The design in this lab will demonstrate the ways in which Verilog encoding makes hardware design more efficient. It is possible to design a 64-bit ALU from 1-bit ALUs. (i.e., you could program a 1-bit ALU that implements a full adder, chain four of these together to make a 4-bit ALU, and chain 16 of those together to make a 64-bit ALU.) However, it is easier (both in time and lines of code) to code it succinctly in Verilog. It is even easier, however, to design a module to be inefficient or incorrect, so care must be taken in design.
## Lab Overview
This lab will use the Verilog hardware description language to implement and verify a 64-bit sign extender module, a register file and the ALU module. Note: the modules implemented in this lab and several labs following will be used as building blocks for a complete single cycle processor.
### Design of the Sign Extender Module
The sign extender module should take two inputs: Instruction bits 25-0 and a two-bit control signal, and should output a 64-bit extended immediate.
### Design of an ALU
The design of this ALU provides support for implementing the following instructions: AND, ORR, ADD, SUB, LDUR, STUR, and CBZ. All operations have a delay of 20 before the output is available. Used non-blocking assignments. The ALU implements the following operations:
| Operation | ALU Control Line |
| --------- | ---------------- |
| AND | 0000 |
| OR | 0001 |
| ADD | 0010 |
| SUB | 0110 |
| PassB | 0111 |
- Ports BusA, BusB, and BusW are 64 bits wide.
- ALUCtrl is 4 bits wide, supporting up to 16 functions.
- Port Zero is a boolean variable that is ‘true’ (1) when BusW is 0, and ‘false’ (0) otherwise