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Program Design & Testing Document for Program 3+ Lyell C Read Solution

Problem Statement

This problem/assignment is asking me to construct a C++ program that:

Allows the user to play Zoo Tycoon

Uses classes to implement that game as follows:

Using a parent class that has the elements:




Food Cost


Using a class for each animal that has specific traits and values for the above elements, as it inherits from that parent.

The user must start with 100,000, be able to purchase animals.

The user can buy up to two adults of one species. Each turn can only see the user buy one species. Adults start at 3 years.

It costs a random amount to feed each animal per day.

The user must be the victim of a special event (described in guide)

Zoo goes bankrupt when the user runs out of cash

Classes must be for sea otter, sloth, monkey (inherit from animal) and zoo class.

Within Zoo, dynamically allocated array of all species of one kind makes up an exhibit.

No memory leaks

Use Makefile for compilation.


NOTHING! I will check every input, so nothing is assumed. This I will achieve by:

A program that uses classes to provide the user a fine game of Zoo Tycoon

Deallocating memory when done if it was dynamically allocated.

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