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Lab 2 Arrays Solution

This lab will introduce you to working with multi-dimensional arrays and the enhanced for loop.
We'll be creating a function signature that will return a multi-dimensional array taking a one-dimensional array as its argument.

To test your function, you can either call print (or println) to output the array contents and verify them manually, or you can compare the array contents in a unit test.

For this lab, create code that will generate a repeater of a given integer.
You should pass in a one-dimensional array to a function that you create and return a two-dimensional array.

For your output (or test comparison) use the enhanced for (foreach) loop rather than the for loop.

Given input to your function of `{2,4,3,1}`, the result should be a two-dimensional array like this:\

  Sample code
int foo[] = {2, 4, 3, 1};
int repeatedArray[][] = MyClass.repeat(foo);
// repeatedArray[2] is an int array containing 3, 3, 3