Misunderstanding of probability may be the greatest of all impediments to scienti c literacy.
Gould, Stephen Jay
Student Name: Student Number:
Instructor George Tzanetakis
Question Value Mark
Total 10
The goal of this assignment is probabilistic modeling and statistical learning. Don't hesitate to contact the instructor via email or utilize the chat room of the ConneX course website for any questions/clari cations you might need.
The questions are marked as (*) necessary to pass, (**) expected and (***) exceptional.
Probabilistic Simulation (5pts)
Consider simulating a game of Monopoly. Your goal is to experimentally determine the cummulative probability of landing on each square following the rules of the game after 100 moves. By cummulative I mean the total number of times you land on a square during a play. So for example if you land on the Free Parking square 5 times during the 100 moves in a particular run of the simulation then the probability of landing on that square is 5/100. To get accurate probabilities you will have to run 1000 simulated games.
You can assume that you are only a considering a single player and you ig-nore buying/selling property. You will need to simulate chance cards, rolling the dice including doubles, and going to jail. The following article has some information you can use in your simulation http://www.businessinsider. com/math-monopoly-statistics-2013-6.
Consider the problem of generating a random sample from a speci ed distribution on a single variable. You can assume that a random number generator is available that returns a random number uniformly distributed between 0 and 1. Let X be a discrete variable with P(X = xi) = pi for i 1,
..., k. The cummulative distribution of X gives the probability X x1, ..., xj for each possible j. Explain how to calculate the cummulative distribution in O(k) time and how to generate a single sample X from it.
Use this method to simulate playing the Monopoly game 1000 times and show on a table what is the probability of landing in each railway station, the GO square, Mediterenean Avenue and Boardwalk.
2.1 Questions
Write code to generate random numbers corresponding to rolling a pair of dice and summing the ouput taking into account the doubling rule (when you roll doubles you get to roll again). Include all the code with comments describing what you are doing (*) (1pt)
Write code for selecting a chance card at random based on the infor-mation provided in the article about the math of Monopoly (*) (1pt)
Write code for simulating a game of Monopoly with a single player, go to jail, and chance cards. Record how many times you land on each square after playing a game consisting of 100 moves. Run the
simulation 1000 times and average the landing results. Show in a ta-ble the following probabilities: each railway station, the GO square, Mediterenean Avenue and Boardwalk. (**) (2pt)
For an A+ in this assignement undergraduate students can implement any of the following (implementing more than one is ok but will not give you additional points). Graduate students need to implement two out of four to get the A+ point. I am also open to other suggestions for extending the assignment (***) (1pt)
Write code that visualizes the board and associated probabilities in color (***) (1pt)
Implement code for handling the money aspect of monopoly and extend your simulation to handle multi-player playing by creating a very sim-ple buying/selling AI for example randomly selecting one or the other action
Implement a GUI for your game
Implement a reasonably sophisticated Monopoly playing AI agent
Naive Bayes Text Classi cation
Text categorization is the task of assigning a given document to one of a xed set of categories, on the basis of text it contains. Naive Bayes mod-els are often used for this task. In these models, the query variable is the document category, and the e ect variables are the presence/absence of each word in the language; the assumption is that words occur indepen-dently in documents within a given category (condititional independence), with frequencies determined by document category. Download the follow-ing le: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/People/pabo/movie-review-data/ review_polarity.tar.gz containing a dataset that has been used for text mining consisting of movie reviews classi ed into negative and positive. You will see that there are two folders for the positivie and negative category and they each contain multiple text les with the reviews. You can nd more information about the dataset at: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/People/ pabo/movie-review-data/.
Our goal will be to build a simple Naive Bayes classi er for this dataset. More complicated approaches using term frequency and inverse document frequency weighting and many more words are possible but the basic concepts are the same. The goal is to understand the whole process so DO NOT use existing machine learning packages but rather build the classi er from scratch.
Our feature vector representation for each text le will be simply a binary vector that shows which of the following words are present in the text le: Awful Bad Boring Dull E ective Enjoyable Great Hilarious. For example the text le cv996 11592.txt would be represented as (0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0) because it contains E ective and Great but none of the other words.
3.1 Questions
Write code that parses the text les and calculates the probabilities for each dictionary word given the review polarity (*) (1pt)
Explain how these probability estimates can be combined to form a Naive Bayes classi er. You can look up Bernoulli Bayes model for this simple model where only presence/absence of a word is modeled. (*) (1pt)
Calculate the classi cation accuracy and confusion matrix that you would obtain using the whole data set for both training and testing.
Check the associated README le and see what convention is used for the 10-fold cross-validation. Calculate the classi cation accuracy and confusion matrix using the recommended 10-fold cross-validation.
One can consider the Naive Bayes classi er a generative model that can generate binary feature vectors using the associated probabilities from the training data. The idea is similar to how we do direct sampling in Bayesian Networks and depends on generating random number from a discrete distribution. Describe how you would generate random movie reviews consisting solely of the words from the dictionary using your model. Show 5 examples of randomly generated positive reviews and 5 examples of randomly generated negative reviews. Each example
should consists of a subset of the words in the dictionary. Hint: use probabilities to generate both the presence and absence of a word (***) (1pt)
The submission should be a single PDF containing code snippets, text and gures with your answers in order. The questions are worth a total of 10 points. Grading will be based on the content of the answers as well as the quality of the report.