Create a rest server that implements the following API calls. Mine
(http://ceclnx01.cec.miamioh.edu/~campbest/cse383/1128/rest1128.php) is available for you to try:
Here is a test suite (http://ceclnx01.cec.miamioh.edu/~campbest/cse383/1128/test.txt) that should exercise the rest calls.
table in the cse383 database:
pk primary key, int
keyName tinyText
value tinyText
timestamp timestamp
url: rest1128.php/v1/keys
method: get
returns the name of all keyNames from the table KeyValue
json_in: none
status: string "OK" or "FAIL"
array of keyValues
get value for a key
url: rest1128.php/v1/keys/:NAME
method: get
returns the value for the key with the given name from the table KeyValue
json_in: none
status: string "OK" or "FAIL"
value: string
add keyvalue
url: rest1128.php/v1/keys
method: post
https://miamioh.instructure1/assignments/873008?module.com/courses/8021_item_id=1445998 1/2
11-28 Assignmebnt2.-0 WAssignment In Class
sets the value for the given key to the given value. Deletes any existing key with the given name.
keyName: string
value: string
status: string "OK" or "FAIL"
Call this rest1128.php
Create a series of curl tests and call it rest1128tests.sh
add at least 4 tests (mostly for error handling)
Do this work in your git working copy and make sure the code is submitted to the gitlab repository.
Submit links to your restserver, your test code, and to your gitlab in canvas.