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Lab #2: Laser-Based Perception and Navigation with Obstacle Avoidance Solution

The objective of this assignment perform perception using a laser range finder, and use the perceived information to avoid obstacles and navigate to a given destination. Create a new package called lab2, and place the world files (playground.pgm and from the previous assignment in an appropriate sub-folder.

Perception Using Laser Range Finder

For this section, we will implement the RANSAC algorithm to determine the walls “visi- ble” to the robot from the data obtained from the laser range finder. Your program should take the laser scans as inputs and output a set of lines seen by the robot identifying the obstacles in view.

The RANSAC algorithm is as described in class. From the set of points the laser range finder gives, pick two at random and draw a line. Find out the distance of each of the other points from this line, and bin them as inliers and outliers based on if the distance is lesser or greater than a threshold distance. Repeat this for k iterations. After k iterations, pick the line that has the most number of inliers. Drop those points, and repeat the algorithm to the remaining set of points until you have lower than a threshold number of points. You’ll need to experiment with these parameters to find values for the number of iterations, the threshold distance for inliers, and the threshold for the number of points below which you cannot detect lines.

Read through the rviz tutorials. You have to read through the user guide, and built- in data types. Then read through the first two tutorials that explain how you can use markers. If you are programming in python, there is a dated python rviz tutorial that might give you examples to start with.

As a demonstration of your implementation of the RANSAC algorithm, publish the detected lines as lines that can be visualized in rviz . rviz should visualize the detected lines in the robot’s local frame. A simple way to verify that your published lines are correct is to enable both the published lines as well as the laser scan in rviz . If they overlap, then you are detecting the lines correctly.

Please note that rviz visualization took some time for students to set up last year. You should get started as soon as you can. Some of rviz also depends on the graphics hardware and processor speed you have. You can get around these limitations by

• Not use hardware graphics rendering. You can do this by


in your .bashrc or on the command line where you are running the rviz node

• reduce the frame rate so it renders at a reasonable speed. You can do this as soon as the rviz window shows up by changing the frame rate parameter in the column on the left. I keep it at 5 frames per second instead of the default 30 frames per second.

Bug2 algorithm

For this portion, you will implement the bug2 algorithm we recently learnt about. Make the robot start at (-8.0, -2.0) and it should plan its path to (4.5, 9.0). The robot will have to navigate itself avoiding the various obstacles in its way. Implementing bug2 should be straight forward. The pseudocode should be on the slides from class. Your robot will be in one of two states: GOAL SEEK and WALL FOLLOW. The key to this will be the WALL FOLLOW where you will have to use the lines detected in the previous section to drive in parallel to it. Please create a launch file bug2.launch that will launch the world, run the perception node, and execute your controller.

Submission Instructions

You will submit lab2.tar.gz, a compressed archive file containing the lab2 package (folder). The folder should contain the two world files and the pgm file in an appropri- ate sub-folder, two launch files perception.launch and bug2.launch in an appropriate sub-folder, and two controllers - one for the perception and another for the bug2 imple- mentation. The folder should compile if we drop it into our catkin workspace and call catkin make. Please take care to follow the instructions carefully so we can script our tests, and not have to dig into each submission. Problems in running will result in loss of points.

Please use the submit script for submission using the syntax

$ submit cse468 lab2.tar.gz


$ submit cse568 lab2.tar.gz

depending on whether you are taking cse468 or cse568 respectively. Details on the usage of the submit script can be found here.

The assignment is due Tuesday, March 13 before midnight.

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