Starting from:


KML File Pictures of Locations & SQL Commands

    1. (1 point) KML File

kml file from step 5 - with the placemarks, convex hull and nearest-neighbor line segments
    • First, use one of the following websites/tools:



            ▪ Go to Google Earth → Click the menu bar on the right → Click Projects → Click Open → Select “Import KML file from computer”
    • Check the following

        i. -0.25 each for missing locations. There should be 13 location pins.

        ii. -0.5 for incorrect convex hull (all points/pins should be within the convex hull and a few should be on the boundary)
        iii. -0.5 for incorrect nearest neighbor (there should be a line from one point – labeled as “home” location – to the other point. Visually verify that there isn’t be any other point that is closer from their “home” point than the one with a line)
Note: You may need to test the file on multiple websites/tools because the nearest neighbor line may not show up properly.

    2. (no points, but ..) Pictures of Locations

        a. There should be 13 images.

        b. -2 points if the student submits less than 6 images

        c. -1 point if the student submits more than 6 but less than 10 images

        d. Okay to miss at most 3 images (no deduction)

    3. (2 points) SQL Commands

A text file(s) (.txt or .sql) with your two queries (a file for each query is okay)

Computing Convex Hull (1 point)

    • -1 point if no convex hull command, but only table creation and data insertion commands. Check to see if there’s a query for computing the convex_hull (e.g., ST_CONVEXHULL for POSTGRES)
    • If you are not sure about the correctness of the query, please run the query
Computing the nearest neighbor (1 point)

    • -1 point if no nearest neighbor command, but only table creation and data insertion commands. Check to see if there’s query for getting a nearest neighbor (e.g., ST_Distance for POSTGRES)
    • -0.5 points if their query doesn’t have some sort of ordering/sorting command in it.
    • If you are not sure about the correctness of the query, please run the query.


        ◦ Okay if they hardcode points

        ◦ Okay if they create and use a table to store the 13 points and write queries for the table.
        ◦ Okay if the nearest neighbor command outputs the entire table row.

    4. (1 point) Screenshot and JS OpenLayers Code (CodePen/jsFiddle - okay)

        ◦ -1 point if neither is submitted

The screenshot (0.5 points)

-    0.5 points if no screenshot of Google Earth with all 13 points in it (similar to 1) - the screenshot should show all points are on/inside the convex hull and show the nearest neighbor line.

The code (0.5 points)

        ◦ If they submit the html file, make sure that you can run the file using either: or
        ◦ If they give a link to CodePen/jsFiddle, follow the link and make sure that you can run the code.
        ◦ -0.25 points for each missing point in the map. You may need to zoom out to see all the points (count them)
        ◦ -0.5 points for not using localStorage (if the points directly get plotted, without being stored and retrieved). Check to see if you can something like the following

localStorage.setItem(xxx, thedata); //– store the data

Somevar = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem(xxx)) //parse/retrieve the data Someothervar = somevar.points //use the data

    5. (1 point) Visualization and R script

from step 7: a screenshot of the visualized locations, plus your .R script
    a. -0.5 points for incorrect or missing the location screenshot (e.g. wrong output points).
    b. -0.5 points for incorrect or missing the R script (e.g. wrong parameters or the code doesn’t run).
Sample script and output:

    6. (1 point) Spirograph

a screenshot of your Spirograph™ result from step 8, plus the source code in text form (eg. spiro.{js,py,java,cpp}), .kml, .shp.
    a. -0.25 for missing or incorrect screenshot. (eg. The center for the spiral should be SGM123 as the center for on campus students. For off campus/DEN students, the center of the spirograph can be their home) Note that the spirograph should contain 8 loops.

    b. -0.25 for missing or incorrect source code (js, py, java, cpp, etc). (e.g. the code doesn’t run or the logic/calculation is incorrect – pay close attention to the x and y calculation equations as shown in the sample pic below).
(R = 8, r = 1, a = 4) Sample:

    c. -0.25 for missing or incorrect .kml file (e.g. wrong format, or wrong values that can be recognized from the output spirograph). Again you can use the services/websites/tools (in 1) to run their KML file to verify. It should output the spirograph.
    d. -0.25 for missing a shape file (there should be a .zip file in their submission - You don’t need to unzip it. If a zip file is present, no deduction. But feel free to unzip to verify. There should be files like .shp, .dbf, or .shx extensions in it.)