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Merge sort and Insertion sort

 The description provided for this problem:

Merge sort has an expected run time of Θ(n log n); insertion sort has an expected run time of Θ(n2). As such, we know that Merge sort will be faster for very large n.  Insertion sort, however, turns out to be faster for very small n.  Your job is to figure out how small. 

Compare implementations of Merge sort and Insertion sort, testing each over a range of values for n. Provide a graph of the results, clearly indicating the value on n where the lines cross (or a range of values where they essentially overlap). 

You may use your own implementations, in any language you choose, or ones that you find elsewhere, as long as you cite your sources.  You must use a wide enough range of values of n to provide a convincing argument of your answer.

Upload your write-up (see the assignment description for what you should include in the write-up) as a pdf along with any associated supporting files (e.g., source code, etc).

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