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Assignment 1 Solution

Call this program ​a01.cpp​. You found an exciting summer job for five weeks. It pays, say, $18.50 per hour (You must read this from the user - this is an example). Suppose that the total tax you pay on your summer job income is 12%. After paying the taxes, you spend 10% of your net income to buy new clothes and other accessories for the next school year and 2% to buy school supplies. After buying clothes and school supplies, you use 25% of the remaining money to buy savings bonds. For each dollar you spend to buy savings bonds, your parents spend $0.50 to buy additional savings bonds for you. Write a program that prompts the user to enter the pay rate for an hour and the number of hours you worked each week. The program then outputs the following:

Your income before and after taxes from your summer job.

The money you spend on clothes and other accessories.

The money you spend on school supplies.

The money you spend to buy savings bonds.

The money your parents spend to buy additional savings bonds for you.

Format all output to 2 decimal places appropriately for money. So, dollar amount should be output as $525.75, as an example.


Please upload 1 cpp file for this.

Follow the style guidelines from the book. All code must be formatted as it is in the book with good indentation, comments etc.

If your code does not compile, you get very minimum points.

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