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Assignment 5 Solution

class Time {

private int hour;

private int minute;

private int second;


public Time( ) { }

public Time(int hr , int min, int sec) { }

public void setTime(int hr , int min, int sec) { }

public void printTime( ) { }

public void tick( ) {

// tick method defined



The class Time defines a time object. It represents time (military time) in 2400 hours.

10 AM = 10 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds

4 PM = 16 hours, 0 minutes and 0 seconds

7:26PM = 19 hours, 26 miunutes and 0 seconds

Assume 0 represents 00 in this case.

Implement the two constructor:
Time(): will set the instance variables to zero.

Time(int hr , int min, int sec): will set the time with parameters passed in.

2) Implement the setTime method to set the instance variables according to the values passed in.

3) Implement the printTime method to print time in hours:minutes:seconds

e.g. 16:37:23

4) Implement the tick( ) method that will increment the time object by one second. Remember that 60 seconds = 1 minute, 60 minutes = 1 hour, and the max hours is 24.

5) Test the time object. Increment the Time object by 60 seconds and print out the time.

Repeat question 5 for several different instances of the Time object. Each instance should have a different starting time.

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