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Weekly Assignment 06 Solution

It is important that the user interfaces of our apps be appealing and predictable in a variety of display sizes, aspect ratios, and orientations. In this assignment, you will use auto layout to adapt the weekly assignment #2 app (domino calculator) to work on different iPhones and orientations.

App Description

Create a new, Swift 4.2 project in Xcode 10. Name the project W06_lastName_firstName

You may use the code found in your weekly assignment #2 solution as a basis for the new app, or you may want to rewrite that solution based on new knowledge and skills you’ve acquired since then.
Utilize one or more 9-sliced images as backgrounds for your buttons, and perhaps the label (formerly a text field) that contains the current domino total.

The domino total label should extend from the left margin to the right margin.

Viewed as a collective, the numeric, “Undo”, and “Clear” buttons should be arranged in a rectangle that is centered horizontally within the display. Depending on the device and its orientation, you may wish to make changes to the collective to make the app more attractive or easy to use. Changes could include such things as:

The number of button rows and columns.

The spacing between the buttons.

Your layout should be attractive and easy to use on two iPhones:

iPhone 8

iPhone 8 plus

and for each of these phones, in three orientations:

upright portrait

left landscape

right landscape

Submitting your solution

After closing your project in Xcode, compress (zip) the project folder and submit it to the appropriate dropbox on the course BrightSpace page.