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Algorithms and Complexity Homework #7 Solution

1    Exercises for  DP Algorithms on  Sequences


Given  A = {1, 4, 2, 9, 7, 5, 8, 2}, find the  longest  increasing  subsequence  (LIS)  Show your  work:  the filled dynamic  programming table  and how the solution  is found.



2    Coin change


We revisit the coin change problem.  Here, we have four types of coins: half-dollar  (50 cents),  quarter, dime and penny.  We assume each coin has unlimited  supply.  Recall the objective is to give the smallest number  of coins to change for n cents.


1.  In this problem,  will the greedy algorithm  give optimal  solution?  Justify  your answer.


2.  Give  a dynamic  programming algorithm  for the  more  general  problem,  where  we have  coins worthing d1, d2, . . . , dk (where d1 = 1, the penny).  Use the following definition for your algorithm: C [i, w] is equal to the smallest number of coins for choosing coins of d1, d2, . . . , di only for making change of w cents.


3.  Now suppose the government just  issues a new one dollar coin.  You only have one coin of one- dollar  (the  other  coin types are  still  of unlimited  supply).   You are  lazy:  you do not  want to design a new algorithm,  but  rather you want to re-use the algorithm  in the previous step.  Now tell me how you can solve this slightly  changed  problem  (where you can use the single $1 coin) with the algorithm  in the previous step (i.e.  algorithm  without  knowing about  the one $1 coin).



3    Longest common subsequence (LCS)


Show the dynamic  programming table of the longest common subsequence problem for two sequences:

S1  = ABAABBA and S2  = BAAABAB. Also show how to find the LCS itself from the table.



4    Exercise 2(b)


Do Exercise 2(b) of your textbook  on page 313.




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