Task 1: Create a Github Account - https://github.com/
Task 2: Create a private repository with name – CSCE221-UIN and add description of your choice in the description box. Don’t initialize your repository with README.
Task 3: Give access to this private repository to “sngabha” and “rizujain”. Follow below steps.
Click on Settings
Click on Manage Access
3. Click on Invite a collaborator
4. Enter sngabha and rizujain as collaborator.
Task5: Create a directory with same name i.e. CSCE221-UIN in your laptop.
Task6: Move to that directory in your terminal.
Task7: Initialize a git repository by executing command – git init
Task8: Copy Paste the Lab10 folder in your CSCE221-UIN directory
Task9: Add the file and create a commit.
Task10: Link the Github repo with your local repo and do first push using following command mentioned in your github page.
NOTE: Create makefile to execute your program. NO grade if makefile not provided.