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Lab 5 (MAC protocols) Solution

    1. Consider a slotted system with n 1. In each slot, each user generates a new ethernet frame with probability =n, where 2 [0; 1]. Frames generated at queued at the nodes. Assume that slot length is , and ethernet frame transmission time is T . All users use a common channel and have to compete with each other for an opportunity to successfully transmit their frames. For a long enough simulation run, average throughput is de ned as number of successful transmissions upon number of slots.

(a) Use slotted ALOHA with T =   and n = 100, and plot the average throughput as a

function of  . How does it compare with the theoretical prediction?
(b) Use p-persistent CSMA with T = 3  and n = 100, and plot the average throughput as a

function of  for p = 0:5 and p = 0:01

End of paper

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