Starting from:


Lab 2 : A Tic-Tac-Toe Game Solution

    • Objectives

The main objective of this assignment is to introduce you to the use of classes, objects, and methods, thus applying the related concepts presented in the lectures. You will do so by building a simple Tic-Tac-Toe game. You will rst implement a class that represents the state of the game and a function that implements the logic of the game. You will then write a main function that uses these classes to run a game.

    • Tic-Tac-Toe

Tic-tac-toe is a simple game commonly played by children. Two players, X and O, take turns marking the spaces in a 3 3 grid or board. The player who succeeds in placing three of their marks in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal line wins the game. Player X is always the rst to place a mark. The following example shows the progression of a game won by player X.





X move
O move

X move

O move
X move

Figure 1: An example Tic-tac-toe game

The simplicity of the game makes it possible for each player to make a perfect move. Thus, the game often ends in a draw. A player wins only if the opponent makes a mistake (which is why the game is played only by children).

    • Game Overview

The game consists of two main components: the game controller or simply the controller and the game logic. This is shown pictorially in Figure 2. The controller is responsible for collecting players’ input to determine the grid (or board) location a player wishes to place a mark in. It is also responsible for displaying the game board in the text format described later in this handout. The controller is implemented by the main function of the game. The game logic contains a single function called playMove. This function determines, for each player input, if the move represented by the selected board coordinates are valid or not, if the game is over or not and accordingly \plays" the move.

The controller and the game logic interact using an object of the type GameState. This object stores the state of the game, including the board coordinates selected by a player, the marks at each board location (i.e., X or O) , whether the move is valid or not, whose turn it is, whether the game is over or not, etc.

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Game Controller


Game Logic

Figure 2: The game components

The game operation is simple. The controller prompts a player to enter two integers, repre-senting the coordinates of a board’s location. If the coordinates are legal (see below), it updates the GameState object with these coordinates and invokes the playMove function of the game logic, passing to it (by reference) the GameState object. This function updates the GameState object based on the selected coordinates. When the function returns to the controller, it prints the updated GameState. The process repeats until there is a win or draw.

    • Problem Statement

You will implement the methods of the class GameState, as de ned in GameState.h. You will also implement a function playMove, which \plays" the move indicated by a player’s input. The remainder of this section describes: (1) the GameState class, (2) the methods of which you must im-plement, (3) the playMove function that implements the game logic, (3) the controller functionality implemented in main and (4) other key les that make up the game.

4.1    The GameState Class

The state of a tic-tac-toe game is represented by an object of the GameState class. This object is created, initialized, and eventually destroyed by the controller. The de nition of this class appears in the le GameState.h, which is released with the assignment. You may NOT modify this le to add to or delete from its content. Modifying the le often results in a mark of zero for the assignment. The class contains the following data members:

    • gameBoard is a boardSize boardSize (3 3 in this assignment) two-dimensional array that represents the game board. It stores the marks of each player, and thus the state of the game. Each element of the array can be one of Empty, X or O. The elements of the array are initialized by the controller to Empty. The de nitions of boardSize, Empty, X and O appear in the le globals.h, which is also part of the assignment release. You may NOT modify this le to add to or delete from its content. Modifying the le often results in a mark of zero for the assignment.

In the array, gameBoard[0][0] represents the top-left corner cell of the game grid. Sim-ilarly, gameBoard[boardSize-1][boardSize-1] represents the bottom-right corner cell of the board. This e ectively de nes the row and column coordinates of each cell in the grid.

    • selectedRow and selectedColumn are two integers that store the grid coordinates that are selected by the player.

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    • moveValid is a Boolean variable that is set to true when the selected coordinates represent a valid move for the current game. That is, it is set to true when the grid cell at selectedRow and selectedColumn is empty and is set to false otherwise.

    • gameOver is a Boolean variable that should be set to true if the game is over as a result of the last selected coordinates (i.e., win or draw) and to false otherwise.

    • turn is a Boolean variable that indicates whose turn it is, X (true) or O (false) for the current selected coordinates. If the move is valid, then the value of turn should be changed by the game logic from true to false or from false to true to re ect the change in turn. The controller does not use this variable at all.

    • winCode is integer variable is set to a code that indicates which cells on the board have marks that form a line, as shown in Table 1. If gameOver is false, the code should be set to 0. If gameOver is true and the game is a draw, then winCode should also be set to 0. if gameOver is true and one of the players won, the code should be set to one of the integer values as indicated in the table.

Code    Sequence

    • No win

    • Row 0 of the grid, cell (0,0) to cell (0,2)

2Row 1 of the grid, cell (1,0) to cell (1,2)

3Row 2 of the grid, cell (2,0) to cell (2,2)

4Column 0 of the grid, cell (0,0) to cell (2,0)

5Column 1 of the grid, cell (0,1) to cell (2,1)

6Column 2 of the grid, cell (0,2) to cell (2,2)

7Left to right diagonal, cell (0,0) to cell (2,2)

8Right to left diagonal, cell (2,0) to cell (0,2)

Table 1: winCode values

The GameState class provides accessors and mutators to the respective class data members.

Please read the comments in the GameState.h    le to    nd out what these methods do.

4.2    The playMove Function

The game logic implements a single function:

void playMove(GameState& game_state)

This function is to be implemented in the le playMove.cpp and it is called every time a player makes a move. Its goal is to \play" the move and update the GameState object that is passed by reference to function. Upon completion, the function must update the game state object by updating:

    • The game board at the appropriate location by either X or O.

    • The turn value to re ect that the turn has changed.

    • The Boolean variable validMove, described earlier.

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    • The Boolean variable gameOver to either true or false to re ect if the move ends the game in either a win or a draw.

    • The variable winCode to either 0 if the game is not over or to the winning code (as described above) if the game is over.

The two game grid examples shown in Figure 3 are used to demonstrate the expected updates to the game state object.

X    X

O    X    O

O    X

Game Grid A: X’s turn    Game Grid B: O’s turn

Figure 3: Input game boards

For game grid A on the left, the turn variable is true, indicating that it is X’s turn to play. If selectedRow = 1 and selectedColumn = 2 when the playMove function is called, then an X is placed in the second row and third column of the game board. The move is valid (validMove is set to true), but the game is not over (gameOver is set to false). The variable winCode is set to

    0. The variable turn is changed from true to false to indicate that it is now O’s turn to play. However, if selectedRow = 1 and selectedCol = 1 when the playMove function is called by

the controller, then the move is not valid (O’s mark already occupies the cell). The game board is not updated. Further, validMove is set to false, gameOver is set to false and winCode is set to

    0. The variable turn is not changed to indicate that it is remains X’s turn to play with a valid move.

Similarly, for game grid B on the right, upon entry to playMove, turn is false (or 0) indicating that it is O’s turn to play. Thus, if selectedRow = 0 and selectedCol = 1, the game state object should be updated to have validMove as true, gameOver as true, the game board updated with an O in row 0 and column 1, and winCode set to 5.

4.3    The Game Controller

The game controller is implemented in the main function of the game, contained in the le tictactoe.cpp. Its purpose is to: (1) create and initialize the game board, (2) prompt the player for a pair of integers representing the row and column coordinates of the grid cell the player wishes to mark (where row 0 and column 0 represent the upper left corner of the grid and row 2 and column 2 represent the lower right corner), (2) check that the player enters integers that are in the range of 0{2, (3) set the selectedRow and selectedCol members of the GameState object to the entered values, (4) call the playMove function, and (5) print the GameState object.

You may assume that a player always enters integer input (i.e., not oat or string, for example). Thus, you need not handle such errors in your code. The printing of the GameState object is in the following format:

    • The selected row and column values

    • The text \Game state after playMove:" on a line by itself.

    • The text \Board:" on a line by itself.

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    • The grid cell values, printed as X, O or B (for blank). They are printed one row at a time starting with the top row (i.e., row 0). Each row is indented from the left by exactly three spaces and its values are separated by exactly a single space.

    • The value of moveValid.

    • The value of gameOver.

    • The value of winCode.

    • A blank line.

The following is a sample run of the game showing the output produced in response to player inputs.

Enter row and column of a grid cell: 1 1

Selected row 1 and column 1

Game state after playMove:





moveValid: true

gameOver: false

winCode: 0

Enter row and column of a grid cell: 0 1

Selected row 0 and column 1

Game state after playMove:





moveValid: true

gameOver: false

winCode: 0

Enter row and column of a grid cell: 0 1

Selected row 0 and column 1

Game state after playMove:





moveValid: false

gameOver: false

winCode: 0

Enter row and column of a grid cell: 0 0

Selected row 0 and column 0

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Game state after playMove:





moveValid: true

gameOver: false

winCode: 0

Enter row and column of a grid cell: 7 0

Invalid board coordinates 7 0

Enter row and column of a grid cell: 2 0

Selected row 2 and column 0

Game state after playMove:





moveValid: true

gameOver: false

winCode: 0

Enter row and column of a grid cell: 2 2

Selected row 2 and column 2

Game state after playMove:





moveValid: true

gameOver: true

winCode: 7

4.4    Include Files

In addition to the GameState.h le described above, the le globals.h has global de nitions for X, O and boardSize. You should include these les in your tictactoe.cpp and playMove.cpp. Again, you may NOT modify these les to add to or delete from their content. Modifying the les commonly results in a mark of zero for the assignment.

4.5    Reference Executable

In order to help you observe the behaviour of the game, a reference executable called tictactoe-ref.exe is released with the assignment. When in doubt about what the game should do or print to the output, you can use this reference to play the game.

Please note that this reference executable works only on ECF machines and on ECE244VM.

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It will not work in Window machines or Macs. Thus, to use it, you must connect to ECF, as is described in the \Remote Connection to ECF" handout, or must have ECE244VM installed on your home machine.

    • Procedure

Create directory called lab2 in your ece244 directory. Make sure that the permissions of this new directory are such that it is readable by none other than you (refer to lab assignment 1 for how to do so). Download the zip le containing the assignment release les and place it in this lab2 directory. Unzip the le, which will create the assignment les in the directory. You can move the zip le out of the directory or remove it after this step.

There are six assignment les. You will add your code in three les: GameState.cpp, playMove.cpp and tictactoe.cpp, The rst contains the implementation of the methods of the class GameState. The second contains the \logic" of the game in the playMove function. The third contains the main function that implements the game controller. All three les contain some skeletal code to get you started, particularly in tictactoe.cpp.

In addition, there are two include les globals.h and GameState.h. Remember that you may NOT modify these les to add to or delete from their content. Modifying the les commonly results in a mark of zero for the assignment. Finally, there is a Makefile that is used by NetBeans to separately compile your project. Do not modify this le either.

Use the assignment les to build a C++ project for NetBeans. Start NetBeans and create a new C++ project with existing sources. In the resulting dialog window, browse to your ece244/lab2 directory and click "Select". Ignore the warning message and click "Finish". This creates and builds your project in directory nbproject inside your ece244/lab2 directory. You can now start to add code into your .cpp les.

The ~ece244i/public/exercise command is helpful in testing your code. The executable (i.e., tictactoe.exe) is in your ece244/lab2 directory. Run exercise as follows:

~ece244i/public/exercise 2 tictactoe.exe

The exercise command will let you know if your code has errors by providing it with several test cases. Please note that some of the exercise test cases will be used by the autotester during marking of your assignment. However, we will not provide all the autotester test cases in exercise, so you should create additional test cases yourself and ensure you fully meet the speci cation listed above.

    • Marking and Deliverables

You must submit your code for autotesting. The autotester will be used to check the correctness of your GameState implementation, your playMove function and your main function. Thus, you need to submit only the three les: GameState.cpp, playMove.cpp and tictactoe.cpp. Your copies of the .h les are ignored, since you are not allowed to modify them.

To submit your code, make sure you are in the directory that contains the source les, i.e., your ece244/lab2. Submit your GameState.cpp, playMove.cpp and tictactoe.cpp les as lab 2 using the command:

~ece244i/public/submit 2

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