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Homework #2 Solution

Write a C++ function named pathExists that determines whether or not a there's a path from start to finish in a rectangular maze. Here is the prototype:

bool pathExists(string maze[], int nRows, int nCols, int sr, int sc, int er, int ec);

Return true if there is a path from (sr,sc) to (er,ec)
through the maze; return false otherwise

The parameters are

A rectangular maze of Xs and dots that represents the maze. Each string of the array is a row of the maze. Each 'X' represents a wall, and each '.' represents a walkway. The number of rows in the maze.

The number of columns in the maze. Each string in the maze parameter must be this length.

The starting coordinates in the maze: sr, sc; the row number is in the range 0 through nRows−1, and the column number is in the range 0 through nCols−1.

The ending coordinates in the maze: er, ec; the row number is in the range 0 through nRows−1, and the column number is in the range 0 through nCols−1.

Here is an example of a simple maze with 5 rows and 7 columns:






The function must return true if in the maze as it was when the function was called, there is a path from maze[sr][sc] to maze[er][ec] that includes only walkways, no walls; otherwise it must return false. The path may turn north, east, south, and west, but not diagonally. When the function returns, it is allowable for the maze to have been modified by the function.

Your solution must use the following simple class (without any changes), which represents an (r,c)

coordinate pair:

class Coord



Coord(int rr, int cc) : m_r(rr), m_c(cc) {}

int r() const { return m_r; }

int c() const { return m_c; }


int m_r;

int m_c;


(Our convention is that (0,0) is the northwest (upper left) corner, with south (down) being the increasing r direction and east (right) being the increasing c direction.)

Your implementation must use a stack data structure, specifically, a stack of Coords. You may either write your own stack class, or use the stack type from the C++ Standard Library. Here's an example of the

relevant functions in the library's stack type:

#include <stack

using namespace std;

int main()


stack<Coord coordStack;
// declare a stack of Coords
Coord a(5,6);

// push the coordinate
coordStack.push(Coord(3,4)); // push the coordinate

Coord b =;
// look at top item in the stack
// remove the top item from stack
if (coordStack.empty())
// Is the stack empty?

cout << "empty!" << endl;

cout << coordStack.size() << endl; // number of elements


Here is pseudocode for your function:

Push the starting coordinate (sr,sc) onto the coordinate stack and update maze[sr][sc] to indicate that the algorithm has encountered it (i.e., set maze[sr][sc] to have a value other than '.').

While the stack is not empty,

{ Pop the top coordinate off the stack. This gives you the current (r,c) location that your algorithm is exploring.

If the current (r,c) coordinate is equal to the ending coordinate, then we've solved the maze so return true!

Check each place you can move from the current cell as follows:

If you can move NORTH and haven't encountered that cell yet,

then push the coordinate (r-1,c) onto the stack and update maze[r-1][c] to indicate the algorithm has encountered it.

If you can move EAST and haven't encountered that cell yet, then push the coordinate (r,c+1) onto the stack and update maze[r][c+1] to indicate the algorithm has encountered it.

If you can move SOUTH and haven't encountered that cell yet, then push the coordinate (r+1,c) onto the stack and update maze[r+1][c] to indicate the algorithm has encountered it.

If you can move WEST and haven't encountered that cell yet, then push the coordinate (r,c-1) onto the stack and update maze[r][c-1] to indicate the algorithm has encountered it.


There was no solution, so return false

Here is how a client might use your function:

int main()


string maze[10] = {












if (pathExists(maze, 10,10, 6,4, 1,1))

cout << "Solvable!" << endl;


cout << "Out of luck!" << endl;


Because the focus of this homework is on practice with the data structures, we won't demand that your function be as robust as we normally would. In particular, your function may make the following simplifying assumptions (i.e., you do not have to check for violations):

the maze array contains nRows rows (you couldn't check for this anyway); each string in the maze is of length nCols;

the maze contains only Xs and dots when passed in to the function;

the top and bottom rows of the maze contain only Xs, as do the left and right columns; sr and er are between 0 and nRows-1, and sc and ec are between 0 and nCols-1;

maze[sr][sc] and maze[er][ec] are '.' (i.e., not walls)

(Of course, since your function is not checking for violations of these conditions, make sure you don't pass bad values to the function when you test it.)

For this part of the homework, you will turn in one file named mazestack.cpp that contains the Coord class and your stack-based pathExists function. (Do not leave out the Coord class and do not put it in a separate file.) If you use the library's stack type, your file should include the appropriate header.

Given the algorithm, main function, and maze shown at the end of problem 1, what are the first 12 (r,c) coordinates popped off the stack by the algorithm?

For this problem, you'll turn in either a Word document named hw.doc or hw.docx, or a text file named hw.txt, that has your answer to this problem (and problem 4).

Now convert your pathExists function to use a queue instead of a stack, making the fewest changes to achieve this. You may either write your own queue class, or use the queue type from the C++ Standard Library:

#include <queue

using namespace std;

int main()


queue<Coord coordQueue;

// declare a queue of Coords

Coord a(5,6);

coordQueue.push(a); coordQueue.push(Coord(3,4));

// enqueue item at back of queue // enqueue item at back of queue

Coord b = coordQueue.front();


if (coordQueue.empty())

// look at front item

// remove the front item from queue

// Is the queue empty?

cout << "empty!" << endl;
cout << coordQueue.size() << endl; // number of elements


For this part of the homework, you will turn in one file named mazequeue.cpp that contains the Coord class and your queue-based pathExists function. (Do not leave out the Coord class and do not put it in a separate file.) If you use the library's queue type, your file should include the appropriate header.

Given the same main function and maze as are shown at the end of problem 1, what are the first 12 (r,c) coordinates popped from the queue in your queue-based algorithm?
How do the two algorithms differ from each other? (Hint: how and why do they visit cells in the maze in a different order?)

For this problem, you'll turn in either a Word document named hw.doc or hw.docx, or a text file named hw.txt, that has your answer to this problem (and problem 2).

Implement this function that evaluates an infix boolean expression that consists of the binary boolean operators & (meaning and) and | (meaning inclusive or), the unary boolean operator ! (meaning not), parentheses, and operands (with blanks allowed for readability). Following convention, ! has higher precedence than &, which has higher precedence than |, and the operators & and | associate left to right. Along with the expression, you will pass the function an array of 10 bool values. The operands in the expression are digit characters; each digit character k represents the true or false value of element k of the array.

For example, if element 3 of the bool array were false, element 6 were true, and element 9 were false, then the expression 6|3&9 would evaluate to true, because & has higher precedence than |, and

true|false&false is true.

Here are some more examples of valid expressions, and what they would evaluate to if the boolean array had the values

false false false true
false true

evaluates to


evaluates to


evaluates to

0 & !9

evaluates to


evaluates to


evaluates to


evaluates to

1&!(9|1&1|9) | !!!(9&1&9)

evaluates to

Here is the function:

int evaluate(string infix, const bool values[], string& postfix, bool& result)

Evaluates a boolean expression
Postcondition: If infix is a syntactically valid infix boolean
expression, then postfix is set to the postfix form of that
expression, result is set to the value of the expression (where
in that expression, each digit k represents element k of the
values array), and the function returns zero. If infix is not a
syntactically valid expression, the function returns 1. (In that
case, postfix may or may not be changed, but result must be

Adapt the algorithms presented on pp. 205-209 of the textbook to convert the infix expression to postfix, then evaluate the postfix form of the expression. The algorithms use stacks. Rather than implementing the stack types yourself, you must use the stack class template from the Standard C++ library. You may assume that the function is passed an initialized 10-element boolean array. You may not assume that the infix string passed to the function is syntactically valid; part of adapting the algorithm from the text is adding code to detect whether or not the infix string is syntactically valid.

For this problem, you will turn in a file named eval.cpp whose structure is probably of the form

#include lines you need

declarations of any additional functions you might have written to help you evaluate an expression

int evaluate(string infix, const bool values[], string& postfix, bool& result) {

your expression evaluation code


implementations of any additional functions you might have written to help you evaluate an expression

a main routine to test your function

If we take your eval.cpp file, rename your main routine (which we will never call) to something harmless, prepend the lines

#include <iostream

#include <string

#include <stack

#include <cassert

using namespace std;

if necessary, and append the lines

int main()


bool ba[10] = {

// 0 1

true, true,



3 4 5 6 false, false, false, true,

7 8

false, true,



string pf;

bool answer;

assert(evaluate("2| 3", ba, pf, answer) == 0 && pf == "23|" && answer); assert(evaluate("8|", ba, pf, answer) == 1);

assert(evaluate("4 5", ba, pf, answer) == 1); assert(evaluate("01", ba, pf, answer) == 1); assert(evaluate("()", ba, pf, answer) == 1); assert(evaluate("2(9|8)", ba, pf, answer) == 1); assert(evaluate("2(&8)", ba, pf, answer) == 1); assert(evaluate("(6&(7|7)", ba, pf, answer) == 1); assert(evaluate("", ba, pf, answer) == 1); assert(evaluate("4 | !3 & (0&3) ", ba, pf, answer) == 0

pf == "43!03&&|" && !answer);
assert(evaluate(" 9 ", ba, pf, answer) == 0 && pf == "9" && !answer); ba[2] = false;

ba[9] = true;

assert(evaluate("((9))", ba, pf, answer) == 0 && pf == "9" && answer); assert(evaluate("2| 3", ba, pf, answer) == 0 && pf == "23|" && !answer); cout << "Passed all tests" << endl;


then the resulting file must compile and build successfully, and when executed, produce no output other

than Passed all tests.

Do not use variables named and, or, or not; the g++ and clang++ compilers treat these as keywords (as the C++ Standard requires) even though Visual C++ doesn't.

(Tips: In case you didn't already know it, you can append a character c to a string s by saying s += c. You'll have to adapt the code from the book, since it doesn't do any error checking and assumes that all operators are binary operators. It's possible to do the error checking as you do the infix-to-postfix conversion instead of in a separate step before that; as you go through the infix string, almost all syntax errors can be detected by noting whether it is legal for the current nonblank character to follow the nearest nonblank character before it. When converting infix to postfix, a unary operator like ! behaves a lot more like an open parenthesis than like a binary operator.)
By Monday, February 6, there will be a link on the class webpage that will enable you to turn in this homework. Turn in one zip file that contains your solutions to the homework problems. The zip file should contain

mazestack.cpp, if you solved problem 1

mazequeue.cpp, if you solved problem 3

eval.cpp, if you solved problem 5

hw.doc, hw.docx, or hw.txt, if you solved problems 2 and/or 4

Each source file you turn in may or may not contain a main routine; we'd prefer that it doesn't. If it does, our testing scripts will rename your main routine to something harmless. Our scripts will append our own main routine, then compile and run the resulting source file. Therefore, to get any credit, each source file you turn in must at least compile successfully under both g32 and either Visual C++ or clang++ (even though it's allowed to not link because of a missing main routine).

In each source file you turn in, do not comment out your implementation; you want our test scripts to see it! (Some people do this when testing other files' code because they put all their code in one project instead of having a separate project for each of problems 1, 3, and 5, which would be the preferred way to do things.)