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Design Assignment #2 Solution

Perform the necessary steps to normalize a database to Third Normal Form and then use a modeling tool such as ER Assistant or Visio to create an ER Diagram of the normalized database.


This assignment will be completed using a spreadsheet and modeling program to create a pdf output. The CS Athena remote terminal server has the necessary software installed and available for student use.


Complete the assignment by performing the following


1.   Use the data file DesignAssignment2Data.pdf as a starting point for your database design.

The file contains some sample data from the online bookstore.

Analyze the data to determine the meaning of the data in order to determine dependencies. Also use your judgment and past experience in the process of identifying data meaning.

2.   Normalize the database to 3NF. Create a spreadsheet showing your 3NF tables including the data.

Under your normalized tables, itemize the steps you took during the process of normalization. For each step describe briefly the process.

The items for 2NF and 3NF should identify the dependencies involved.

3.   Once the database in correctly normalized to 3NF, create an ER diagram using a modeling tool of your choice.

4.   Using CutePDF or another PDF creation tool, save or print your spreadsheet and ER diagram as a

PDF file and submit both of them.

Name the PDF of the normalization spreadsheet file, CS2550D2n.pdf

Name the PDF of the ER Diagram file, CS2550D2m.pdf




Upload the files CS2550D2n.pdf and CS2550D2m.pdf prior to the due date