1. Sum Function [15 points]
Write a function that takes three integer parameters (A, B, and C) and returns a sum of them (A+B+C). Copy Lab4_1_incomplete.s and complete this program. Use the parameter passing and call/return sequences discussed in class for less than four parameters. Save your code as "Lab4_1.s" and run it in PCSpim.
Check-off Requirement: Show your solution to TA and demonstrate program execution in SPIM.
2. 2D Matrix Transpose Function [30 points]
Write a matrix transpose function that takes one 2D array, transposes it, and stores the result to another 2D array. The following C code shows that mat_transpose function takes A as an input parameter and T as an output parameter. The size of the matrix A is specified as NUMROWS_A and NUMCOLS_A.
void mat_transpose(int **A, int **T, int NUMROWS_A, int NUMCOLS_A)
int i, j;
for ( i = 0; i < NUMROWS_A; ++i )
for ( j = 0; j < NUMCOLS_A; ++j )
T[j][i] = A[i][j];
Use the calling/return sequences and parameter passing convention discussed in class. Similar discussion on function calls can be found in textbook Appendix A.
Your MIPS program must have a transpose function and some codes to print out original and transpose matrices on the console.
Storage Organization for 2D Matrix in C
Logical Layout
Physical Layout
Figure 1: Memory Layout for 2D Matrix in C
When the caller function passes a 2D matrix as a parameter in C language, a double C pointer (**A) is used to pass only the address of the matrix. A is the address of an array of pointers. Element A[i] of this array is the address to the row number i of the 2D matrix. A 2D matrix is represented as a collection of its rows, with each row just being a one-dimensional array. We call this type of organization row-major order. Two pointer dereferences are needed to access each element in a matrix. That is, to access A[2][1] (at location (2, 1) of the matrix) we first dereference pointer A to indicate the beginning of row number 2 (=A[2]), and dereference that pointer (A[2]) to the element (A[2][1]).
Declaration of 2D Matrices in Data Segment
The following code shows declaration of 4x4 matrices with initial values in row-major order. Use this code for testing a transpose function.
.align 2 # Request alignment on word (4 byte) boundary
## 4x4 Matrix Declaration ##
A0: .word 41, 42, 43, 44 # Declare and initialize 1st Row of A
A1: .word 55, 56, 57, 58 # Declare and initialize 2nd Row of A
A2: .word 19, 10, 11, 12 # Declare and initialize 3rd Row of A
A3: .word 23, 24, 25, 26 # Declare and initialize 4th Row of A
A: .word A0, A1, A2, A3 # Declare and initialize the pointer to the rows
NUMROWS_A: .word 4 # the number of rows
NUMCOLS_A: .word 4 # the number of columns
## 4x4 Matrix Declaration ##
T0: .word 0, 0, 0, 0 # Declare and initialize 1st Row of T
T1: .word 0, 0, 0, 0 # Declare and initialize 2nd Row of T
T2: .word 0, 0, 0, 0 # Declare and initialize 3rd Row of T
T3: .word 0, 0, 0, 0 # Declare and initialize 4th Row of T
T: .word T0, T1, T2, T3 # Declare and initialize the pointer to the rows
NUMROWS_T: .word 4 # the number of rows
NUMCOLS_T: .word 4 # the number of columns
Array A and T are defined in row-major order in the data segment. Not that the first dimensional elements of array A and T store addresses of the corresponding one dimensional arrays. To get the addresses of the second dimensional arrays, we use lw instructions, not la instruction
This example shows how to access A[i][j].
# Assume i is stored in register $t6 and j in register $t7
la $t1, A # Load address of A into register $t1
sll $t2, $t6, 2 # Shift left twice (same as i * 4)
add $t2, $t2, $t1 # Address of pointer A[i]
lw $t3, ($t2) # Get address of an array A[i] and put it into register $t3
sll $t4, $t7, 2 # Shift left twice (same as j * 4)
add $t4, $t3, $t4 # Address of A[i][j]
lw $t0, ($t4) # Load value of A[i][j]
Save your code as "Lab4_2.s" and run it in PCSpim.
Check-off Requirement: Show your solution to TA and demonstrate program execution in SPIM.
3. Fibonacci Number Function [35 points]
Write a MIPS program that computes a Fibonacci number using a recursive function. The following code shows a corresponding C program.
int fib(int n)
if (n<2) return n;
return fib(n-1) + fib(n-2);
void main()
int n, fib_n;
/* Read a positive integer from user and store it to n */
fib_n = fib(n);
/* Print fib(n) number */
Save your code as "Lab4_3.s" and run it in PCSpim.
Check-off Requirement: Show your solution to TA and demonstrate program execution in SPIM.
Submission Requirement
Turn in three source files (Lab4_1.s, Lab4_2.s, and Lab4_3.s).