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Assignment II: TCP Analog Solution

Transmission Control  Protocol  (TCP) runs on top of the unreliable  network-layer protocol  Internet Protocol  (IP).  In order to provide  reliability  for TCP  communication, some measures  are employed such as error detection  and retransmission of lost packets.  These measures  utilize checksums,  time- outs,  sequence numbers,  acknowledgment, etc.

In this  assignment, you will implement  a TCP  analog  for transferring a file from a client  to a server on top of a simulated network  layer.

Stop  & Wait  protocol  should  be  implemented.   If you  would  like to  do  more  things,  try  to implement a pipeline protocol  (GBN  or SR), which is much more difficult.



2    Details


Following are the details  of the constructs and processes within  the network  layer simulator  as well as the connection  between  network  layer and TCP  client/server.


2.1     Network Layer


The  code for the  simulated network  layer  has been provided  for you and  can be downloaded  from the  class website.   The  task  of the  network  layer  is to forward  packets  between  the  client and  the server.  However, given its unreliability nature, the network layer in this assignment, with a moderate probability, may drop packets  and/or mangle bits within  packets.

The network layer will accept connections from the TCP  client and with a probability will forward packets  to the TCP  server (again  may probabilistically mangle bits within  the packet).

To run the network layer, you issue the following command:   python port maxNoPackets delay  probDrop  probMangle  in which  (you  can  check the file for details):


• port  is the port  number  that the network  layer will be listening  to.  For simplification,  we will use 5002.


• maxNoPackets is the  maximum  number  of packet  the  network  simulator  can keep track  of at any given time.


• delay is the amount of total  delay beneath the transport layer.  (Seconds, Float  type)


• probDrop  is the probability of dropping  a packet.  (Percentage. e.g. 1 for 1%)


• probMangle  is the probability of mangling  a bit within  a packet.  (Percentage)

2.2     TCP Client and Server


You will write a TCP  client and  a server in a SINGLE  program  file, the  choice of which (either  to run  as a server  or as a client) will depend  on the  number  of arguments specified on the  command line.

The  TCP  server  will verify  the  validity  of the  packet  (using  checksums  as  will be  discussed below).   If the  packet  is valid,  the  packet  is delivered  to  the  upper  layer  (in  our  case,  written to a file) and  an acknowledgment is sent to the  client.  If the  packet  is invalid,  the  server  ignores the packet.  Therefore,  the  client eventually  times out and  retransmit the  packet.  Here are the  steps  of how your program  should operate:


• You will first run the network  layer simulator  as specified in the previous  section.


• You will run your program  as a server binding  and listening  on port  5001.


• You will run your program  as a client with a HOST (where your network  simulator  is running) and a port (5002) specifying that it should attempt a connection to the network layer simulator at  that port.  The  client will also include a third  additional argument which is a file that will be transferred to the server.


• Upon receiving connection  from the client at port  5002, the network  simulator  will connect  to your server at port  5001.


• Your  program  will endeavor  to  send  all the  contents of the  file in increments  (refer  to  the section  which specifies the  header  structure of the  packets  to be transferred) from the  client to the server (with  retransmission when needed).


• The network  layer will read from your client packets  in blocks of 512 bytes  with some packets randomly  dropped  (not  forwarded  to the server)  or some of its bits mangled.


• If a packet  is valid  (based  on the  checksum),  the  packet  will be delivered  to the  upper  layer

(copied to a file) and an acknowledgment will be sent back to the client.


• If a packet  is invalid, the server will not send an acknowledgment back to the client.  The client will time-out such packet,  and will retransmit the same exact  packet  to the server.


• The ultimate goal is to transfer  all the contents of the file from the client to the server.


2.3     Stop & Wait Protocol


Maybe you would like to try  this  first.  In this  protocol,  each time  we only send one packet  to the socket,  and  client side is responsible  for handling  the  transfer  process  (Recall  that here the  file is transmitted by the client).  After sending, the client will wait for ACK for a certain  amount of time. If there is a timeout event (or an ACK it does not want),  the client should handle it properly.  There are several different scenarios.  A figure in Page  211 in the  textbook  may help you.  Basically,  four scenarios should be considered.


• Operation with no loss.


• A packet  is lost.


• An ACK is lost.


•  Premature timeout.


To handle  a timeout event,  you can use select()  in Python, or a socket parameter setSoTimeout in



2.4     Pipeline Protocols


If you are interested in implementing it, please discuss with us.  It is much more difficult, and we do not require  you to do this.

2.5     Packet Structure


The  only requirement by the  network  layer on the  packet  structure is a size of 512 bytes.  You can design the packet  structure however you want.  A suggested  structure is shown below.


• 20-byte  checksum  (can  use SHA-1) for checksum  (Please  refer to hashlib  in Python, or Mes- sageDigest  in Java,  for more information about  programming with checksum.)


• 1-byte  packet  number,  or sequence  number  (Note:   If you are  implementing a Stop  & Wait protocol,  one byte  is enough.  If you are for pipeline protocol,  more bytes  may be used.)


• 3-byte total  size of the actual  data


• 1-byte signifying if the packet  is last


• 487-byte of data



3    Pro ject Guidelines


Please keep the following in mind while doing the programming project:


• The file that you are going to transfer  should only contain  ascii characters.


• Any packet that should traverse  the network  layer should be of length 512. So any packet  that is not  of length  512 should  be padded  so that it  is compatible with  the  network  layer.   For example in the server, instead  of only sending ”ACK”  you will have to make a packet  of length



• You should NOT  change the network layer in any manner  (except  for using java)  because for grading  we will use the network  layer provided  to you.


• For testing your project,  just  transfer  a large file from the  client to server and  check whether the  files are equivalent. Any file can be used and  the  file size should not be an issue.  But  we will not check files of more than  1MB.


• For  the  source  code  you  have  to  submit  only  ONE  file EXACTLY   named  ‘program.ext’  ( where ‘ext’ can be py,  java  or any  other  file extension).  The  file will run  as either  as client or server  based  on the  ‘argv’ parameters.  For  running  server  the  arguments will be HOST (e.g.  ‘localhost’, Though  the host is unnecessary  on server side in this project,  you should just keep it for automatic testing)  and  PORT number;  and  for running  client the  arguments will be HOST  (e.g.  ‘localhost’),  PORT and  filename.  And based  on the  number  or argument the file should run  either  as the  client or server.  So in all you will use three  terminal  windows to run your project  (one for NetworkLayer, one for server and one for client).  Failing  to do such will result  in the auto  grader  to not execute  the program  and points  will be deducted.


• For the file to be transferred correctly  the following three  conditions  should hold:


–  The name of files should be the same

–  The length  of both  of the files should be the same

–  The content of the files should be the same



4    What to submit


You should upload  the project  files to the Moodle site under  Submissions  section.  Your submission

(in a tar  or zip format)  should include the followings:


• The  server/client  source code (in one of the  languages:  Python, Java) and  this  should  be in the proper  format  (named  ‘program.ext’).

• Your  test  results,  including  client output, server  outputs and  network  layer  outputs, which should be txt  files in a single folder.


• A brief readme.txt (less than  200 words) stating any compilation  script you used, the machine you tested  your program  on, and  any details  that we should  be aware  of in order  to compile and run your program.  This should also include two or more paragraphs explaining  what  each segment  of the  client/server code does.  This  is not  a line-by-line  comments,  but  rather the logic of the code and what  each segment does.  You should also explain your design, the choice of packet  structure and  what  you learned  from the  simulation, such  as,  the  effect of longer delay on the rate  of retransmission, how your program  handled  the errors,...etc.



5    Tips


• Start early to avoid last-minute issues.


• Ensure  you can finish a Stop & Wait  protocol  before trying  pipeline counterpart.


• Do not try  to learn a new language,  utilize knowledge of languages  you are familiar with.


• Save and compile your work frequently.


• Try  to make your program  simple, commented  and easy to read.


• Please read this description carefully.  Feel free to ask questions.

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