Objective: Write a C++ -program that will implement 3 process management algorithms
Note: The program needs to run on the Linux server.
Programing requirements: You must use classes or structures in some part of the program.
1.First Come – First Serve : non-preemptive
2.Priority : -pre-emptive
3.Shortest Job Next – non-preemptive
Inputs for program:
Information necessary for the calculation of average turnaround time including:
Time required for a job execution;(ie.Burst time)
Arrival time;
Program Output/Results:
The output of each algorithm should include:
starting and terminating time for each job/process,
turnaround time for each job/process,
Average turnaround time.
Order of execution of the processes.
Using real time is not necessary, relative start and stop time is sufficient provided that the job start times are all using relative time, and turnaround time calculation are accurate and consistent.
For each algorithm, you should create a data structure(class or struct) that will include the following,
Name of the process/job(number or word)
Job Priority
Turn around time
Start time
Completion time
Burst time/execution time