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Security, Privacy, & Ethics Solution

Submission filename “Lastname_FI_Ethics.docx”

1) Find a recent article or news online (dated on or after September 2015) that talk about security and privacy related to technology, such as the following topics (but not limited to):

·         White House Executive Order Declares Cyber National Emergency

·         FBI Warns of Phony Sites Offering Government Services

·         Security on Cloud-based System

·         VM Ware and Java Vulnerability

·         NSA Spying, Data Collection, Snowden

·         Hack ATMs using text messages

·         Stricter security for airport, planes after Brussels and Paris Attacks

·         Secure Coding and its affects in applications

·         Security in Web/Mobile application


2) Review the ACM Code of Ethics ( and Hampton University’s Information Security – ( and also see other pages – Appropriate Use of Technology, Technology Guide for hardware, software, the law, etc.)

3) Summarize an article -- The facts and the ethical issues from the article based on the ACM Code of Ethics and HU Technology Policy(ies).

4) Provide your opinions and thoughts about the topics and how it could be prevented or improved.

Your paper should address the issues related on the topic, answer all questions, and justify your discussion. The length of the paper should be no less than 3 double-spaced pages, but not more than 5 pages, exclude the cover page and bibliography/references page – that is if your paper will have at least 5 pages: 1 cover page, 3 pages for content, and 1 for references. The paper should have at least 3 (three) referenced documents. Web-site references may be used and their URLs are put in the reference section. Format and consistency will be graded. Your paper writing style must conform to APA (

The paper will be graded based on specific requirements. You must demonstrate adequate knowledge of the topic in the content of the paper. Plagiarism (direct copy from source with minimum change of sentence structure) is forbidden.

If your safe-assign score (plagiarism check on Blackboard) is above 35%, you will automatically receive zero point from the assignment. Any information acquired from another source must be adequately referenced, and the referencing format must be used consistently. Correct grammar and spelling will be considered, as well as good use of topic sentences.

Paper Organization

The paper must consist of the following items:

- Basic title/cover page – title of your paper, name, date, course, instructor.

- Section headings and body (3-5 pages) – must have heading as stated below

·         Introduction – describe background and key issues related to selected article -- 10 points

·         Article Summary – and how it relates to security, privacy, or ethics -- 15 points

·         Ethical Concerns – describe ethical issues from the article based on the ACM Code

·         of Ethics and Hampton University Technology policies -- 15 points

·         Final Thoughts - your thoughts about the topic -- 10 points

·         Conclusion - summarize the information on security, privacy, and ethics -- 10 points

·         Bibliography/Works Cited Page -- consistent with the format chosen for reference of information and in APA as well as in-text citation using APA -- 10 points

(You need a minimum of 3 references)

Format The paper format must be strictly adhered to: -- 20 points (include cover page)

-          Cover page

-          Length for paper body - double spaced, 3 - 5 pages

-          Margin sizes – 1” all 4 margins

-          Font size – exact 12 point of “Times New Roman”

-          Put page number – conform to APA guideline.

-          Section headers as described

Article Quality, Creditable, Relevancy to Computer Ethics, and recent article -- 10 points

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