Starting from:


Lab 4: What’s Up Conditionals Solution


    • Develop problem solving skills

    • Develop skills in using if statements in C

    • Understand how to interpret the acceleration values in terms of gravity

    • Understand tolerances and testing in relation to floating point values

    • Understand testing multiple conditions

Starting Point:

    • lab4.c

    • You will need mag function from last week

    • Read the entire lab manual before you start coding


    • Your lab report including answers to the questions at the bottom of the lab manual and your source code. Check the rubric for grading details. Remember to use the lab report format!

    • Demonstrate working program to undergraduate TA, during lab or office hours (before the start of next lab)


Creating a New Folder

Create a new folder named lab4 in your cpre185 folder on the U: drive. You will want to copy over ds4rd.exe to the lab4 folder.

Basic Steps

    1. Download lab4.c to your lab4 folder.

    2. The “Development Tips” section at the bottom of the lab manual should be read before continuing, as they will provide some insight into the lab requirements.
    3. Once you’ve compiled your program. Run/test it using the command:

./ds4rd.exe -d 054c:05c4 -D DS4_BT -t -a -g -b | ./lab4

Remember to replace DS4_BT with DS4_USB if using the DS4 over usb, and
lab4 is replaced with whatever you named your compiled program.

    4. Hit Control-C to stop the program (you will add a feature later to end the program with a button)


We will learn how to determine how the DualShock 4 is oriented and how to interpret the acceleration values in more detail. For this problem, we will calculate the magnitude of the acceleration from the DualShock 4. You will read from ds4rd.exe, but this time you will read the inputs over and over inside the “while” loop. Your code should be written in a modular fashion and include 3 or more of your own functions.

When the DualShock 4 is not moving, your program should output a line saying which side of the DualShock 4 is facing up. Consider using the magnitude of the acceleration (-a) for movement detection. You will need a tolerance value for this---experiment to find one that seems reasonable. You will need to use the gyroscope values (-g) to determine the orientation. Again, you may want a separate tolerance value. (see development tips below about the close_to function and tolerance values)

For instance, when laying flat and still on the table with buttons up, it should output “TOP”. Flipping the DualShock 4 over, when still, it should output “BOTTOM.” When setting the left side of the DualShock 4 (i.e. side with the d-pad buttons) down and the right side up, your program should output “RIGHT” and when flipped (ie side with the shape buttons down), “LEFT.” When the LED light bar is pointed up, output “FRONT” and similarly when the LED light bar is down it should read “BACK.”



    • Program outputs orientation of Dualshock when not moving

    • Program includes and uses 3 or more of your own functions

Feature 1

Once your code does the above (displays which side is facing up), modify the while loop to stop and end the program when the user clicks the TRIANGLE BUTTON on the DualShock 4.

Feature 2

Modify your code so that the program only outputs a new line when its orientation changes. (e.g. “RIGHT” shouldn’t appear multiple times in a row)

Demonstrate your working program (with the required features above) to the undergraduate TA. Ensure the undergraduate TA has entered the appropriate points into the “Lab 04 Demo” column in “My Grades” on Blackboard. This may be done during an undergraduate TA's office hours if you do not complete the program in class. But it must be done before your next lab period.

Development Tips

    • You will need to frequently compare two real numbers within some tolerance. Write such a function with the following prototype:

int close_to (double tolerance, double point, double value);

    • It should return true when value is within tolerance of point. For example, if point is 1.0 and tolerance is 0.25, then close_to should return true when value is from 0.75 to 1.25, otherwise, it should return false.
Use close_to to implement your real number comparisons in your code.

In C, 0 is evaluated as false, and any other number is true (Usually we use


    • HINT: Write close_to first and test it. Then implement the program. You will probably want a much smaller tolerance than this example uses.

    • You can capture raw data from the controller by running the following command:

./ds4rd.exe -d 054c:05c4 -D DS4_BT -t -a -g -b  > output.csv

    • You can then send this data into your program using the following command:

./yourprogram.exe < output.csv

This is useful, as it allows you to record a sequence of movements of your controller and simulate running those movements on your program without physically having a controller. This is helpful if you want to run pre recorded samples of inputs against your program without using the DS4 and the DS4RD program.

    • Link to a document that explains a bit more about redirection: Redirection

Note: When the captured data is run through your program, your program should detect that the controller is starting with the right side up, then the left side, and then terminate due to the triangle button press. The captured data is simply an example and does not guarantee that your program will work on an actual DS4. Your program must work on an actual controller, and the example data is simply another aid.

Questions and Experiments

        1. How did you approach the design?

    2. What data did you have to read in?
    3. What functions did you choose to implement and why?

    4. What tolerance values did you pick and how did you decide on them?

Be sure to include your answers in the appropriate section of your lab report.

If you don’t see where it should go, please put it in the comments section.