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Lab15 Solution

Write a function `calculateAverage()` which takes four int arguments which are marks for four courses in the semester and returns their average as a float. 

The `calculateAverage()` function should take only valid range for marks which is between 0 - 100. If the marks are out of range throw an OutOfRangeException - define this exception as a class.

Invoke the `calculateAverage()` function in main function and get the following inputs and outputs:

``` log
    Please enter marks for 4 courses:60 80 90 100
    The avarage of the four courses is 82.5

``` log
    Please enter marks for 4 courses:90 -80 70 80
    The parameter1 is -80 which out of range(0-100)

``` log
    Please enter marks for 4 courses:80 90 110 80
    The parameter1 is 110 which out of range(0-100)

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