In this lab, you will implement three monitors that will be used in our OS kernel. These monitors are the ThreadManager, the ProcessManager, and the FrameManager. The code you write will be inspired by the code you have written in Lab 3, in that these three monitors will orchestrate the allocation and release of resources.
Setting up
Working in ECF Lab Machines
Similar to Lab 3, if you choose to work in the ECF lab machines directly (by remotely logging into one of them), we recommend that you start by creating a new directory for the files you will need for this lab. You can then copy all the files from:
Even though some of the files have the same names, do not reuse files from the previous labs as they are considered out of date. The same set of files are also available in the Docker image that you can download from the link provided in the course website. Useful commands on using Docker containers have been introduced previously in the handouts in Lab 1, 2, and 3.
For this lab, you should get the following files:
The packages called Thread and Synch in Lab 3 have been merged together into one package, now called Kernel. This package contains quite a bit of other material as well, which will be used for later labs. In this and the remaining labs, you will be modifying the Kernel.c and Kernel.h files. Do not modify the code that is not used in this lab; just leave it in the package.
The Kernel.c file contains the following classes and functions:
Thread scheduler functions
Semaphore class
Mutex class
Condition class
Thread class
ThreadManager class
ProcessControlBlock class
ProcessManager class
FrameManager class
AddrSpace class
Other interrupt handlers
Handler functions
In this lab, you can ignore everything after TimerInterruptHandler. The classes ThreadManager, ProcessManager, and FrameManager are provided, but the bodies of the methods are not implemented. You are asked to add your own implementations to these methods. Some other methods are marked “unimplemented;” those will be implemented in later labs.
The BitMap package contains code you will need to read and use; please read and understand the code in this package, but do not modify it.
The makefile has been modified to compile the new code. As before, it produces an executable called os. Type make to compile, and type make clean to remove the results of compilation.
You may modify the file Main.c while testing, but when you do your final run, please use the Main.c file as it was distributed. In the final version of our kernel, the Main package will perform all initialization and will create the first thread. The current version performs initialization and then calls some testing functions.
Task 1: Threads and the ThreadManager
In this task, you will modify the ThreadManager class and provide implementations for the following methods:
In our kernel, we will avoid allocating dynamic memory. In other words, we will not use the heap. All important resources will be created at startup time and then we will carefully monitor their allocation and deallocation.
An example of an important resource is Thread objects. Since we will not be able to allocate new objects on the heap while the kernel is running, all the Thread objects must be created ahead of time. Obviously, we cannot predict how many threads we will need, so we will allocate a fixed number of Thread objects (e.g., 10) and re-use them.
When a user process starts up, the kernel will need to obtain a new Thread object for it. When a process dies, the Thread object must be returned to a pool of free Thread objects, so it can be recycled for another process.
Kernel.h contains the line:
Since each user process in our OS will correspond to one kernel thread (the 1:1 thread model), we will also use this number to determine how many Thread objects to place into the free pool initially in the kernel.
To manage the Thread objects, we will use the ThreadManager class. There will be only one instance of this class, called threadManager, and it is created and initialized at startup time in Main.c.
Whenever you need a new Thread object, you can invoke threadManger.GetANewThread. This method should suspend and wait if there are currently none available. Whenever a thread terminates, the scheduler will invoke FreeThread. In fact, the Run function has been modified in this lab to invoke FreeThread when a thread terminates — thereby adding it to the free list — instead of setting its status to UNUSED.
Here is the definition of ThreadManager as initially distributed:
class ThreadManager
superclass Object
threadTable: array [MAX_NUMBER_OF_PROCESSES] of Thread
freeList: List [Thread]
Init ()
Print ()
GetANewThread () returns ptr to Thread FreeThread (th: ptr to Thread)
When you write the Init method, you will need to initialize the array of Threads, and you will need to initialize each Thread in the array and set its status to UNUSED. (Each Thread will have one of the following as its status: READY, RUNNING, BLOCKED, JUST_CREATED, and UNUSED.) Threads should have the status UNUSED if and only if they are on the freeList. You will also need to initialize the freeList and place all Threads in the threadTable array on the freeList during initialization.
You will need to turn the ThreadManager into a “monitor.” To do this, you might consider adding a Mutex lock (perhaps called threadManagerLock) and a condition variable (perhaps called aThreadBecameFree) to the ThreadManager class. The Init method will also need to initialize threadManagerLock and aThreadBecameFree.
The GetANewThread and FreeThread methods are both “entry methods” in the monitor, so naturally they should obtain the monitor lock in the first statement and release it before they return.
GetANewThread will remove and return a Thread from the freeList. If the freeList is empty, this method will need to wait on the condition of a thread becoming available. The FreeThread method will add a Thread back to the freeList and signal anyone waiting on the condition.
The GetANewThread method should also change the Thread status to JUST_CREATED and the FreeThread method should change it back to UNUSED.
We have provided code for the Print method to print out the entire table of Threads.
Note that the Print method disables interrupts. The Print method is used only while debugging and will not be called in a running OS so this is okay. Within the Print method, we want to get a clean picture of the system state — a “snapshot” — (without worrying about what other threads may be doing), so disabling interrupts seems acceptable. However, the other methods — Init, GetANewThread and FreeThread — must not disable interrupts, beyond what is done within the implementations of Mutex, Condition, etc.
In Main.c we have provided a test routine called RunThreadManagerTests, which creates 20 threads to simultaneously invoke GetANewThread and FreeThread. Let us call these the “testing threads” as opposed to the “resource threads,” which are the objects that the ThreadManager will allocate and monitor. There are 20 testing threads and only 10 resource thread objects.
Every thread that terminates will be added back to the freeList (by Run, which calls FreeThread). Since the testing threads were never obtained by a call to GetANewThread, it would be wrong to add them back to the freeList. Therefore, each testing thread does not actually terminate. Instead it freezes up by waiting on a semaphore that is never signalled. By the way, the testing threads are allocated on the heap, in violation of the principle that the kernel must never allocate anything on the heap, but this is okay, since this is only debugging code, which will not become a part of the kernel.
In the kernel, we may have threads that are not part of the threadTable pool (such as the IdleThread), but these threads must never terminate, so there is no possibility that they will be put
onto the freeList. Thus, the only things on the freeList should be Threads from the threadTable pool.
You will also notice that the Thread class has been changed slightly to add the following fields:
class Thread
isUserThread: bool
userRegs: array [15] of int -- Space for r1..r15
myProcess: ptr to ProcessControlBlock methods
These fields will be used in a later lab. The Thread methods are unchanged.
Task 2: Processes and the ProcessManager
In our kernel, each user process will correspond to only one thread. For each process, there will be a single ProcessContolBlock object containing the per-process information, such as information about open files and the process’s address space. Each ProcessControlBlock object will point to a Thread object and each Thread object will point back to the ProcessControlBlock.
There may be other kernel threads that are not associated with any user process. There will only be a small, fixed number of this kind of threads, and they will be created at kernel start-up time.
For now, we will only have a modest number of ProcessControlBlocks, which will make our testing job a little easier, but in a real OS this constant would be larger.
All user processes will be preallocated in an array called processTable, which will be managed by the ProcessManager object, much like the Thread objects are managed by the ThreadManager object.
Each user process will be represented by an object of this class:
class ProcessControlBlock
superclass Listable
pid: int
parentsPid: int
status: int -- ACTIVE, ZOMBIE, or FREE
myThread: ptr to Thread
exitStatus: int
addrSpace: AddrSpace
fileDescriptor: array [MAX_FILES_PER_PROCESS] of ptr to OpenFile methods
Init ()
Print ()
PrintShort ()
Each user process will have a process ID (the field named pid). Each process ID will be a unique number, from 1 on up.
Processes will be related to other processes in a hierarchical parent-child tree. Each process will know who its parent process is. The field called parentsPid is an integer identifying the parent. One parent may have zero, one, or many child processes. To find the children of process X, we will have to search all processes for processes whose parentsPid matches X’s pid.
The ProcessControlBlock objects will be more like C structs than full-blown C++ objects: the fields will be accessed from outside the class but the class will not contain many methods of its own. Other than initializing the object and a couple of print methods, there will be no other methods for ProcessControlBlock. We are providing the implementations for the Init, Print and PrintShort methods.
Since we will have only a fixed, small number of ProcesControlBlocks, these are resources which must be allocated. This is the purpose of the monitor class called ProcessManager.
At start-up time, all ProcessControlBlocks are initially FREE. As user processes are created, these objects will be allocated; when the user process dies, the corresponding ProcessControlBlock will become FREE once again.
In Unix and in our kernel, the death of a user process is a two stage procedure. First, an ACTIVE process will execute some system call (e.g., Exit()) when it wishes to terminate. Although the thread will be terminated, the ProcessControlBlock cannot be immediately freed, so the process will then become a ZOMBIE. At some later time, when we are done with the ProcessControlBlock it can be freed. Once it is FREE, it is added to the freeList and can be reused when a new process is begun.
The exitStatus is only valid after a process has terminated (e.g., a call to Exit()). So a ZOMBIE process has a terminated thread and a valid exitStatus. The ZOMBIE state is necessary just to keep the exit status around. The reason we cannot free the ProcessControlBlock is because we need somewhere to store this integer.
For this lab, we will ignore the exitStatus. It need not be initialized, since the default initialization (to zero) is fine. Also, we will ignore the ZOMBIE state. Every process will be either ACTIVE or FREE.
Each user process will have a virtual address space and this is described by the field addrSpace. The code we have supplied for ProcessControlBlock.Init will initialize the addrSpace. Although the addrSpace will not be used in this lab, it will be discussed later in this document.
The myThread field will point to the process’s Thread, but we will not set it in this lab.
The fileDescriptors field describes the files that this process has open. It will not be used in this lab.
Here is the definition of the ProcessManager object:
class ProcessManager
superclass Object
processTable: array [MAX_NUM_OF_PROCESSES] of ProcessControlBlock
processManagerLock: Mutex
aProcessBecameFree: Condition
freeList: List [ProcessControlBlock]
aProcessDied: Condition
Init ()
Print ()
PrintShort ()
GetANewProcess () returns ptr to ProcessControlBlock FreeProcess (p: ptr to ProcessControlBlock) TurnIntoZombie (p: ptr to ProcessControlBlock)
WaitForZombie (proc: ptr to ProcessControlBlock) returns int endClass
There will be only one ProcessManager and this instance (initialized at start-up time) will be called processManager.
processManager = new ProcessManager
processManager.Init ()
The Print() and PrintShort() methods for ProcessManager are provided for you. You are to implement the methods Init , GetANewProcess, and FreeProcess. The methods TurnIntoZombie and WaitForZombie will be implemented in a later lab and can be ignored for now.
The freeList is a list of all ProcessControlBlocks that are FREE. The status of a ProcessControlBlock should be FREE if and only if it is on the freeList.
We assume that several threads may more or less simultaneously request a new ProcessControlBlock by calling GetANewProcess. The ProcessManager should be a “monitor,” in order to protect the freeList from concurrent access. The Mutex called processManagerLock is for that purpose. When a ProcessControlBlock is added to the freeList, the condition aProcessBecameFree can be Signaled to wake up any thread waiting for a ProcessControlBlock.
Initializing the ProcessManager should initialize
the processTable array
all the ProcessControlBlocks in that array
the processManagerLock
the aProcessBecameFree and the aProcessDied condition variables the freeList
All ProcessControlBlocks should be initialized and placed on the freeList.
The condition called aProcessDied is signaled when a process goes from ACTIVE to ZOMBIE. It will not be used in this lab, but should be initialized nonetheless.
The GetANewProcess method is similar to the GetANewThread method, except that it must also assign a process ID. In other words, it must set the pid. The ProcessManager will need to manage a single integer for this purpose. (Perhaps you might call it nextPid). Every time a ProcessControlBlock is allocated (i.e., every time GetANewProcess is called), this integer must be incremented and used to set the process’s pid. GetANewProcess should also set the process’s status to ACTIVE.
The FreeProcess method must change the process’s status to FREE and add it to the free list.
Both GetANewProcess and FreeProcess are monitor entry methods.
Task 3: The Frame Manager
The lower portion of the physical memory of the BLITZ computer, starting at location zero, will contain the kernel code. It is not clear exactly how big this will be, but we will allocate 1 MB for the kernel code. After that will come a portion of memory (called the “frame region”) which will be allocated for various purposes. For example, the disk controller may need a little memory for buffers and each of the user processes will need memory for “virtual pages.”
The area of memory called the frame region will be viewed as a sequence of “frames.” Each frame will be the same size and we will have a fixed number of frames. For concreteness, here are some constants from Kernel.h.
PAGE_SIZE = 8192
-- in hex: 0x00002000
-- in hex:
This results in a frame region of 4 MB, so our kernel would fit into a 5 MB memory.
The frame size and the page size are the same, namely 8K. In later labs, each frame will hold a page of memory. For now, we can think of each frame as a resource that must be managed. We will not really do anything with the frames. This is similar to the dice in the gaming parlor and the forks for the
philosophers; we were concerned with allocating them to threads, but did not really use them in any way.
Each frame is a resource, like the dice of the game parlor, or the philosophers’ forks. From time to time, a thread will request some frames; the frameManager will either be able to satisfy the request, or the requesting thread will have to wait until the request can be satisfied.
For the purposes of testing our code, we will work with a smaller frame region of only a few frames. This will cause more contention for resources and stress our concurrency control a little more. (For later labs, we can restore this constant to the larger value.)
NUMBER_OF_PHYSICAL_PAGE_FRAMES = 27 -- For testing only
Here is the definition of the FrameManager class:
class FrameManager
superclass Object
framesInUse: BitMap
numberFreeFrames: int
frameManagerLock: Mutex
newFramesAvailable: Condition
Init ()
Print ()
GetAFrame () returns int -- returns addr of frame GetNewFrames (aPageTable: ptr to AddrSpace, numFramesNeeded: int) ReturnAllFrames (aPageTable: ptr to AddrSpace)
There will be exactly one frameManager object, created at kernel start-up time.
frameManager = new FrameManager
frameManager.Init ()
With frames (unlike the ProcessControlBlocks) there is no object to represent each resource. So to keep track of which frames are free, we will use the BitMap package. Please read the code included in this package. The BitMap class gives us a way to deal with long strings of bits. We can do things like (1) set a bit, (2) clear a bit, and (3) test a bit. We will use a long bit string to tell which frames are in use and which are free; this is the framesInUse field. For each frame, there is a bit. If the bit is 1 (i.e., is “set”) then the frame is in use; if the bit is 0 (i.e., is “clear”) then the frame is free.
Similar to threadManager and processManager, the frameManager should be organized as a monitor class. The frameManagerLock is used to make sure only one method at a time is executing in the FrameManager code.
We have provided the code for the Init, Print, and GetAFrame methods; you will need to implement GetNewFrames, and ReturnAllFrames.
The method GetAFrame allocates one frame (waiting until at least one is available) and returns the address of the frame. (Since there is never a need to return frames one at a time, there is no “ReturnOneFrame” method.)
When the frames are obtained, the GetNewFrames method needs to make a note of which frames have been allocated. It does this by storing the address of each frame it allocates (the address of the first byte in each frame) into an AddrSpace object.
An AddrSpace object is used to represent a virtual address space and to tell where in physical memory the virtual pages are actually located. For example, for a virtual address space with 10 pages, the AddrSpace object will contain an ordered list of 10 physical memory addresses. These are the addresses of the 10 “frames” holding the 10 pages in the virtual address space. However, the AddrSpace object contains more information. For each page, it also contains information about whether the page has been modified, whether the page is read-only or writable, etc. The information in an AddrSpace object is stored in exactly the format required by the CPU’s memory management hardware. In later labs, this will allow us to use the AddrSpace object as the current page table for a running user process. At that time, when we switch to a user process, we will have to tell the CPU which AddrSpace object to use for its page table. In addition to looking over the code in AddrSpace, you may wish to review “The BLITZ Architecture” document, with a focus on page 27 — 31 on page tables and the BLITZ MMU.
The code in method
GetNewFrames (aPageTable: ptr to AddrSpace, numFramesNeeded: int)
needs to do the following:
Acquire the frame manager lock;
Wait on newFramesAvailable until there are enough free frames to satisfy the request;
Do a loop for each of the frames
for i = 0 to numFramesNeeded - 1
determine which frame is free (find and set a bit in the framesInUse BitMap);
figure out the address of the free frame;
execute the following:
aPageTable.SetFrameAddr (i, frameAddr) to store the address of the frame which has been allocated;
adjust the number of free frames;
set aPageTable.numberOfPages to the number of frames allocated;
unlock the frame manager.
The code in method
ReturnAllFrames (aPageTable: ptr to AddrSpace)
needs to do more or less the opposite. It can look at aPageTable.numberOfPages to see how many are being returned. It can then go through the page table and see which frames it possessed. For each, it can clear the bit.
for i = 0 to numFramesReturned-1
frameAddr = aPageTable.ExtractFrameAddr (i)
bitNumber = ...frameAddr...
It will also need to adjust the number of free frames and “notify” any waiting threads that more frames have become available. To do this, you will need to do a Broadcast, because a Signal will only wake up one thread. The thread that gets awakened may not have enough free frames to complete, but other waiting threads may be able to proceed.
Also note that there is a possibility of starvation here. It is possible that one large process will be waiting for a lot of frames (e.g., 100 frames). Perhaps there are many small processes which free a few frames here and there, but there are always other small processes that grab those frames. Since there are never more than a few free frames at a time, the big process will get starved.
This particular scenario for starvation, where processes are competing for frames, is a very real danger in an OS and a “real” OS would need to ensure that starvation could not happen. However, in our situation, it is acceptable to provide a solution that risks starvation.
Do not modify the code for the AddrSpace class. Do not modify any other files except Kernel.h and Kernel.c. Do not create global variables (except for testing purposes). Do not modify the methods we have provided.
What to Submit
Complete all three tasks in this handout (or as many tasks as you can), and then submit Kernel.c and
Kernel.h using the command:
submitece353s 4 Kernel.c Kernel.h
Grading for this Lab
Your submitted solution will be marked by an autograder using test cases, and checked for potential plagiarism as well. The maximum possible mark for this lab assignment is 10. Task 1 will account for 3 marks, Task 2 will account for 3 marks, and Task 3 will account for 4 marks. Most of the test cases have been provided to you, in the form of:
RunThreadManagerTests ()
RunProcessManagerTests ()
RunFrameManagerTests ()
As well as in the code commented out above these test function calls. However, we may run additional stress testing for your code in addition to the test cases we provided in Main.c.
Please refer to the file lab4-sample-output.txt (downloadable from the course website) for an example output of the test functions.
There will not be in-lab questions from the TAs. Feel free to ask questions in the Piazza discussion forum during the reading week.