Starting from:


LAB3 : Motion Planning for the PUMA 560 Manipulator Solution

1 Purpose

The purpose of this lab is to develop a Matlab function the performs a motion planning algorithm. The function will use artificial potential fields to find a path from an initial point and orientation in task space to a final point and orientation in task space while avoiding obstacles modeled as cylinders and spheres.


Bring your work from Lab 1 to the Lab 3 session.

Read the textbook Chapter 5 paying particular attention to Sections 5.2 and 5.5.

3. Write neatly on paper the expressions for oi(q) − b and oi(q) − b appearing in equations (5.6) and

(5.7) of the textbook in the two cases:

case 1: the obstacle is a sphere of radius R centred at c = (cx, cy , cz ).

case 2: the obstacle is a cylinder of infinite height with the following specs: centre at c = (cx, cy ); axis parallel to the z0 axis; the radius is R.

Study this entire document ahead of the lab, so that you are prepared to complete all steps within the lab period.

3 Experiment

In this lab you will write a Matlab function that performs the motion planning algorithm developed in Chapter 5 of your textbook, and presented in class. This function will be used in Lab 4 of this course, so it is important that you test your function accurately. You will use the robotics toolbox to define and plot the robot configuration in three-space.

At the heart of the artificial potential method, there is the gradient descent algorithm



qk+1 = qk + αk
Joi (qk)⊤
(qk)) + Fi,rep(oi0
(qk)) ,


Joi (qk) = Jv1 · · · Jvi


(zj0−1 × (oi0
− oj0−1)


Jvj =

| 03×(6−i) , (2)

if joint i is P

if joint i is R.

The vectors zj0−1, o0i, and so on are computed using forward kinematics with joint vector qk.


3.1 The Attractive Field

The objective here is to develop a function providing the attractive component of the gradient descent algorithm in (1). Write a function att.m that has these arguments

tau = att(q,q2,myrobot)

where q is a column vector of the actual joint angles, q2 is a column vector of the final joint angles, and myrobot is the robot structure from Lab 1. The function will return the vector



tau = Joi (q)⊤Fi,att(o0i(q)).


For each link, you function will compute the forward kinematics for the current position of origin oi and the forward kinematics for the final position of origin oi. After the forward kinematics, your function will compute the artificial forces Fi,att(q) for i = 1, . . . , 6 as in (5.4) of the textbook. Take ζi = 1 initially, but you may modify the values of ζi to achieve better results. Next the function will compute the Jacobians Joi in equation (2) above.

The output tau is a row1 vector of “torques” which is the sum of each of the individual “torques” computed for each oi. Ensure that you normalize the output tau such that norm(tau) = 1. Type help norm to see how the norm function of Matlab works.

Test your function as follows. You should get2

H1 = eul2tr([0 pi pi/2]); % eul2tr converts ZYZ Euler angles to a hom. tsf. mtx H1(1:3,4)=100*[-1; 3; 3;]/4; % This assigns the desired displacement to the hom.tsf.mtx. q1 = inverse(H1,myrobot);

This is the starting joint variable vector. H2 = eul2tr([0 pi -pi/2]); H2(1:3,4)=100*[3; -1; 2;]/4;

q2 = inverse(H2,myrobot);

This is the final joint variable vector tau = att(q1,q2,myrobot)

tau =

-0.9050 -0.0229 -0.4003 -0.0977 0.1034 0.0000

Note that it may be necessary to add 2π to q2(4) depending on how your inverse function returns. For better debugging, you may want to test the values of the six attractive forces Fatt,i. Using the data above, you should obtain

Fatt1 Fatt2 Fatt3 Fatt4 Fatt5 Fatt6] =

0 0.7003 0.7003 1.0000 1.0000 1.0000

0 -0.3662 -0.3662 -1.0000 -1.0000 -1.0000 0 -0.0996 -0.0996 -0.2500 -0.2500 -0.2500

3.2 Motion Planning without Obstacles

The objective of this task is to develop a function that implements the motion planning using the gradient descent algorithm. Write a function motionplan.m that has these arguments

The reason for having τ be a row vector is that we will want to store the gradient descent iterations as rows in a matrix, see Section 3.2.

Here we are assuming that the unit of length used in your DH table is centimetres.


qref = motionplan(q0,q2,t1,t2,myrobot,obs,tol)

where qref is a piecewise cubic polynomial (PWCP), q0 is a column vector of the initial actual joint angles, q2 is a column vector of the final joint angles, t1 is the start time of the PWCP, t2 is the finish time of the PWCP, myrobot is the robot structure from Lab 1, obs is an obstacle structure, and tol is the tolerance used to terminate the algorithm. The function motionplan will make function calls to att and rep and will implement the gradient descent algorithm of Section 5.2.4. By setting αi = 0.01 the output of the att function is scaled appropriately. If αi is too large, the robot arm will oscillate around the final position.

The gradient descent algorithm produces waypoints qi, i = 1, . . . , N . Each waypoint is a vector with six components. You will collect the waypoints in a matrix q. The i-th row of q will contain the waypoint qi (thus qi is stored as a row vector, not a column vector). The matrix q will have dimension N × 6.

Terminate your algorithm when norm(q(end,1:5)-q2(1:5))<tol (recall that q2 is the desired joint variable vector, as discussed in the previous section). Note that the outputs of att and rep do not affect q(6). Simply use the command linspace to make q(6) transition from its initial value to the desired final value.

Once the gradient algorithm terminates producing the matrix q, the cubic spline qref can be created as follows.

t = linspace(t1,t2,size(q,1));

qref = spline(t,q’); % defines a spline object with interpolation

% times in t and interpolation values the columns of q

Issue the following commands to plot the trajectory of your robot arm using the command

qref = motionplan(q1,q2,0,10,myrobot,[],0.01);


q = ppval(qref,t)’;


and verify that your Puma 560 converges to the desired final position.

3.3 Motion Planning with Obstacles

Download the setupobstacle.m and plotobstacle.m files from the course website. The setupobstacle file creates a 6-cell array of obstacle data. Your function will use this data to compute the repulsive fields. Each cell contains the data for one obstacle. There are two types of obstacles that we will be using: cylinders and spheres. The choice for these will become apparent when you will compute the distance from origin oi to the closest point on the obstacle. The cylinder obstacle has the following fields (all units in cm):

R: the actual radius of the cylinder

c: the center (x,y) of the cylinder

rho0: the radius of influence of the cylinder

h: the height of the cylinder, used for plotting only

type: equal to ’cyl’ for cylinders

The sphere obstacle has these fields:

R: the actual radius of the sphere

c: the center (x,y,z) of the sphere

rho0: the radius of influence of the sphere

type: equal to ’sph’ for sphere


You will now create a function rep which computes the repulsive potential field for each obstacle. Write a function rep.m that has these arguments

tau = rep(q,myrobot,obs)

where q is a column vector of the actual joint angles, myrobot is the robot structure from Lab 1, and obs is the obstacle data generated by setupobstacle.m. The function will return the row vector



tau = Joi (q)⊤Fi,rep(o0i(q)).


Using equation (5.5), (5.6), and (5.7) in the textbook you will compute the artificial repulsive force for each obstacle. As before, the forces must be mapped to joint torques using Joi ⊤. For the output, you will need to sum these torques over each origin. Your function rep should output the repulsive torque only for one obstacle. Ensure that you normalize the output tau such that norm(tau) = 1.

Test your function as follows using q1 and q2 as before. You should get


q3 = 0.9*q1+0.1*q2;

tau = rep(q3,myrobot,obs{1}) % This tests the torque for the cylinder obstacle

tau =

0.9950 0.0291 -0.0504 0.0790 0.0197 0.0000

In particular, the repulsive forces should be as follows:

Frep1 Frep2 Frep3 Frep4 Frep5 Frep6 ] =

0 0 0 -106.4269 -106.4269 -106.4269

0 0 0 -3.6940 -3.6940 -3.6940


Next, test your function using the sphere obstacle. You should get

q = [pi/2 pi 1.2*pi 0 0 0];
tau = rep(q,myrobot,obs{6})

tau =

-0.1138 -0.2140 -0.9702 0 -0.0037 0

Now you will modify your motionplan function to include the repulsive fields by simply adding the artificial repulsive torques to the artificial attractive torques. Ensure to scale the output of the rep function by 0.01 in the same manner as the att function.

Using the obstacles given in setupobstacle, q1 as before, and q2 as before, we will now plot the robot arm with the obstacles by issuing the following commands


hold on

axis([-1 1 -1 1 0 2])



qref = motionplan(q1,q2,0,10,myrobot,obs,0.01);





hold off

Feel free to experiment with different obstacles and different artificial torque scaling factors to see how results change.

4 Submission

No later than one week after your lab session, submit on Quercus a zipped folder containing:

ALL of your Matlab functions including functions from lab 1. Thoroughly comment your code. Your folder may contain intermediate Matlab functions, but calls to the main functions motionplan, att, and rep must work without any modification required.

A Matlab file lab3.m working out the various steps in Section 3.