Starting from:





Your assignment is to write a program for the Magical Creatures Zookeeper named Hagrid. Hagrid can house up to 100 magical creatures. Information about each creature is stored and manipulated in this program. Hagrid should be able to load magical creature information from any file he or she chooses, add creatures manually, print creature information either to a file or to the screen, or print a cost analysis of each creature and then the total cost to house and take care of these creatures. For 5 points extra credit, you can allow Hagrid to delete creatures as well as one of the main menu options. For another 5 points of extra credit, you can implement word-wrapping when printing out the creature description.




Multiple Files


You need to implement this program in three separate files (Creatures.h, Creatures.cpp, & Functions.cpp). You also need to provide me with a text file containing FIVE creatures that YOU come up with (don’t use my examples!!!) Below are the list of files that should be included in your zipped submission:

Creatures.h – header file which contains all #includes for the program, structure declarations, and function prototypes

Creatures.cpp – contains the main function

Functions.cpp – contains all the other functions

Makefile – provided for you [if you do not have Windows you will not be able to use this]

runProgram.bat – provided for you [if you do not have Windows you will not be able to use this]

my_creatures.txt – text file containing data on FIVE creatures that YOU come up with….all data should be separated by hashtags ‘#’



You will need to create two structures. One is called Cost. Cost will have the following members:

The number of hours it takes to take care of a specific creature for one week

The cost (per hour) of taking care of this creature.

The cost of food to feed this creature for one week.

The cost of materials/supplies (grooming, medical) for this creature for one week

The second structure is called Creatures. Creatures will have the following members:

The name of the creature

The description of the creature

The average length of the creature (in feet)

The average height of the creature (in feet)

The location of the creature (example: its origin or where they are commonly found)

If the creature is dangerous (Boolean variable)

A variable to hold the Cost structure members


You will need to create an array of 100 elements of the Creatures data type. You will also need to create a variable that will keep up with the current number of creatures (because there won’t always be 100 creatures in Hagrid’s zoo).

The main function will display a menu of options like the screen capture below:

If you decide you want 5 points extra credit, you can also add one more menu option, to “Delete a magical creature”. If you do this, it should be option #2 like in the screen capture below.

Make sure you always validate all user choices in the whole program before proceeding to do what the user wants. Each menu choice will call a function that you will create.

If the user chooses option 1, then your program will call the enterCreatures function. If the user chooses option 2, then your program will call the printCreatures function. If the user chooses option 3, then your program will call the printStatistics function. If the user chooses option 4, then your program will ask the user if they wish to save their creature list to a file. If they choose yes, then your program should call the saveCreaturesToFile function and then end. If they choose no, then your program should just end. Do not call the saveCreaturesToFile function unless the user wants to do this!



If you decide you want 5 points extra credit, you can also add one more menu option, to “Delete a magical creature”. If you do this, it should be option #2 like in the screen capture below.

Also, this changes which function you call depending on which option they chose. Now, if the user chooses option 2, then your program will call the deleteCreature function. Option 3 will call the printCreatures function and so forth.


The enterCreatures() function takes two parameters: the number of creatures currently loaded in the Creatures array and the Creatures array. The function will return the new number of creatures. Before trying to add any creatures, this function should first check to make sure the number of creatures is not already 100. Because if it is, then your program should not add any creatures, but should instead tell the user that their zoo is at full capacity and that they are not able to add creatures. Then the function should end.

If the zoo is not at full capacity then your program will display a menu asking the user if they would like to do one of the following:

Make sure to validate the user’s choice.


If the user chooses option 1, then ask the user what the name of the file is that they would like to load the creatures from.

Try to open the file. You should print out a message that the file couldn’t be opened if it can’t be found. Don’t continue to try to read from the file or say how many creatures were read from the file if the file couldn’t be opened. Below is an example where the file couldn’t be opened:

However if the file could be opened, read each creature from the file and place them in the Creatures array, making sure that you increment the current number of creatures each time a creature is added. When you are reading from the file, everything read in will have to be read in as a string. Some of the Creature members are strings, so that won’t be a problem. However, some of the Creature members are floats. So, this function will have to call the convertToFloat() function (provided later) in order to convert the string to a float and then placed in the Creatures array.

Print out a verification to tell Hagrid how many creatures have been read from their chosen file.


If the user chooses option 2, then ask the user for all the creature’s details, making sure you place each bit of information in the correct place in the Creatures array. The screen capture below shows each piece of information you should ask for. All prompts are in black with no highlighting. All sample user input is highlighted in yellow. The words circled in red indicate this is a variable that will be printed out.

Then, increment the number of creatures by one.


The convertToFloat() function will need to be used when reading data from a file and inputting the data into the Creatures array (so this function will be called from the enterCreatures function). I am providing this function for you. You just need to insert it into your program so you can use it.

#include <sstream //this should be added in Creatures.h

//The following function should be added in Functions.cpp float convertToFloat(string s) {

istringstream mystring(s);

float myfloat;

if (!(mystring myfloat))

myfloat = 0;

return myfloat;



The printCreatures() function is a void function and contains the following parameters: number of creatures currently in the Creatures array and the Creatures array.

Check if there are any creatures. If not, then print “THERE ARE NO CREATURES AT YOUR ZOO!”.

Otherwise, print out all the creatures array to the screen in the following format:


For 5 points extra credit, your program can do word wrapping for the description to make it much more readable. In other words, each word is not split up – they are kept together. An example is below. To get the full points, your description would have to keep the words together and each line should have an indention like the example below.

The printStatistics() function is a void function and it contains two parameters: the current number of creatures in the Creatures array and the Creatures array.

This function should print out the total cost of each creature in a table. To figure out the cost of a creature, use the formula:

COST = numHours * costPerHour + foodCost + materialCost

Then, this function should also keep a running total of the total cost of all the creatures.

The table printed should look like the one below. Use stream manipulators to print out the table in nice columns!

The saveCreaturesToFile() function is a void function and it contains two parameters: the current number of creatures in the Creatures array and the Creatures array.

The function should ask the user what the name of the file that they wish to save their creatures to. The function should then open that file and write out all the creature data in the following order:



Avg. Length

Avg. Height







There should be no newlines or endlines in the file. All data should be separated by a pound sign (#) instead of a space.

After printing all data from the Creatures array to the file, this function should print out a message to standard output to tell Hagrid that all creatures were successfully saved. An example of this output and the resulting text file is below.

The deleteCreature() function has two parameters: the current number of creatures in the Creatures array and the Creatures array.

This function returns the new number of creatures.

First, this function will say “The following is a list of all the creatures you take care of: “ and then it will say the name of each creature.

Then, your program will ask the user which one they want to remove.

Your program should then read in the name and place it in a variable.

Then, find the subscript number of the creature that needs to be removed.

If the subscript is found, then you know there is a creature in the Creatures array by that name and that your program will be able to remove it. If your program cannot find the creature in the array, then you will tell the user that the creature could not be found.

Otherwise, this function should now overwrite the element with the creature to delete (x) with the next element in the array (x+1), moving each element after the deleted element to the left. Then decrement the number of creatures and inform the user.


Compiling a C++ program to create an executable file is a two-step process. You first compile each source file (including any header files) into an object file. Then, you link all the object files together into an executable file.

Here are the steps to do that for this program below. The ‘-I’ stands for include and so the ‘-I ./’ means that we are including all header files (.h files) in our current directory in this compile.

This line will compile the Creatures.cpp file, including all the .h files in the current directory (Creatures.h), and then create the object file (Creatures.o)

g++ -I ./ -c Creatures.cpp

This line will compile the Functions.cpp file, including all the .h files in the current directory (Creatures.h), and then create the object file (Functions.o)

g++ -I ./ -c Functions.cpp

This line will link the object files specified (Creatures.o & Functions.o) into the output file (executable file) named Program3.cpp.

g++ Creatures.o Functions.o –o Program3

The “shortcut” way to do all of this in one line instead of the three lines above is demonstrated below. This line will compile the listed source files including all the .h files in the current directory (Creatures.h) and then link the resulting object files into the output file (executable file) named Program3.cpp

g++ -I ./ Creatures.cpp Functions.cpp –o Program3

To run your program with the test case provided, you should do the following:

Program3 < TEST_CASE1.txt


If you have a Mac then I highly recommend trying out the given Makefile on the lab desktop computers during your lab one day.

The Windows compiler TDM-GCC comes with the make utility, which allows you to run a makefile to compile, recompile, and link a program whenever changes are made to the source or header files. The more files you have in your program, the better it is to create a makefile. All you have to do is open notepad or other simple text editor and create your makefile. For information on how to make your own Makefile, read under “ADDITIONAL HELPFUL MATERIAL” in your zyBooks in section 11.1 called Makefiles. Name the file makefile and do not give it an extension. Then, you should be able just to type make in the command prompt and the lines in your makefile will execute.

Here is the makefile I provided for you:

Here is an example of running my makefile from the command prompt:

This produces my executable file named Program3.exe.

I can then use the clean command to remove the .o and .exe files if I want to:


If you have a Mac then I highly recommend trying out the given batch file on the lab desktop computers during your lab one day.

A Windows batch file is a script file containing a list of instructions to be carried out in turn by the command prompt. The batch file I provided for you is called runProgram.bat. Here are it’s contents:

Basically you should be able to double click on the batch file and it should compile & run your program 3 the test cases as input and then printing out to the results text files instead of standard output.