The goal of this project is to use cube-mapping to create a reflective and refractive display of a bump-mapped math function.
Use the same math function you used in Project #3. You can either use the default surface equation or the Extra Credit equation.
You need to put the parameters for the math function you use (A, B,, C, D, and E) on sliders.
Use a Mix slider variable to blend the reflective and refractive versions of the scene as we did with the cube-mapping example in class.
Also put the index of refraction, Eta, on a slider.
Don't do any lighting. Just use the output from the cube map.
You can use the NVIDIA cube map, the Kelley cube map, or any other cube maps you find.
You can have as many other < uniform variables as you wish.
A Sample Glib File
Perspective 70
LookAt 0 0 3 0 0 0 0 1 0
Vertex texture.vert
Fragment texture.frag
Program Texture TexUnit 6
Texture2D 6 nvposx.bmp
QuadYZ 5. 5. 10 10
Texture2D 6 nvnegx.bmp
QuadYZ -5. 5. 10 10
Texture2D 6 nvposy.bmp
QuadXZ 5. 5. 10 10
Texture2D 6 nvnegy.bmp
QuadXZ -5. 5. 10 10
Texture2D 6 nvposz.bmp
QuadXY 5. 5. 10 10
Texture2D 6 nvnegz.bmp
QuadXY -5. 5. 10 10
CubeMap 6 nvposx.bmp nvnegx.bmp nvposy.bmp nvnegy.bmp nvposz.bmp nvnegz.bmp
CubeMap 7 nvposx.bmp nvnegx.bmp nvposy.bmp nvnegy.bmp nvposz.bmp nvnegz.bmp
Vertex xdecaying.vert
Fragment xdecaying.frag
Program XDecaying \
uReflectUnit 6 \
uRefractUnit 7 \
uA <-1.0 0.00 1.0 \
uB <0.0 2.0 5.0 \
uC <0.0 0.0 12.56 \
uD <0. 0. 5. \
uE <0. 0. 5. \
uEta <0. 1.4 4.0 \
uNoiseAmp <0. 0. 5. \
uNoiseFreq <0.1 1. 5. \
uMix <0. 0. 1.
QuadXY -0.2 1. 200 200
The Turn-In Process:
The turnin for this project will be all of the source files and a PDF report containing:
What you did and explaining why it worked this way
Side-by-side images showing different values for the input parameters
Image(s) showing that your normal computation is correct.
Image(s) showing that your bump-mapping is correct.
An image showing that you can mix the reflective and refractive outputs.
A link to your video
This needs to be a PDF file turned into Teach with your other files. Be sure to keep your PDF outside your .zip file so I can gather up all the PDF files at once with a script.
Feature Points
Reflects correctly 30
Refracts correctly 30
Bump-maps correctly 30
Mixes the reflective and refractive correctly 10
Potential Total 100