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MODULE 7.1 Solution

Radioactive Chains—Never the Same Again

Prerequisite: Module 2.2, “Unconstrained Growth and Decay.”


The mass ​Q​(​t​) of a radioactive substance decays at a rate proportional to the mass of the substance (see the section “Unconstrained Decay” in Module 2.2, “Uncon strained Growth and Decay”). Thus, for positive ​disintegration constant​,or ​decay constant​,​r​,we have the following differential equation:

dQ​/​dt ​= –​rQ​(​t​)

and its difference equation counterpart:

∆​Q ​= –​rQ​(​t ​– ∆​t​)∆​t

In this module, we model the situation where one radioactive substance decays into another radioactive substance, forming a chain of such substances. For example, radioactive bismuth-210 decays to radioactive polonium-210, which in turn decays to lead-206. We consider the amounts of each substance as time progresses.

Modeling the Radioactive Chain

If a radioactive substance, ​substanceA​,decays into substance ​substanceB​,we say that ​substanceA ​is the ​parent ​of ​substanceB ​and that ​substanceB ​is the ​child ​of ​sub stanceA​.If ​substanceB ​is also radioactive, ​substanceB ​is the parent of another sub stance, ​substanceC​,and we have a ​chain ​of substances. Figure 7.1.1 depicts the situ ation where ​A​,​B​,and ​C ​are the masses of radioactive substances, ​substanceA​, substanceB​,and ​substanceC​,respectively; and different disintegration constants, decay_rate_of_A ​(​a​) and ​decay_rate_of_B ​(​b​), exist for each decay.
234 ​Module 7.1 ​A B C

decay B to C

decay A to B

decay rate of A decay rate of B

Figure 7.1.1 ​Chain of decays

Quick Review Question 1

Suppose ​A ​and ​B ​are the masses of ​substanceA ​and ​substanceB​,respectively, at time ​t​; ∆​A ​and ∆​B ​are the changes in these masses; and ​a ​and ​b ​are the positive disintegra tion constants.

a. ​Using these constants and variables along with arithmetic operators, such as minus and plus, give the difference equation for the change in the mass of substanceA​,∆​A​.

b. ​Through disintegration of ​substanceA​, ​substanceB​’s mass increases, while some of ​substanceB ​decays to ​substanceC​.Give the difference equation for the change in the mass of ​substanceB​,∆​B​.
c. ​In Figure 7.1.1, where ​A​,​B​,and ​C ​are the masses of three radioactive sub stances, give the formula as it appears in a system dynamics tool’s equation for the flow ​decay_A_to_B​.

d. ​Give the formula as it appears in a systems dynamics tool’s equation for the flow ​decay_B_to_C​.

The mass of ​substanceA ​that decays to ​substanceB ​is ​aA​.Thus, in Figure 7.1.1, the flow ​decay_A_to_B ​contains the formula ​decay_rate_of_A ​* ​A​.What ​substan ceA ​loses, ​substanceB ​gains. However, ​substanceB ​decays to ​substanceC ​at a rate proportional to the mass of ​substanceB​,​bB​.Consequently, in Figure 7.1.1, the flow decay_B_to_C ​contains the mass that flows from one stock to another, ​decay_rate_ of_B ​* ​B​.The total change in the mass of ​substanceB ​consists of the gain from ​sub stanceA ​minus the loss to ​substanceC ​with the result multiplied by the change in time, ∆​t:

∆​B ​= (​aA ​– ​bB​) ∆​t
We consider the initial amounts of ​substanceB ​and ​substanceC ​to be zero.
Additional System Dynamics Projects 235​


    1. a. ​With a system dynamics tool or a computer program, develop a model for a radioactive chain of three elements, from ​substanceA ​to ​substanceB ​to substanceC​.Allow the user to designate constants. Generate a graph and a table for the amounts of ​substanceA​, ​substanceB​, and ​substanceC versus time. Answer the following questions using this model.

​b. ​Explain the shapes of the graphs.
​c. ​As the decay rate of ​A​,​a​,increases from 0.1 to 1, describe how the time of the maximum total radioactivity changes. The total radioactivity is the sum of the change from ​substanceA ​to ​substanceB ​and the change from substanceB ​to ​substanceC​,or the total number of disintegrations. Why?

​d. ​(The verification in Part d requires calculus.) With ​b ​being the decay rate of B​, in several cases where ​a ​< ​b​, observe that eventually we have the following approximation:

b a ​ −

− −

​With the ratio of the mass of ​substanceB ​(​B​) to the mass of ​substanceA ​(​A​) being almost constant, ​a​/(​b ​- ​a​), we say the system is in ​transient equilibrium​.Eventually, ​substanceA ​and ​substanceB ​appear to decay at the same rate. Using the following material, verify this approximation:

Find the exact solution to the differential equation for the rate of change of ​A ​with respect to time, ​dA​/​dt ​= –​aA ​(see the section “Analytic

Solution” in Module 2.2, “Unconstrained Growth and Decay”).



that ​B ​= ​

− − ​

​is the initial mass of ​sub ​

​ ​​

( ), where A0
stanceA, is a solution to the differential equation

for the rate of change of

b ae b ​

​at bt

B ​with respect to time (see the difference equation for ∆​B​). What number
does ​e​-at approach​ as ​t ​goes to infinity? For ​a ​< ​b​,which is smaller, ​e​-at or​
​B ​is approximately equal to what?
e​ ? Thus, for large ​t​,

​e. ​Using your model from Part a, observe in several cases where ​a ​> ​b ​that the ratio of the mass of ​substanceB ​to the mass of ​substanceA ​does not approach a number. Thus, transient equilibrium (see Part d) does not occur in this case.
​f. ​(Requires calculus) Verify the observation from Part e analytically using

work similar to that in Part d.
​ ​ ​ ​​and B ≈


g. If a is much smaller than b, we have A ≈ A0

aA 0

​ ​ ​

− ​

. With the two

b a

amounts being almost constant, we have a situation called ​secular equi
librium​.Observe this phenomenon for the radioactive chain from ra

226 ​

222 ​

dium-226 to radon-222 to polonium-218: Ra​

​Rn​ →
​Po​ , where


the decay rate of Ra​
, ​a​,is 0.00000117/da and the decay rate of Rn​ ,

is 0.181/da. Using your work from Part a, run the simulation for at least one year.
236 ​Module 7.1

​h. ​(Requires calculus) Show analytically that the approximations from Part g hold.

​i. ​In the radioactive chain Bi​210 ​→ ​Po​210 ​→ ​Pb​206​(bismuth​-210 to polo nium-210 to lead-206), the decay rate of Bi​210​, ​a​,is 0.0137/da and the decay rate of Po​210​, ​b​,is 0.0051/da. Assuming the initial mass of Bi​210​is 10​–8​g and

​    ​
using your model from Part a, find, approximately, the maxi mum mass of Po​210​and​ when the maximum occurs.
​j. ​(Requires calculus) In Part d, we verified that ​B ​= ​
e b ​0​at bt
b a​

− − −​− ​( )​.Using

this result, find analytically the maximum of mass of ​substanceB ​and when this maximum occurs.

​k. ​Check your approximations of Part i using your solution to Part j. ​l. ​For the chain in Part g, use your solution to Part j to find when the largest mass of

​m. ​For the chain in Part g, use your simulation of Part a to approximate the
time when the largest mass of Rn​222 occurs​. How does your approximation compare with the analytical solution of Part l?

    2. ​Develop a model for a chain of four elements. Perform simulations, observa tions, and analyses similar to those before. Discuss your results

Answers to Quick Review Question

    1. a. ​∆​A ​= –​aA ​∆​t
​b. ​∆​B ​= (​aA ​– ​bB​)∆​t
​c. ​decay_A_to_B ​= ​decay_rate_of_A ​* ​A
d.​ ​decay_B_to_C =​ ​decay_rate_of_B *​ ​B


Horelick, Brindell, and Sinan Koont. 1979, 1989. “Radioactive Chains: Parents and Children.” ​UMAP Module 234​.COMAP, Inc.

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