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Lab 1 Solution

The goals of this assignment are the following:

- Prepare your Java development environment
- Familiarize you with the submission procedure
- Implement your first Java program!

1. **Part 1 (5 points)**: Prepare your development environment.
  1. Activate your account on [Piazza]( 
  2. Download the [Java Development Platform]( Note that this is **not** just the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
  3. Download a text editor. [Sublime]( is recommended. 
  4. Prepare your SVN repository following these instructions: [SVN Guide]( /notes/blob/master/ 
  5. Create a `lab1` directory in your SVN repository.

2. **Part 2 (10 points)**: Create a class `PrintDiamond` in the `lab1` directory. The main method of the `PrintDiamond` class will print the following diamond shape:

      * *
     * * *
    * * * *
     * * *
      * *
 - Do not print any unneeded characters. No string should be longer than it has to be.
 - You are *not* expected to use iteration (loops) in your solution.

3. **Part 3 (10 points)**: Create a class `Initials` in the `lab1` directory. The main method of the `Initials` will print *your* initials in block letters similar to the following:

    SSSSSS     NN   NN     RRRRRR
    SSSSSS     NN   NN     R    R
    S          NN   NN     RRRRRR
    SSSSSS     NNN  NN     RR    
    SSSSSS     NN N NN     R R   
         S     NN  NNN     R  R
    SSSSSS     NN   NN     R    R
    SSSSSS     NN   NN     R     R
:warning: Your solution will look exactly like this *only* if your initials are S.N.R.!
  Submission Requirements

1. For this assignment, you will submit two files: `` and ``.

2. Make sure your code follows all requirements in the [Style Guidelines]( /notes/blob/master/

3. Follow the instructions in the [SVN Guide]( /notes/blob/master/ for submitting your solution by the deadline.

4. Make sure you have submitted your work in an SVN directory: `<username>/cs112/lab1`

<!--  Grading Rubric

For this assignment, your solution must compile, run, produce correct output (*your* initials!), be well designed, and follow the [Style Guidelines]( /notes/blob/master/
  Academic Dishonesty

Any work you submit is expected to be your own original work. If you use any web resources in developing your code you are required to cite those resources. The only exception to this rule is code that is posted on the class website. The URL of the resource you used in a comment in your code is fine. If I google even a single line of uncited code and find it on the internet you may get a 0 on the assignment or an F in the class. You may also get a 0 on the assignment or an F in the class if your solution is at all similar to that of any other student.

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