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Assignment 2 Solution

This assignment uses the basic “array” and “ArrayList” data structures to gain some exposure to sparse arrays. A sparse array is a data structure that does not require any memory to represent an entry with the value 0, which is useful for low-density data. The density of an array is defined as the ratio of the number of the non-zero elements over the total number of all the elements in this array. We will run a simple algorithm on the two array types as a quantitative experiment to compare the execution times of the two implementations.

For example, a dense array might look like:

[ 1, 10, 15, 0, 0, 2, 0, 7, 43, 0, 12, 0, 0 ]

The corresponding sparse array, containing all data necessary to expand back to the sparse representation, might look like:

[ [0, 1], [1, 10], [2, 15], [5, 2], [7, 7], [8, 43], [10, 12] ]

[10] Write a Java program that first prompts the user for an integer array length and a “double-precision” array density. You will use these values to create the arrays for the experiment as below. Also prompt the user to re-enter values(s) if they are outside of the expected range: the length of the array should be a positive integer, and the density should be of the type double and in the range [0.0, 1.0].

[10] Write a method which takes an integer length and an array density of type double as arguments and returns a new array of type int representing a dense array. For each entry in the array, compare the density with a random number in the range [0.0, 1.0) (i.e., 0.0 up to, but not including, 1.0) to determine whether or not the entry should be 0 (hint: see the java.util.Random class). If the entry should be 0, simply populate the entry as such. If the entry should be non-zero, populate it with a random integer on the range [1, 1000000] (i.e., 1 through 1 million). In this way, specifying an array length of 100 and a density of 0.25 would result in an array of length 100 with on average 75% of its values equal to 0.

[10] Write a method which takes an integer length and an array density of type double as arguments and returns a new ArrayList representing a sparse array. As above, use the density to determine whether or not each entry should be 0. If the entry should be 0, simply do nothing (i.e., don’t add it to the ArrayList). If the entry should be non-zero, store its index and value (also on the range [1, 1000000]) in the ArrayList (hint: you may want to use an ArrayList of type int[] – note that this is not the most elegant solution but we have not yet covered objects in Java). In this way, specifying an array length of 100 and a density of 0.25 would result in an
ArrayList with on average 25 elements, each specifying the index and value of a non-zero integer.

[10] Write a method which takes a dense array as an argument and returns a new equivalent sparse array.

[10] Write a method which takes a sparse array and an integer length as arguments and returns a new equivalent dense array. The dense array should be of the specified length and contain all of elements in the sparse array at their specified indices.

[10] Write a method which takes a dense array as an argument and prints the max value in the array, along with the index of that value in the array.

[10] Write a method which takes a sparse array as an argument and prints the max value in the array, along with the original index of that value in the array (i.e., the index that you stored in part 3).

[10] Use the System.nanoTime() method to record the amount of time taken to run each of the above methods (i.e., steps 2-7 above). Print your timing results in fractional milliseconds (e.g., 0.5 milliseconds). Spend some time trying different combinations of inputs and write your findings in the comments of your code. Which implementation is faster for various cases?

[20] Write code that is clear and efficient. Specifically, your code should be indented with respect to code blocks, avoid unnecessarily repetitive code, avoid code that is commented out or otherwise unused, use descriptive and consistent class/method/variable names, etc.

Your output should look something like:

Please array length:


Enter density:


create dense length: 10000000 time: 285.08398

convert to sparse length: 9926 time: 11.68

create sparse length: 9928 time: 263.208

convert to dense length: 10000000 time: 39.051

find max (dense): 999827 at: 7330114

dense find time: 10.227

find max (sparse): 999627 at: 6534581

sparse find time: 0.608

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