Laboratory Exercises
This laboratory exercise is to create an initial version of Assignment 3, Huffman encoding and decoding. For this lab, you are to create a program, htable that will generate the table of encodings appropriate for a given file.
htable filename
Your program must:
• Read the input file—given on the command line—and build the Huffman code tree according to the rules given in Assignment 3; and
• Write this encodings described by this code tree to standard out according the the following format:
– Only bytes that are present in the file are included in the table.
– Bytes are included in the table in numerical order.
– Each line of the table consists of the byte as a two-digit hexadecimal number followed by a colon and a space, followed by the binary encoding represented by the characters ‘0’ and ‘1’.
Example: 0x61: 101
You may use any kind of IO you like for this, the restrictions for Assignment 3 do not apply.
What to turn in
For the Laboratory Exercise: Submit via handin in the CSL to the lab03 directory of the pn-cs357 account:
• your source files.
• A makefile (called Makefile) that will build your program when given the command make htable.
• A README file that contains:
– Your name(s). In addition to your names, please include your Cal Poly login names with it, in parentheses. E.g. (pnico)
– Any special instructions for running your program.
– Any other thing you want me to know while I am grading it.
The README file should be plain text, i.e, not a Word document, and should be named “README”, all capitals with no extension.
Sample Runs
I have placed a runable version of htable in the CSL in ~pn-cs357/demos as htable.
• cat test aabbccddd
• htable test 0x0a: 100 0x61: 101
0x62: 00
0x63: 01
0x64: 11