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HW#9 Concurrency Solution

1 Instructions

Begin by downloading the file from the course website and renaming it to This file contains the functions that you will use and modify in the homework. Submit your completed via Gradescope. As always, please don’t hesitate to ask for help on Piazza (

2 Evaluating Concurrent Programs

The file defines expressions, commands, and single-threaded semantics for a simple imperative language with fork-join concurrency. It has a few changes from the language we’ve worked with so far:

• It has global variables, which are accessed with the Global expression and modified with the SetGlobal command. At runtime, the globals are stored in a separate environment g, the global environment (of type env).

• There are no Seq or Skip commands. Instead, the body of a function and the first element of a configuration are both of type cmd list: a list [c1;c2;...;cn ] represents the commands c1 , c2, ..., cn executed in sequence, and an empty list

represents code that is finished executing (analogous to Skip).

The file declares functions eval exp, eval exps, and step cmd1 for executing expres- sions, lists of expressions, and single threads respectively. There are also functions run prog and run prog n for running example programs: run prog fs gs cs gives the result of running the list of commands cs with defined functions fs and initial global environment gs, and run prog n takes an additional int argument n and runs the pro- gram for only n steps (which is useful for testing programs that would otherwise run forever). To test a program test prog with functions funs0 and initial global environ- ment globals0, you could run

let (_, res) = run_prog funs0 globals0 test_prog;;

and then inspect the values of the global variables in res, as in HW5.

The state of an executing thread is a tuple of the form (i, c, k, r) where i is a thread id (tid), c is the list of commands being executed by the thread, k is the thread’s stack,

and r is the environment for the thread’s local variables. The state of the whole program is a pair of a list of thread states and a global environment. The goal of this assignment is to write the function step cmd that steps a concurrent program. The arguments to step cmd are funs, the collection of function declarations; threads, the list of threads that are not currently being stepped; and i, lc, k, r, the tid, commands, stack, and local environment of the currently executing thread; and g, the global environment.

The semantic rules for concurrency allow us to nondeterministically choose any thread to execute at each step, but for this interpreter we will use round-robin schedul- ing : we rotate through the list of threads, stepping each one once and then moving it to the end of the list. If a thread cannot currently take a step (for instance, because it’s waiting to join with a thread that has not yet terminated), it will be moved to the end of the list so that other threads can step. In step cmd, this should be implemented by adding the resulting thread to the end of the list threads. The predefined fail config shows how to add a thread to the end of the list, and should be used in any case where the current thread fails to step.

3 Problems

1. (5 points) The following “sequential step” rule allows a thread to execute any command that doesn’t interact with other threads:

(c, k, ρ, g) → (c0, k0 , ρ0, g0) ([...; (i, c, k, ρ); ...], g) → ([...; (i, c0, k0 , ρ0); ...], g0 )

Implement this case of step cmd, by adding a code to the wildcard case . Re- member that step cmd1 implements the single-thread step relation.

Once you have completed this problem, run prog funs0 globals0 test seq should return a state with the global variable x set to 1 and y set to 2.

2. (9 points) Extend step cmd to handle the Fork command, according to the follow- ing rule:

funs f = FDecl (..., ..., [], c) i0 fresh

([...; (i, Fork (x, f ) :: cs , k, ρ); ...], g) → ([...; (i, cs , k, ρ[x 7→ i0]); (i0, c, [], empty state); ...], g)

You can use the function fresh tid : unit - tid to make a fresh tid.

Once you have completed this problem, run prog funs0 globals0 test con will still run forever, but run prog n 3 funs0 globals0 test con should return a state in which x is 2.

3. (4 points) In order to implement the rule for Join, you will need to search the list of threads for a specific thread id and check whether it has terminated. Write a

function terminated : tid - thread - bool such that terminated i t re- turns true when all of the following conditions hold: the thread id of t is i, the stack of t is empty, and the first command in the command list of t is a Return command. (You can ignore the value being returned.)

As a test, terminated 1 (1, [Return (Int 0)], [], empty state) should be true, while terminated 1 (2, [Return (Int 0)], [], empty state) and terminated 1 (1, [Assign ("x", Int 4); Return (Int 0)], [], empty state) should both be false.

4. (7 points) Extend step cmd to handle the Join command, according to the follow- ing rule:

(e, ρ, g) ⇓ j ([...; (i, Join e :: cs , k, ρ); ...; (j, Return : : ..., [], ...); ...], g) → ([...; (i, cs , k, ρ); ...; (j, Return : : ..., [], ...); ...], g)

For simplicity’s sake, the rule does not remove the terminated thread, but simply checks that it exists in the thread list. You can use the built-in find opt function, in combination with the terminated function from the previous problem, to find the thread j, or you can write your own search function for it.

Once you have completed this problem, run prog funs0 globals0 test con should terminate and return a state in which x is 2.

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