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Lab Session 6 Solution

MA-423 : Matrix Computations Lab

Stability and accuracy: Consider a linear system Ax = b: Then cond(A) := ∥A∥2∥A−1 ∥2 is called the condition number of A which is a measure of sensitivity of the linear system to small changes in the linear system. Let xˆ be a computed solution of the linear system. Then

(ˆx; A) := is known as the backward error of x:ˆ It can be shown that

∥x − xˆ∥2 .

cond(A) (ˆx; A):


If y and yˆ are two vectors such that ∥y − yˆ∥2=∥y∥2 ≤ 0:5 × 10−p then y(i) and yˆ(i) agree to

significant digits for all indices i which satisfy |yˆ(i)| ≈ ∥yˆ∥2: Moreover |y(j) − yˆ(j)|=|y(j)| <
0:5 × 10−p for all j ≠ i; so that the entries of yˆ in these positions agree with corresponding

entries of y to more than p significant digits. In summary, if ∥y − yˆ∥2=∥y∥2 ≤ 0:5 × 10−p then y and yˆ agree to p significant digits in their entries.

The purpose of the following experiments is to understand ill-conditioning of linear system and stability of an algorithm and their influence on the accuracy of computed solution.

Consider the Hilbert matrix H; where H(i; j) := 1=(i + j − 1) (the matlab command H = hilb(n) generates H) and perform the following experiments.

Convince yourself that the condition number of H grows quickly with n: Try


N= 2:2:16;

for n=N

H=hilb(n); C=[C; cond(H)];



Can you guess an approximate relationship between cond(H) and n based on this graph? (The matlab cond(H) computes the 2-norm condition number of H: Type help cond for details.)

The rule-of-thumb of ill-conditioning says that if cond(H) = 10t then one should expect to lose t digits in the solution of Hx = b: Examine this criterion by solving Hx = b: Here is how you can pick up the exact solution. Choose an arbitrary x and set b := Hx: Then x is the exact solution of Hx = b: The matrix H is SPD

(symmetric positive definite). The matlab backslash A \ b command uses Cholesky factorization to solve an SPD system. There is also a matlab command invhilb which computes H−1 in a special way. You can also use GEPP (Gaussian Elimination with Partial Pivoting) to solve Hx = b: You may have to use format long e to see more digits. Try


H=hilb(n); HI = invhilb(n);

x= rand(n,1);

b =H*x;

x1 = H\ b; % Call this is method1

x2 = HI*b; % Call this is method2


Compute backward error eta, condition number cond and the error err for method1 and method2 and display the result in the format [ eta cond err].

Repeat for n = 10 and n = 12:

∗ List the results corresponding to n = 8; 10; 12; and determine correct digits in x1, x2.

∗ How many digits are lost in computing x1 and x2? How does this correlate with the size of the condition number?

∗ Which is better among x1 and x2 or isn’t there much of a difference? Is it fair to say that the inaccuracy resulted from a poor algorithm?

If xˆ is the computed solution of Ax = b then r := Axˆ − b is called the residual. Of course r = 0 if and only if x = x:ˆ But usually r ≠ 0: Does a small ∥r∥2 imply ∥x −xˆ∥2 small? Try the following:


H=hilb(n); x = randn(n,1);

b = H*x;

x1= H \ b;

r = H*x1-b;

disp( [norm(r) norm(x-x1)])

What is your conclusion?

Since H is positive definite, LU factorization of H exists. Compute LU factorization of the Hilbert matrix H for n = 8; 10; 12 and check the backward stability of the algorithm GENP (GE with no pivoting). A naive Matlab code that implements GENP is given below.

function [L, U] = GENP(A);

[L U] = GENP(A) produces a unit lower triangular matrix L

and an upper triangular matrix U so that A= LU.

[n, n] = size(A);

for k = 1:n-1

compute multipliers for k-th step A(k+1:n,k) = A(k+1:n,k)/A(k,k);

update A(k+1:n,k+1:n)

j = k+1:n;

A(j,j) = A(j,j)-A(j,k)*A(k,j);


strict lower triangle of A, plus I L = eye(n,n)+ tril(A,-1);

U = triu(A); % upper triangle of A

Wilkinson’s matrix is defined as follows: 1 on the diagonal, −1 everywhere below the main diagonal, 1 in the last column, and 0 everywhere else. Write a matlab function W

Wilkinson(n) that generates Wilkinson’s matrix W of size n using matlab functions

eye, tril and ones.

For n = 32; pick a random x and then compute b := W ∗ x: Solve Ax = b using matlab backslash command and compute the error ∥x − xˆ∥∞=∥x∥∞ (type help


norm for more info about computing norm). Does the size of the error confirm that GEPP is unstable for this system? Also compute cond(A): Can the poor answer be attributed to ill-conditioning of the matrix W ? Repeat the test for n = 64:

Repeat the experiment in part (a) using QR decomposition. It is easy in matlab. The command [Q,R] =qr(A) gives unitary Q and upper triangular R such that A = QR. Solve W x = b using QR decomposition and compare the results with those in part(a). Which of the two methods appear to give a better answer?

Pivot growth of Gaussian elimination with pivoting (GEPP or GECP) is given by P G(A) = maxij |U(i; j)|=maxij |A(i; j)| which influences accuracy of computed solution. Modify your matlab function [L, U, p] = GEPP(A) for computing LU decomposition of a nonsingu-lar matrix A to write a new function [L; U; p; rho] = gepp(A) so that it returns an additional output rho which calculates the pivot growth factor, that is, rho = P G(A):

[Hint: Given a matrix X; max(X) is a row vector containing the maximum element from each column.]

It is well known that the pivot growth factor for GEPP satisfies P G(A) ≤ 2n−1 which is attained by the Wilkinson matrix. Verify this graphically by doing the following:

First plot the graph of 2n−1 in log 10 scale for n = 10 : :5 : 505 by setting X = 2.^ (n-1) and then typing semilogy(n,X,’r’). Hold this plot by typing hold on and type the following sequence of commands (which assumes that the Wilkinson matrix of size n is generated by the function W = Wilkinson(n)).

n = 10:20:500;

m = length(n); G = zeros(m,1);

for i = 1:m

W = Wilkinson(n(i)); [L,U,p,rho] = geppg(W); G(i) = rho;



The second plot should come in the form of blue dots that fall on the red curve produced by the earlier plot.

However, statistics suggest that for most practical examples, P G(A) ≤ n2=3 for GEPP. Verify this graphically by generating random matrices instead of Wilkinson matrices in the sequence of commands given above.

There is no strong correlation between pivot growth and the ill-conditioning of a matrix. This is illustrated by a Golub matrix. A Golub matrix A of size n is an ill-conditioned inte-ger matrix whose LU factorization without pivoting fails to reveal that A is ill-conditioned. The matrix A is given by A := LU; where L unit lower triangular with random integer entries and U is unit upper triangular with random integer entries. The function golub given below generates a Golub matrix of size n :

function A = golub(n)

s = 10;

L = tril(round(s*randn(n)),-1)+eye(n);

U = triu(round(s*randn(n)),1)+eye(n);

A = L*U;


Compute LU factorization of A using your function [L, U] = GENP(A). Also, compute the pivot growth P G(A) and the condition number cond(A) = ∥A∥2 ∥A−1∥2 using matlab command cond(A). If cond(A) is large then the system Ax = b is ill-conditioned and in such a case A is called ill-conditioned. Does P G(A) reflect the ill-conditioning of A?
