described above and print the test outputs to `stdout`. To obtain

more information about each test run, you can use the verbose print option:

`bin/audible_tests --verbose=0`.

The tests we have provided are very minimal and are meant as a starting point

for you to learn about Criterion, not to fully test your homework. You may write

your own additional tests in `tests/hw1_tests.c`. However, this is not required

for this assignment. Criterion documentation for writing your own tests can be

found [here](

## Sample Audio Files

To get you started testing your program, a few sample files have been provided

in the `rsrc` directory:

- [](rsrc/

A short sample audio clip from the

Wikipedia [Au file format]( page.

It has a sample rate of 8000Hz, two channels, and uses 16-bit PCM encoding.

- [](rsrc/

This is the output of running `audible -d -f 2` on ``.

- [](rsrc/

This is the output of running `audible -u -f 2` on ``.

- [](rsrc/

This is the output of running `audible -c -k DeadBeef` on ``.

- [](rsrc/

This artificially generated file consists of 10 frames of 2 channels,

using 8-bit PCM encoding and a 1000Hz sample rate.

The samples on one channel alternate 127, -127, 127, ..., and the samples

on the other channel alternate -127, 127, -127, ... .

When viewed as a waveform using the "Audacity" audio tool it looks like

a (degenerate) "triangle wave", as shown in the screenshot below:

<img src="triangle_orig.png"


- [](rsrc/

This is the result of running `audible -d -f 10` on

``. In the screenshot below you can see how new

samples have been interpolated between those in the original file,

resulting in a less degenerate triangle waveform.

This file has been provided to help you understand the interpolation


<img src="triangle_x10.png"

There is a free program called `sox` that can perform many different kinds

of audio format conversions, which you can use to create your own test files.

You can install it using `sudo apt install sox`.

# Hand-in instructions


Make sure your directory tree looks like this (possibly with additional

files that you added) and that your homework compiles (you should be sure

to try compiling with both `make clean all` and `make clean debug`

because there are certain errors that can occur one way but not the other).



├── include

│   ├── audio.h

│   ├── const.h

│   ├── debug.h

│   ├── hw1.h

│   └── myrand.h

├── Makefile

├── rsrc

│   ├──

│   ├──

│   ├──

│   ├──

│   ├──

│   └──

├── src

│   ├── hw1.c

│   ├── main.c

│   └── myrand.c

└── tests

└── hw1_tests.c


This homework's tag is: `hw1`

`$ git submit hw1`

:nerd: When writing your program try to comment as much as possible. Try to

stay consistent with your formatting. It is much easier for your TA and the

professor to help you if we can figure out what your code does quickly!