Write a program in C to perform Matrix Addition. The requirements for the program:
1. program is writen in C executes with multiple threads using library pthreads. Note : compile: gcc lab1.c -o mm -lpthread
run: ./mm 2
What to turn in
Upload a report in PDF with the following:
1. Your name
2. Table with execution times sequential code (use same time functions as provided for correctness and consistency)
Matrix A and B Size
A.512, 512
Execution Time
B. 1024*1024
C. 8192*8192
D. Rectangular Matrix
first(900*100), second (900,100)
3. Table with the execution time for the multithreaded matrix multiplication algorithm
Matrix A and B Size
Execution Time 2 Threads
Execution Time 4 Threads
Execution Time 8 Threads
4. Appendix with your code just the matrix addition code (I will ask for a demo of your code working on the computer labs ).