In this assignment, you will use Vue to build an application that uses
an API to browse XKCD comics.
Starting the lab
To start the lab, you must follow this [GitHub Classroom
link](https://classroom.github.com/a/T_O6pGR1). This will create a
private repository for you using our classroom site. We will only
grade repositories created and submitted this way.
Once you "Accept the assignment" on GitHub Classroom, it will create a
new repository for you and grant you access to it on GitHub. In order
to start working on the lab, simply clone the repository to your
laptop or other working environment.
Use the [tutorial](/TUTORIAL.md)
to create the application. This will help you create most
of the functionality. Once you are done, your lab should look like this:
Additional Functionality
Once you complete the tutorial, add the following functionality:
# More navigation buttons X
Add buttons to navigate to the first comic and the last comic.
# Date and time for comments X
Add the current date and time to every comment that is created, then
show the current date and time after or below the author's name. You may want to use the [moment](https://momentjs.com/) to help you format the date and time.
# Star rating
Add the ability for people to rate the cartoon. Display the average
rating accumulated so far. The average should be separate for each cartoon.
Use this [star rating library for
Use this [star ratings tutorial](/STAR-RATINGS.md) for help.
Change the options on the star rating library so that it increments in
steps of 0.5, does not show the current rating, and uses red stars.
When you're done, it should look like this:
Link to GitHub repository
In a footer, you must include a link to your GitHub repository, which must be
stored in GitHub Classroom.
On Canvas, submit the URL for your website, which should be running on
your server.
Rubric for Grading
When we grade these labs, we will award points using the following
Item | Points
--- | ---
The material in the tutorial works | 70
Buttons for first and last comic work | 10
Date and time for comments work | 10
Star ratings work | 10