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Lab 4: Hangman in Perl!

Aim: Write a program to play a word-guessing game like Hangman.

Let’s get started!

        o Create a directory structure to hold your work for this course and all the subsequent labs:
            ▪ Suggestion: CS202/Lab4


        o The word to guess is represented by a row of dashes, giving the number of letters in the word.

    o If the player suggests a letter which occurs in the word, it should write it in all its correct positions

    o If the suggested letter does not occur in the word, it should draw one element of a hanged man stick figure as a tally mark

        o The game is over when:
            ▪ The player completes the word, or guesses the whole word correctly – Player Wins!

            ▪ Number of tries exceeds a limit (completes the hangman diagram) – Player loses!

Game Simplified:

        o It must randomly choose a word from a list of words.

    o It must stop when all the letters are guessed correctly.

    o It must give them limited tries and stop after they run out.

        o It must display letters they have already guessed (either only the incorrect guesses or all guesses).


        o If you are familiar with OOP in Perl, use classes whenever/wherever possible to imitate real world objects

    o If not, then try to modularize your program as much as possible into meaningful subroutines

    o First get a simple text version of your game correct!!

    o Then try drawing the hangman as shown in the examples.
ESample List of Words










ration|classic|verification|citation|unusual|resource|analysis|license|comedy|screenpl ay|production|release|emphasis|director|trademark|vehicle|aircraft|experiment";

Submitting your work:

    o All source files and class files as one tar-gzipped archive.

        ◦ When unzipped, it should create a directory with your ID. Example: 2008CSB1001 (NO OTHER FORMAT IS ACCEPTABLE!!! Case sensitive!!!)

    o Source files should include the following: (Case-Sensitive file names!!)

        ◦ Any other supporting or required files

    o Negative marks for any problems/errors in running your programs

    o If any aspect of the game / rules are confusing, make an assumption and state it clearly in your README file!

    o README file should also have instructions on how to use/run your program!

    o Submit/Upload it to Google Classroom

    o Marks Allocation

        ◦ Correct Text Version [10 points]

        ◦ Graphic Version [+5 points]

        ◦ Coding Style [2 points]

        ◦ README [3 points]

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