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Advance Programming Problem Session 1 Solution

The problem below builds on Homework 2, which is included below for your convenience. The solutions to the homework are also given to you. Remember the class hierarchy you built there. In this PS, you will write

A subclass of ShoppingCart called Purchase, and

A class Test with a main method that constructs Purchases and calls their methods

The Purchase class is explained in detail below

Purchase object represents a purchased ShoppingCart

It stores data regarding the purchase date, expected shipping date, and length of the expected delivery.

Total cost of Purchase can be calculated using costs of each book in the ShoppingCart.

The details of purchase (i.e; the total number, price and cost of books, purchase date, expected shipping date and length of delivery) can be printed out using toString() method

A Purchase object stores the following fields:

purchaseDate: a string(you can assume to be dd/mm/yyy e.g 16/02/2017). You don’t have to check the format!

shippingDate: a string(format same as purchaseDate, no need to check!).

deliveryLength: an integer (estimated delivery length in days). The value should be non-negative

and also the following additional methods:

You should have a proper constructor that takes in three arguments corresponding to the fields

getter/setter methods for each field with appropriage checks

public double getTotalPayment(): a method that calculates the total payment of the Purchase by summing cost of each book

toString(): a method that uses toString() method of ShoppingCart (i.e. the total number, price, and cost of the books). The returned String should also contain the purchase date, shipping date and estimated delivery length.

The Test class is explained in detail below. To test your code modify the existing Test class provided to you.

Create 4 hard copy books with following names and prices o “Java How to Program”, 55 TL

o “C How to Program”, 40 TL o “C++ How to Program”, 50 TL

o “The Java Programming Language”, 60 TL

Place a purchase with the 4 items above with appropriate dates(i.e. 01/02/2017. etc) and any estimated delivery length

Print your purchase

Create 3 e-books with the following values for name, price, file size, encoding format and number of devices allowed

o “Learn you some Erlang”, 75 TL, 200, pdf, 1

o “Principles of Programming Languages” , 125 TL, 150, chm, 3 o “Advanced Operating Systems”, 50 TL, 250, chm, 2

Put a new purchase with the 3 e-books above with appropriate dates and estimated delivery length

Print the new purchase created

Homework 2

Inheritance concepts

Imagine an online book store where you can buy hard copy books, or e-books.

The store also sells books from other suppliers.

Represent the books that can be bought in this store using the following class hierarchy:


HardCopyBook EBook

Book class

Books sold from other suppliers are represented by the Book class.

Each Book object stores the following information:

name: A String
price: A double
bookId: an ISBN number, and a String consisting of exactly 10 digits

Each Book object should have the following methods:

It has getter and setter methods for each field. The setter methods make sure that the fields have reasonable values, e.g., the price is non-negative or the itemID is of the required format. Otherwise, the setters set the fields to some default value.

A constructor with three arguments, corresponding to the three fields.
A method public void applyDiscount(double discountPercentage) that reduces the book price by discountPercentage percent.
A toString() method

HardCopyBook class

Each HardCopyBook is a special kind of Book object that has the following additional fields:

weight: a double
shippingCost: a double

HardCopyBook objects should also have proper getters and setters, and they should override Item’s toString method so that the return value includes weight and shippingCost information as well as other information in the Book class. The HardCopyBook constructor should take five arguments corresponding to the five fields of this class and its superclass.
HardCopyBook objects have an additional method

public double getTotalCost() which returns the cost of buying and shipping the item.

EBook class

EBook objects represents e-books, and have the following additional fields:

fileSize: a long, the number of bytes of the file representing this book

encodingFormat: A String such as “pdf”, “chm”, “djvu”, etc. representing what format the file is encoded in.

numDevicesAllowed: an int, the maximum number of electronic devices that the customer can have copies of this e-book on.

numDevicesBeingUsed: an int representing the number of devices that the customer already has copies of this e-book on. The default is 0.

EBook objects should also have a proper constructor that takes in six arguments corresponding to the fields. The EBook class should have getters and setters for all fields. Setters should do reasonable validity checking. EBook objects should have methods

public boolean addDevice()
epublic boolean removeDevice()

that, when they return “true”, add or remove a device from the set of devices on which copies of the item reside. When addition or removal fails, these methods return “false.”

Write a class called ShoppingCart that represents a shopping cart with at most


Use a Book array of 10 entries as one of ShoppingCart’s fields. Call it contents. contents can store Book, HardCopyBook, or EBook objects.
Use an integer field, numEntriesInCart (<=10) that represents the number of books already in the cart.
Write getter and setter methods for all non-array fields.
Write a method public boolean addBook(Book book) that, if the cart has fewer than 10 entries, adds book to the shopping cart, and increases numEntriesInCart by 1. This method should return “true” if the addition is successful, “false” if the cart was full.

Write a method public boolean removeLastBook() that removes the last book added to the cart and returns “true” if there is such an item. This method returns “false” if the cart is empty.

Write a “toString()” method for the cart that uses the toString() method of the entries in the contents array. The returned String should also contain the total number, price and cost of the books in the shopping cart.

Write a Test class that creates a ShoppingCart object, fills it with 7 objects (a mix of Book, HardCopyBook and EBook objects) and then calls the toString method of the ShoppingCart object.

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