In this exercise you will implement a very simple two state Markov Chain. The model is described in the file `doc/TwoStateMachine.pdf`.
1. Read `doc/TwoStateMachine.pdf`
2. Copy the file `template-twostatemachine.py` to `twostatemachine.py`
3. Read and understand the code
- mdp.py :: This file defines an abstract class providing a general interface
for Markov Decision Processes. No need to edit.
- twostatemachine.py :: This defines a class implementing the simple
machine described in `doc/TwoStateMachine.pdf`
1. TASK 1.1 - Complete the rewards dictionary.
2. TASK 1.2 - Complete the probabilities dictionary.
3. TASK 1.3 - Complete the `successor_states` method.
The tasks are highlighted by `TASK` comments. Find them and more instructions in the code.
- `python twostatemachine.py` :: a basic example of usage
- `python test_twostatemachine.py` :: runs a few unit tests.
Good luck!