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Mini Project (EE6347) Solved

Demonstrate image classification using a spiking neural network

    • Objective – Show as high a test accuracy as possible

    • Dataset – EMNIST

    o This dataset is an extended version of MNIST that contains handwritten letters in addition to digits. There are 6 splits possible for this dataset. Use the ‘balanced’


        o More info at

    • Guidelines

        o Project to be done in teams of two

    o Create a separate function for performing inference on test dataset. You may be asked to demonstrate during viva.

    o The learning will be done using ‘Backprop through Time using Surrogate Gradients’ algorithms.
    o Since test dataset will be used to check final test accuracy, it cannot be used for training. You may do a train: validation split of your original training dataset.
    o Show training loss vs epoch and accuracy vs epoch graphs

    o You are free to choose the model, encoding method, loss functions and surrogate functions to meet the objective

    o You are expected to utilize a gpu as the runs would take long

        o Recommended way is to use the snnTorch library. There are many tutorials available for reference on training SNNs.
Look at

    • Grading Scheme



Implementation of dataset prep, model, optimization
and final test inference

Communicate understanding of problem statement and
4 + 6
explain approach

-   4 marks awarded if test accuracy > 60% ( i.e.

model is better than coin toss)

-    Groups will be ranked according to test accuracy

and awarded remaining 6 marks relatively. Top

group gets full 6 marks

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